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You need to be Prepared


# 77Days of Glory 

We are left with 18months to mark 400years when the first ship carrying Africans as slaves landed in the United States of America. Previously it was Africans who used to take fellow Africans into slavery but the first ship to take Africans for slavery it was in 1619.

People of God, this is a Season of Preparation. Any training is part of preparation. You must train for a mission and prepare for a life. If we were not trained by the Holy Spirit during the 49 crusades, we could not have handled these 77D.O.Gs. Our teams the security and the TV crew were trained to stand for long hours. Here at the Miracle Center Cathedral, we have been PREPARED.

Today is July-01 and it marks one year since we left church. We have been outside for one full year. All this has been PREPARATION. Preparation is for a lifetime. Here at the 77D.O. Gs, at the Miracle Center Cathedral, the Lord has prepared us, and we are going to be better than the Israelites. If you are not prepared, you can be crushed by simple things.

The children of Israel who were former slaves were not prepared. Only Moses was prepared. Aaron was not prepared. We see it when the Israelites brought gold to him as an offering to God and instead, he made a golden calf- witchcraft [Exodus 32:2-5].

Look at the person next to you and tell them: it is not the size of the dog that determines the fight, but it is the fight inside a dog. Look at this: Abraham asked God, how will this ever happen? And God told him that he will have a son called Isaac. When Abraham looked at his wife Sarah, he said to himself, Sarah cannot produce for me a child and she is aged. Abraham started to complain to the Lord. Then God told him to an heifer, a she goat, a ram, a turtledove, and a young pigeon. Whenever you offer to God, you attract His presence into your life [Genesis 15:8-9].

The ambassador of Israel was here the other day, and we discussed. He told me that over 1000 Israeli companies are coming to Uganda in November to showcase. You – born again, you must be there. You must prepare yourself. Even today, there is a Farmer’s showcase there in Lubiri (King’s Palace), you must go there and learn how modern farming is done. You need to be prepared.

God told Abraham, you will have a son and let Me show you what will happen to your grandchildren. They will be in slavery for four hundred years [Genesis 15:13]. Child of God, you will be talked about 400 years to come. May the Lord add to each one of you 400 years. God made the Israelites to make bricks in Egypt because He was preparing them for the miles they were to travel [Exodus 5:8]. Every situation you are going through is preparing you for greatness. Some of you think that your situations are too dark. God first made it dark such that Jesus appears. Even to Abraham, God appeared when it was appearing dark [Genesis 15:12]. The devil thinks that God does not work during nighttime. We of the 77D.O. Gs, God has prepared us, we work during the day and at night we pray.

There is a certain man in the bible who spent 38 years at the pool because he was not prepared on how to fall into the pool when the Angel of the Lord stirs up the water. Jesus came and asked him, do you want to be healed? This man responded, I want but no one has prepared me for fall into the pool [John 5:5-7]. People of God, all the Israelites died in the wilderness because they were not prepared by Aaron the high priest. Aaron himself was not prepared. How can you be a high priest without a priestly garment? The moment Aaron wore that garment, the anointing came upon him, but the day he made that golden calf the anointing left him. When the garment was removed from him, he immediately died.

As I conclude: God instructed us to publish the Holy Spirit. So far, we have distributed over 7million copies for free. And what is coming is so heavy. You must ask the Holy Spirit to prepare you. If God does not prepare us, stuff might kill us. 

©Missions Department – Robert Kayanja Ministries