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Why Me Why Now? [9]


#Sunday Service, November-1st-2020

When Jesus was baptized, the heaven opened, the Holy Spirit descended on Him and the voice spoke, and that’s what we need today. We need to hear from God. We have heard enough of everything. We have heard enough of people talking but we need the Lord to talk to us. We need a fresh anointing to visit us. We need God to use us again. Because if we don’t, God is a God of seven; am afraid that number five, six and seven may not be good but 2 Chronicles 7:13 & 14 are the game changer. We are turning away from our wicked ways; from stealing His tithe; we are seeking His face; we are bringing our seeds and we are ready to see great things happening.

We are still studying “Why Me Why Now?”, and everyone is wondering why it’s raining the way it’s raining? Let me speak to you from this point of view. Before this COVID-19, the LORD had warned this country. He showed us in 2 Chronicles 7:13 and said, if I send the drought, the locusts and the pestilence; so we knew. The moment the drought came, followed by the locusts, we would have gone to the bible and sought the LORD. Because sometimes we have our own agendas and series we are teaching, we don’t want to be interrupted. They that are led by the spirit are the children of God [Romans 8:14], and it’s very important for us to know that when you’re led by the spirit you’re a child of God. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing, God will interrupt what you’re doing. That’s why He interrupted us, and we had to spend hundreds of millions to lock all the media houses on the day of Yom Kippur [September-28th-2020], the day of atonement to pray for this nation. It cost us a lot but we would have used that money to finish our road or pay for the truck but obedience is better than sacrifice. For you to eat the good of the land, it is going to depend entirely on your obedience [Isaiah 1:19]. Your betterment and success in life will not depend on your fasting and praying but it will depend on your obedience. If your fasting is obedient to what God has told you then you have a blessing but if it’s just a religious ritual then you’re going to be struggling in life. You will say, I did this Lord. That’s why He said in Isaiah 58, “Is this not the fast I told you?” A fasting with obedience will create great results. Child of God, God is going to fight for you, protect you, guide you and you shall be the head and not the tail. 

Get this: I want to share with you something that is going to revolutionize your thinking especially in the times we are living. I have been laboring to teach information and revelation that intercepts to bring innovation. And I was using Isaac’s family. This family of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, they have a monopoly of the God we serve. This Jehovah God is known in this world as the God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob. Three generations but also three different entities. It reveals the awesomeness of our God; the power of the Almighty God. It revealed the God that is able to do exceedingly and abundantly because He is God. He revealed to Abraham as God Almighty. He revealed Himself to Moses as the Lord [Exodus 6:2-3]. So He revealed His character as God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit; as God the creator, God the Redeemer and God the empowerer. So you see this in God through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He was God Almighty to Abraham, God the Redeemer to Isaac (because Isaac was supposed to die; God said to Abraham, “give me Isaac but also Isaac represents the church) and then Jacob the one filled with the Holy Spirit. God is a producer. He causes you to do things. So allow me to share with you something that will revolutionize your life. 

We are going to go to Revelation 5, the one that talks about the eye. Verse 6, And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth. Remember seven horns, seven eyes. So these seven horns and the seven eyes turn into the seven spirits of God, and we know what it is; power, riches, wisdom, strength, honour, glory and blessing [Revelation 5:12]. So those are the seven spirits of God that were sent forth on the earth. They come from the Lamb of God who was able to receive the book and open the seals so that we could be blessed, and when the book was opened, it was the seven spirits [Revelation 5:5]. But He talks about the eye – the seven eyes of God. Then in Isaiah 42:19, the Lord says, Who [is] blind, but my servant? or deaf, as my messenger [that] I sent? who [is] blind as [he that is] perfect, and blind as the LORD’S servant? So child of God, first of all we are His servants. He also says, servants are blind.  Among the servants, there are those who are sent. Many are called but the chosen are few. Then, those who are His Messengers whom He has specifically sent, He says, those ones are deaf. They don’t even hear me anymore. I sent them and they just left. They no longer listen to me. Then He says, who is blind like he that is perfect?  So even those who are perfect, they are blind. And the bible talks about Job, he was a perfect man; he was the greatest of all the men of the east but now we see he was blind [Job 1:1]. It was until God commanded his friends and they brought him seven cows, seven rams so that he could make an atonement for them and for himself [Job 42:8]. So he [Job] had forgotten that God operates with the seven. 

Child of God, we are so blind that we can’t even see the obvious. We just ask the Holy Spirit to open our eyes. Jesus Christ said, The Spirit of the Lord [is] upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind,...[Luke 4:18]. Child of God, why does He open the  blind eyes? Jesus said that He was sent to the lost house of Israel. So who is blind? The lost house of Israel. We are the lost, we who are the church. Let’s go back to Isaac. Who is Isaac? Isaac represents the church. He represents God’s chosen people. Because He said, You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and [that] your fruit should remain… [John 15:16]. Isaac is the son of Abraham, a man whom God showed His power, that in only three years if we give every chapter [of Genesis] a year based on the age of Abraham, you will discover that Abraham when God appeared to him; he had a barren woman, they didn’t have a lot of wealth but God told him, “I will bless you if you listen to My voice!” And guess what happened? Abraham believed God and He gave him righteousness. So we realize that faith and belief will give you righteousness. You now have a right standing before God. So you can now plead your case and even have access to God. As many as believe in Him, He gave them power to become sons of God [John 1:12]. Not yet the temple of God but at least they are sons of God. So we have that access and it comes by believing and having faith in God and then we are established. “Righteousness establishes you and me.” Establishment without prosperity is not enough. Remember the Lord your God, and believe Him, you will be established. Believe His prophets (the anointed ones) you will prosper. All of us want to exist and to live but we also want to prosper. 

Isaac is the son of Abraham. Abraham is already established. By the time Abraham died, the bible says, his eyes were not dim and strength was still in his body. The man just rested. He didn’t die, but he rested. He wasn’t sick or had anything; he just expired. Child of God, that’s what you’re supposed to be. Remember this, it’s supposed to be from glory to glory. That’s why if your parents who didn’t have much money, education, opportunities, no mobile phones, no jobs, they could raise up and get married; they had a little piece of land where they built a home where you call your village and they produced you and educated you, then you who has all these things, you’re supposed to do much more better than they are. But if you don’t pay attention, you will die like mere men; you will die as though you have never been privileged. Your parents will look much more better in terms of resources, work, diligence and in terms of impact. You’re supposed to do better; if they had a leased land, you are going to have your own mailo land. If they produced two children, you will produce four if not twelve, and that’s what happened to Isaac. Abraham produced only one child (Isaac) apart from Ismail, the child of the promise, and Isaac produced twins. It was supposed to go to another level. When you look at Jacob, he had twelve and a daughter and he also adapted two more. So Jacob had fourteen. It doesn’t diminish. It’s not diminishing returns. 

As I conclude: The deeper we get in God, the better its supposed to be. But child of God, if we don’t understand what is happening to us, we will never tap into that multiplicity; the power that multiplies the anointing and blessing; the power that causes us to excel.

Friends, allow me to end this text here, and to watch the rebroadcast of this entire message, click on this link and you will be blessed:

If you have never given your life to Jesus and you want to make Him first in your life, just say this simple prayer: “Lord Jesus, I ask you to be the Lord of my life; forgive me of all my sins; cleanse me; I believe You died on the cross for me and You rose from the dead. I ask you to be first in my life. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit; make me a new person and I believe in You in Jesus’ name.” You are Now a born again.

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©Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department