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Your time to be set free-3


Acts 7:17, Jan/07/2019

Declare with me, this is the year of my set free; greatness and miracles are following me.”

This is your year of rising, abundance, marriage, travelling and no matter who tries to sabotage you, the Lord has sent me to tell you that this is your year of greatness.

The Holy Spirit has appointed you to be a leader in your family and at your workplace. Whosoever stole your land, God is substituting them with you. You are about to see the Lord [Isaiah 6:1].

The bible says when the time for them to be set free approached, they grew and multiplied [Acts 7:17]. I pray for all the Born-agains to multiply themselves.

Child of God, no one is going to confuse you again. With titles or no titles, miracles are going to happen in your homes. The bible says, they grew & multiplied.

Listen to this as I conclude, when people grow up, they no longer do stupid stuff! We are going to grow up in the things of God, in forgiving, in loving one another, in serving and even in giving.

©Missions Department – Robert Kayanja Ministries