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WISDOM: Seed Part 3


#Wisdom: Seed Part3||Gen 47:13-24

We are living in prophetic times and its very important for us to understand the season we are living in, for the scripture says that the sons of Issachar knew the times and seasons. This is a season of rain where we have to grow food despite those complaining about it. And since we don’t know what to do with the waters, we need these three things; wisdom, knowledge and understanding. The Lord as our Shepherd has put a rod between our ears because we have not been hearing what He says yet “faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God” [Romans 10:17]. Acts 7:51 reads “[You] stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ‘ears’! You always resist the Holy Spirit; as your fathers [did,] so [do] you.” I believe the world is being drawn back to the Shepherd of our souls.

The economies of the world are locking down and there’s nothing that has ever locked down the world like this COVID-19. It’s a crown from hell and it has attributes of Satan because it came to steal, kill and destroy, but we need a greater power that will defeat it, and that is why Jesus told the disciples never to leave Jerusalem until the Holy Ghost had come upon them because He is the power [Act 1:8].

From power you come to wisdom which will lead you to sacrifice, and you must adopt the biblical economics. You have a choice to dream and help humanity or to call yourself a god. There were two Pharaohs; the one who worked with a Hebrew to help humanity and the other who was rebellious and called himself god that the Lord God sent him Moses who taught him what the Real God does and he faced 10 pestilences like this corona virus.

You need the Joseph Interpretation because he was more concerned about humanity; Pharaoh was going to take over the whole world but through Joseph’s wisdom, people’s dignity was restored back. You need fellow dreamers; Joseph was a dreamer like Pharaoh yet he was still young but for him to get to Egypt, he had to go through strange ways. Every dreamer must connect to the other dreamer and for that to happen, you must have wisdom.

When Joseph took bread to his brothers, it was a sign of crackers and wheat they would taste in Egypt, and when they threw him into a dry pit, it symbolically meant famine. Beloved, the very dream you have is your vehicle to your destiny. And the bible says, Praise (Judah) came and got him out of the dry pit and sold him to the Ishmaelites [Ishmael was a son of Hagar who fled to Egypt] who also sold him to Potiphar, one of Pharaoh’s officers. What is gonna get you out of your situation is praise.

Potiphar bought Joseph not only for himself but to save Egypt in the future. You must buy that which is valuable, and whatever you do should be for the betterment of your country. Be the Potiphar of today! [Genesis 37:12-36]. Egypt ended up being a superpower with all the money of Egypt and Canaan coming to the house of Pharaoh because the Pharaohs were sowers; they sowed in Abraham and now Joseph.

Potiphar’s wife didn’t know how valuable Joseph was; her husband was a high official of Pharaoh and maybe Joseph would have asked Pharaoh for Potiphar to be his assistant but the Potiphars were just jealousy about him that they threw him in prison. You can handle a situation as an opportunity or as a curse; nobody talked about Potiphar but the entire Egypt talked about Joseph including Potiphar’s house. You have to understand this, when Joseph was sold by his brothers, he said nothing; when Potiphar’s wife came to him, he said NO, and when he was thrown into prison, he emerged out at the top.

Pharaoh interpreted Joseph’s dream by appointing him as prime minister of Egypt, likewise Joseph literally interpreted Pharaoh’s dream. Joseph demonstrated wisdom, and once you have wisdom, get understanding. Do you know why those seven spirits of God are in that order? It is because you need the Holy Ghost first because He is the power, then riches follow; money is what was used to buy Joseph and Jesus, then wisdom comes in.

However powerful and rich you may be but if you lack wisdom, knowledge and understanding, you are bound to fail. And once you have wisdom and strength, you will be able to use your riches well. Samson had strength but lacked wisdom, he burnt the gardens of the Philistines yet Joseph used wisdom to control and help the Egyptians.

Our former President, Idi Amin, had strength with no wisdom and that is what led to his downfall. Ephesians 3:16 reads, “that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man.” It’s my prayer that God will give you wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding. If you have power, riches, wisdom, strength but you have no honor, you’re not a man of your word; we must be honorable. We also need the glory which is the presence of God; we are gonna live because of His glory; Jesus prayed to the Father and said, “The glory which You gave Me I have given them…” [John 17:22].

Samson destroyed the Philistines but he never built Israel. We are gonna destroy this COVID-19 but we must build our country, airlines and ourselves into a force so that we can be able to help the other parts of Africa. We need to build ourselves in wisdom!

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