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Why Me Why Now? – Overnight


#Friday Miracle Overnight, Oct-23rd 

#Horns and Eyes

Revelation 5:6, And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth. These horns and eyes work together. When they come on the earth, they look like the seven spirits of God, but actually they are very powerful. Remember, whenever God is going to send anything on a mission, He sends it two by two; the word and the Spirit. And sent two by two the seventy disciples [Luke 10:1]. Adam and Eve, heaven and Earth, and that’s how He works. He told Abraham to split his offering into two [Genesis 15:10]. Two are better than one [Ecclesiastes 4:9]. That is how God operates and once you understand that, you will never be alone. He says, I will be with you always. I will ask the Father to send you the Holy Spirit. So, child of God, God is the God of the double. He is not going to leave you alone. He is going to help you.

When He talks about the horns and then the eyes, yesterday I shared with you about the eyes, that the eyes of your understanding may be open, that you may be able to see what you have never seen before. God wants you to see what you have never seen before, for it’s a promise.  The Father said, eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, that is what He has prepared for those who love Him and those who are called to His purpose [1 Corinthians 2:9]. You’re called according to His purpose. You’re a child of a living God. You ought to see what no man is seeing. Spiritual blindness is one of the most dangerous things that will ever happen to anybody. It is even worse than cancer, Ebola and COVID-19. Because the bible clearly says, Who is blind but my servant. If the blind leads the blind, both of them will fall into a ditch [Matthew 15:14]. The moment you become blind [spiritually], you’re in serious trouble. Isaiah 42:19, Who [is] blind, but my servant? or deaf, as my messenger [that] I sent? who [is] blind as [he that is] perfect, and blind as the LORD’S servant? God knows that you can be perfect, and I believe there are many people who are perfect there; there’s no sin in their lives, they have repented and walked upright, and you are serving the living God. You’re a minister, wherever you’re in the marketplace, God has blessed you but child of God, blindness is there. Jesus Christ actually talked about it. He said, “since you say now you see, now you’re blind” [John 9:41]. He was talking to the people of Israel who were claiming to see and to know that they were descendants of Abraham, but I want to tell you this, in the 38 years I have spent in ministry, I have seen how we ministers of the gospel can become. We are so blind that we can’t see even the obvious. We can’t see that God who called us and anointed us can still anoint another person. God called us when we had no qualifications. We didn’t have anything but He saw that it was fit to call us in His ministry and calling, and yet when we reach where we are, we think He can’t use anybody else or He can’t call anybody else. We are so blind that we can’t even see the angels of the LORD who are with us, that those with us are greater than those against us. We can’t even see that.

Spiritual blindness is so powerful and dangerous that it makes your brain dull. It causes your muscles to be null and void. You can’t even see the hand of God. You go on complaining. Child of God, religious sight is so bad that it gives you a false impression. You think that you’re fine because you wake up in the morning and pray for one hour then you go to work and when you bring the food, you also bless it. You do all those things knowing that you’re well and fine, you’re religious who prays seven times a day. And God says, you think you see, your sin remains; If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth [John 9:41]. So, child of God, when we don’t have spiritual sight and yet we claim we have eyes to see, our sin remaineth, and sin is what brought Jesus Christ to be removed. We need to see. Moses was a man who saw the power of God and His oracles; he saw the burning bush; he saw his hand turn into leprosy and turning into a hand again; he saw a stick turning into a snake and becoming a stick again; he saw the mighty hand of God stretched over Egypt; he saw the Red sea parting but he came to a place whereby he could not see where he was going. Numbers 10:29, And Moses said unto Hobab, the son of Raguel the Midianite, Moses’ father in law, We are journeying unto the place of which the LORD said, I will give it you: come thou with us, and we will do thee good: for the LORD hath spoken good concerning Israel. Child of God, in the times we are living in, it doesn’t matter how qualified or experienced you’re, God will always send you a miracle from above. He will show you the way and lead you. Moses didn’t need a man to show him a way in Egypt because he had been there. Many of the things you’ve been, you may not need an eye, but I tell you, we have reached a stage whether you’re a billionaire or rich man, whether a politician or pastor, that we need now the seven eyes of the spirit. We need the seven eyes of God. The seven eyes of the lamb of God, and we need them today so that we can be able to cross through this COVID-19 that is rigging economies, destroying politics, shutting down schools and the churches are left at 70. This COVID-19, I don’t know if it’s man-made or wherever it came from, it seems to have a touch from lucifer. 

