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Why Me Why Now? [8]


#Thursday Revival Night, Oct-29th

Isaiah 42:19, Who [is] blind, but my servant? or deaf, as my messenger [that] I sent? who [is] blind as [he that is] perfect, and blind as the LORD’S servant? We servants of God can’t see God, and can’t hear Him better. In the book of Genesis, Pharaoh was looking for people who could take his kingdom to another level; people who were able to secure the Nation. In fact that’s where you find this word, Food Security. Yesterday we hosted the Israeli ambassador to Uganda and he said that we cannot depend on other people’s produce. We can’t depend on others to be favorable to us. We need to take matters in our own hands. So, if you’re a person of God, you have the ability and the potential to change every circumstance. Even when it has been drought, locusts and COVID-19, you are the one who has the key to stop number 4, 5, 6, 7,8…[2 chronicles 7:13-14]. Whatever the devil is planning or intends to bring your way, you can reverse the situation.

Now if you’re a servant of God, you have the keys to bind and to loose [Matthew 18:18]. Upon this rock of revelation I will build my church. Let’s look at Joseph and Pharoah. Joseph had no good standing; publically he was humiliated and falsely accused of raping his grandmother; I mean the kind of a grandmother. Potiphar’s wife was an old woman. You know to reach that position, you have to be an old man and woman. Potiphar is a title, it’s not just a name. That’s why when Joseph wanted to marry, he married the daughter of Potipharie, the chief of the Potiphars. So Potiphar is a title and a position like Pharoah. Pharoah is not the name of an Egyptian somebody, it’s a title. Child of God, you don’t reach that level (of Potiphar) when you’re 23 years or 25years, you reach that level when you’re in your 70’s. Now to accuse Joseph that he was raping Potiphar’s wife, that was not just crazy or bad but it’s insane. Nevertheless, Joseph’s life is now locked in prison. Child of God, if where you’re doesn’t become a prison, if where you’re, you don’t see it as a lockdown; if where you’re, you don’t look at it as a limitation, you will make it your habitation. You will stay there. You will comfortably stay there. The enemy has a way of comfortably making us to stay in prison; in the environment of poverty and limitation, because Joseph was in prison and the prison warden made him chief of the section where he was. Now to an ordinary man, that’s promotion, favor, oh man I am doing well; things are tough and rough but at least I am better. I have a bed and I am not like the other prisoners. 

Child of God, we were never made to survive. No, prison is prison. We are at liberty. Where the spirit of the Lord is, there’s liberty. God is about to free you from your littleness even if it’s comfortable or somebody has given you favor, NO, you cannot live like that. You’re going to walk by the power of the Almighty God. Heaven is about to release a blessing upon you. Your hands will see it. You’re about to see the glory of the LORD, the prosperity of our God and the salvation of our redeemer. Prison is prison. It doesn’t matter whether you have a vono mattress, a beautiful bed in prison or a wardrobe in prison; prison is prison and you must not stay there. You were never made to be in prison. You were never made to be in limitation. You see Joseph had things in there and they were giving him some small stuff. Any ordinary man who doesn’t see limitations will start testifying; that though I was falsely accused and am in prison, at least I eat better. That’s why Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego in their childhood, they refused to eat the food of the king. Daniel 1:8, But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself. Daniel and his companions had traveled all the way from Jerusalem to Babylon and they were given the most expensive food to eat, and the wine that the king drank. Daniel refused and said, you’re defiling me. When you look at the word defile, we translate it differently in every language, but there is a filing or a defile. To file means to be sharpened or to be documented or to be sparked on or to be at the cutting edge. Daniel said, you are taking away my sharpness and keeping me from the file. Child of God, your name is in the file. That’s exactly what Jesus told His disciples, not to rejoice because demons obey them but rather rejoice that their names are written in the book of life [Luke 10:20]. You have been filed and God is going to look at your file, and He will see how you have been behaving. Each one of us has a file, and the things which are gonna be written in it; you must have a car, you must be used by God, you’re a miracle worker and you’re a child of God. Do not defile me. Also to sharpen, you use a file. Child of God, you’re already a soldier of the LORD. You’re already in there. Don’t defile me with the appeasements when I am locked up; I am going to win; I am going to make it; I am not here to survive; I am not here to be drunk by what you think is the best; I am on a cutting edge and I came here to be on fire; I see something better. I don’t want to eat your food and to drink your wine, I came here to become a governor. You brought me here and challenged me to this; I was okay at my Mama’s house; I was okay in Jerusalem; I was worshipping Jehovah but since you brought me here, I am going to show who has a better God. Because you worship a different god and you dedicate your food to idols. We don’t do that. We pray to our God. We call upon the blessing of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and He blesses the bread and water. We believe in the God of life; we believe in the living God. I don’t want to touch what you have touched; I don’t want to touch what the devil has touched. 

