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Your time to be set free-4


Sunday Night, Jan-06-2019

Declare, “this is the year of my set free; greatness and miracles are following me. Step by step, child of God, you are marching to your greatness.

We have given marching orders of this year. This is our year. This is the year of the set free. This is your year of raising, abundance, marriage and travelling. May the miracles of the Lord follow you.

The scripture says, But when the time of the promise drew nigh, which God had sworn to Abraham, the people grew and multiplied in Egypt [Acts 7:17]. Child of God, the church of Christ in Uganda is going to be multiplied. Why should someone yield himself in a place where he can be cursed quickly? No matter who tries to sabotage you, the Lord sent me to tell you that “this is your year of greatness.”

I am here to tell you that the Holy Spirit has appointed you to be a leader in your family. There is going to be many substitutions and God is replacing them with you. Those who have stolen people’s land, God is substituting them with you – the leader of righteousness. You are about to lead your clan.

The scripture says, In the year that king Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lift up, and his train filled the temple [Isaiah 6:1]. You have been seeing lack, now start to see abundance. After the death of king Uzziah, this is when Isaiah begins to talk about the coming Messiah, the Prince of peace, the wonderful counsellor [Isaiah 9:6]. Do you know the other names of Christ? He is called the avenger and when He avenges for you, the blind eyes are opened, and the lame begin to walk. Your business is going to walk. You who has not been seeing money, its coming.

Isaiah 35:4 amazes, it states: say to them [that are] of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come [with] vengeance, [even] God [with] a recompence; he will come and save you. Verse 5, Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. The blind is going to see you. He said, the deaf ears shall be opened”. They are those that have your money, this year – they will hear and bring forth your money. Those working in the passport office, their ears shall be opened because God has already given us His word that 77 Days of Glory is going to Nations. Now see this, after Uzziah died, Isaiah prophesied the coming of the Messiah. From Uzziah to Messiah through Isaiah.

In the book of Acts, the scripture has said, when the time of the set free approached they multiplied. God is looking for a person who will lead His people to be set free, and the time for the set free is now. The scripture says, when the time to be set free came, He multiplied them. I am here to declare, those who have feared the mushroomed churches, you have not seen yet, you are about to see churches in your vehicles and offices, prayer alters are going to increase everywhere, at schools, market centers, and you need to know that this started already. It is out of your hands and you cannot organize the Holy Spirit!

Balookole (Born-agains), I ask you to multiply yourselves. Do not play with God, even in the house of the President, there are “Pastors.Now you State Minister, your Permanent Secretary is about to become a pastor who will lay hands on you:

STILL TO COME: Tell your neighbour, grow up. When people grow up, they no longer do stupid stuff!

©Missions Department – Robert Kayanja Ministries