Listen to this: Moses went to Reuel, the priest of Midian who had seven daughters with no son. He married his eldest daughter Zipporah. But because Moses met God on Mount. Sinia and came down, Reuel’s wife conceived and gave birth to a son called Hobab. I want you to understand this that the anointing is not here to deliver but to cause you to produce. You can’t come down from Mount. Sinia, you can’t see the burning bush and the oracles of God and then remain the SAME. Even the people whom you’re going to live among and those you stay with, they are going to be affected by the presence and power of God whether they know it or not. Reuel only had daughters and when Moses came, Hobab had to be born. Moses now says to Hobab, you know the area and this place very well. Numbers 10:30-31, And he said unto him, I will not go; but I will depart to mine own land, and to my kindred. And he said, Leave us not, I pray thee; forasmuch as thou knowest how we are to encamp in the wilderness, and thou mayest be to us instead of eyes. In other words, we know how we are going to camp and the Lord shall direct us but will you be our eyes? This doesn’t mean that Moses was blind, NO, they had reached a stage where this young man, a product of the anointing had to become their eyes. The eyes of the Lamb of God must become your eyes. These physical eyes, the eyes with which you judge people the way they look like, or how tall they are or how short they are, or whether they speak your language or not. When you look at people, your eyes mock. Your natural eyes have a tendency of mocking people; Hagar mocked Sarah and yet she was a slave to her. Hagar was supposed to serve Sarah but she mocked her because she had gotten pregnant and Sarah wasn’t. Do not judge people by your naked eyes. The people you’re despising, mocking and chastening today, you don’t know what they are going to become tomorrow. You don’t know what God has for them tomorrow. For the LORD is not a respecter of any person [Acts 10:34]. The stone which was rejected now has become a cornerstone [Mark 12:10]. Those who rejected this stone looked at it with their naked eyes of humanity. Some of the eyes of architects say this can’t be a cornerstone, its edges are so rough, throw it away. When the earthquake takes place, you find the stones that were rejected as the cornerstones. I know that I am talking to someone this morning, I know that I am talking to a lady, a man or youth, pastor, preacher, politician wherever you’re, stop using your natural eyes.

Moses was a man who had seen it all. He saw because He grew up in the palace of Pharaoh; he saw the house of Midian; he saw Mount. Sinia, and he was a man full of the anointing but do you know what, he reached a stage and asked for another man to be his eyes. He said, why [Hobab] don’t you be our eyes? They were two million people and it was the pillar of fire leading them. They were eating Angel’s food, these were not ordinary people. They are people who had an experience, but they reached a point and said to the product of the anointing (the son of Moses’ father-in-law) to be their eyes. That’s why when you bless Israel, God gives you eyes. He gives you eyes to see. He gives you that which will become eyes. God will give you a product of Grace and the anointing. I declare, you’re about to produce that which nobody has ever produced; you’re about to produce greatness; you’re about to produce the power of God; you’re about to produce children who shall become eyes to the world. He has told us in Isaiah, Who [is] blind, but my servant? or deaf, as my messenger [that] I sent? who [is] blind as [he that is] perfect. I know you’re perfect and there’s no sin, iniquity in your life, and you love the Lord but don’t you think that there’s something wrong with you? You would have already seen the Grace and mercies of God. You would have already seen Mount. Sinai. Moses’ brother (Aaron) was in Egypt and had the title of a high priest and Miriam was a prophetess but they were in bondage and couldn’t see a way out. And yet Moses who grew up in the hands of Pharaoh with a talisman and witchcraft, bowing down to Pharoah as a god, when he (Moses) came and joined his brethren, he realized that he was not Egyptian. He realized that he was Hebrew and one day when he saw (am talking about eyes that have been illuminated with the spirit of God) an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, he went to the Egyptian and just touched him, the man died. You’re about to touch several things that have been plaguing your family like poverty, not getting married, not having family, children dying young, accidents and diseases, you’re about to stretch your hand and demons will die in your family. I prophesy, you’re about to stretch your hand and witchcraft will go. You’re about to stretch your hand because you have got a revelation. You’re not an Egyptian, you’re a child of God. The church of Jesus Christ, we are not Egyptians but rather Hebrews. In the name of Jesus, we are not Egyptians but Hebrews. Child of God, wherever you’re, may God give you revelation that your eyes may see and understand that the situation you’re in right now is about to burst. Your condition is about to change and to leave. 

He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, and he touched him and the man died immediately. That which has been plaguing your family for years and years, It’s about to die. And Moses buried the Egyptian in the sand alone but a certain Hebrew saw him who couldn’t understand what was going on; he didn’t know that a revolution had begun; he didn’t know that it was time to fight back; he didn’t know that he was a man pleaser. He was perfect, he was Hebrew. He saw what had happened and one day, he saw one Hebrew fighting another Hebrew, and Moses told them to stop. He told them, you’re brethren, what’s wrong with you, why are you exposing yourselves, killing yourselves, you are the same family, you’re supposed to give a hand to each other, when someone falls you lift him up,  and that Hebrew couldn’t see it. He saw  a murderer and said, do you want to kill me also, as you killed the other Egyptian. He reported Moses and he had to run away….

Friends, I have to end this text here, and to complete this entire teaching, click on this link to watch the rebroadcast and you will be blessed:

If you have never given your life to Jesus and you want to make Him first in your life, just say this simple prayer: “Lord Jesus, I ask you to be the Lord of my life; forgive me of all my sins; cleanse me; I believe You died on the cross for me and You rose from the dead. I ask you to be first in my life. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit; make me a new person and I believe in You in Jesus’ name.” You are Now a born again.

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©Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department