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You are crossing over


#Miracle Healing Overnight-June/08/2018

I don’t know if you are aware that in the next 19 months, we are crossing over. I say unto you that you shall lack nothing as it was in 2 Samuel 17:22. Child of God, in the next few minutes, miracles are going to happen in this place, the blind eyes are going to open and diseases shall be healed in Jesus’ name. You are about to go to a level you have never been before.

2 Samuel 17:22 [KJV] says, Then David arose, and all the people that [were] with him, and they passed over Jordan: by the morning light there lacked not one of them that was not gone over Jordan. People of God, the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us FREE. The scripture says, choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live [Deuteronomy 30:19]. People of God, reasoning can’t give you life. God has given each one of us a measure of faith. Jesus said, even though you have faith as little as a mustard seed, it can move mountains. There’s a scripture that says, while we were still sinners, Jesus died for us [Romans 5:8].

Look at this, Jesus told his disciples to seat the people down while others were chasing them away [John 6:1-7]. People of God, in 2019 it will mark 400 years when the first ship with African slaves landed in Boston – United States of America. We are entering a zone for our redemption as Africans! People of God, in Genesis 2:5 when man was coming into existence, there was no rain on earth. From Genesis 2:6 to Genesis 20, it is still raining. Therefore, if God has ever done it, He will do it again. If God did it and Amin is no more, even these kidnappers will be no more in Uganda in Jesus’name. Tell your neighbour, IF GOD DID IT IN THE PAST, HE WILL DO IT AGAIN. Child of God, how can you turn water into wine? How can you make a crippled girl to run? If God has ever saved the Hebrew boys, He will do it again to save you and your loved ones. If God saved us from Cholera, from Kony and Idi Amin, He will deliver us from these murderers. If the blood of the Lamb of God (Jesus) saved the Hebrews, just apply it and it will save you too [Exodus 12:13]. I HEAR THE SPIRIT OF GOD SAY, IN 41 DAYS, THESE MURDERERS AND KIDNAPPERS WILL EITHER BE KILLED OR BE ARRESTED!

People of God, the Hebrews went through the doors of blood as slaves but by morning, they walked out free and highly favoured. The scripture(Exodus 3:21) says, and Moses told them to go to their masters-the Egyptians and this is what happened, they that were slaves were favored by their masters and given stuff. They came out of their houses smelling the smoke of the lamb. Say to yourself, AM SMELLING JESUS!!

They went to the Egyptians and demanded for gold, silver and clothes! Tell your neighbour, you have to be bold. The scripture says, they that know their God shall do exploits [Daniel 11:32]. Let us go back to 2 Samuel 17:22. Child of God, you are about to be recognized; there is an invisible light shining on you. Tell your neighbour, look at me—look at me! Get ready, people are going to come for you and say that the master needs you; can you come over to that table. The scripture says “then David arose!”…and people followed him. There is a corporate anointing here. Child of God, this is non-negotiable, whether your mother-in-law is a witch, she will go with you.

Ugandan family, you are coming with me to the God of the Bible. We are not leaving anybody behind, whether you like it or not – you are coming with us. No believer is staying in poverty, debt, sickness. They are all coming with us. The scripture has said, “they lacked nothing among themselves.” This is what David prophesied about in Psalms 114:3. Child of God, these guys were crossing the Jordan river, and Jordan said, move back…move back because Israel is walking out of slavery. As they crossed over, stuff was waiting for them on the banks of Jordan river.

Let me prophecy, Religion is going vomit your loved ones in these 19 months. You are leading your family out of poverty. Child of God, this is the time to walk out and we can’t leave you. I don’t mind for how long you have been in salvation, but in these 19 months, the world is about to see the God in you! People of God, the prayer we are about to pray requires us to get rid of certain things like witchcraft.

Thank you for ceaselessly giving and supporting the Robert Kayanja Ministries and we believe this message has been a blessing to your spirit. Don’t miss, this Easter Monday [April 5th-2021], we have a Drive-in Miracle Service at Kololo Airstrip (independence grounds) from 3pm to 5pm. Invite your friends and loved ones.

©Missions Department – Robert Kayanja Ministries