I am gonna eat what God created. I am gonna use what I have. I am just gonna depend on this, but in TEN DAYS, that’s what these ten days of fasting are about. In these ten days, you will see who is in charge. You will see who looks better. You will see who has overcome. Those who ate that food looked terribly well as Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego looked fairer, fantastic and better. Daniel 1:12 says, Prove thy servants, I beseech thee, ten days; and let them give us pulse to eat, and water to drink. Verse 15-17, And at the end of ten days their countenances appeared fairer and fatter in flesh than all the children which did eat the portion of the king’s meat. Thus Melzar took away the portion of their meat, and the wine that they should drink; and gave them pulse. As for these four children, God gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom: and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams. Child of God, that is about sight, when you don’t allow to be removed from the file. I have a feeling, and there are names of young people that the LORD has already written down who are going to bring forth the great Revival the world has never seen and I believe, your names is in that file. I believe your name is written in that file. Either you’re going to be a financier or the one in faith or the one to speak or the one moving the mountains or the one building houses for the community but your name is in the file. And the devil cannot defile you. You’re at the cutting edge. You’re ready not to survive but to overcome. 

Child of God, you cannot eat what everybody eats. Others see the meat, the ribs and the wine, and say, we are eating like the king but it doesn’t matter to eat like a king in Babylon. It doesn’t matter to eat like a king when you’re in limitation. We were not created for limitation, and where the spirit of God is, there’s liberty. Liberty to praise God, to overcome, to be the head and not the tail, to change our Nation[s], to have a generation of Christ, and we are not going to allow to be defiled. We move to the book of the Revival of the end times. May your name be written in that book tonight. Jesus said to the seventy disciples in Luke 10:18, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. The anointing in these ten days, you’re gonna see the devil fall like lightning; you’re going to see God crush your enemy; God is about to move mountains on your behalf. Jesus said in verse 20, Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven. In other words, rejoice that your name has been written in heaven’s file. Your name is in heaven’s file as a world changer, world transformer and wealth creator because your eyes are seeing what no man is seeing. 

Why is it raining every day? Because there’s a drought coming. God is saying to you people of Uganda and East Africa, it’s time to plant food than ever before. It’s time to get shallows in the country. I wish I could talk to the ministry of agriculture and finance; whatever you are doing, put it on hold. Make the shallows available because that’s the anointing of a seer. That’s what Joseph saw when he looked at Pharoah, the other guys saw nothing, they never realized what was happening but he was able to see that the Pharaoh is a dreamer and it’s the hand of God that caused him to dream. Your scarcity, limitation and lack of things, because you’re a child of God, it’s what is going to cause things to move; it’s what is going to cause the billionaires to move. Banks are about to release the money. The rich people are about to release the money. God is about to give you sharp brains. God is about to bring you a way because He is God. The heart of a king is in the hand of God and He will take it wherever He wants. Child of God, Pharoah wasn’t a man of God but Joseph was. So the hand of God came between them (Joseph & Pharoah) and brought them together. You’re being brought together with the one you have been waiting for. The hand of God is shifting and moving, and it’s bringing the best for you. Child of God, together we are about to build an establishment that has never been built before. You’re about to be involved in an operation that the world has never been involved in before. Get ready, you are part of the greatest project heaven is going to do on earth. Mary the mother of Jesus, Joseph the guardian of Jesus, the angels and God Almighty were involved in a project that redeemed you, that saved you and that caused Jesus to release the blood because spirits don’t have flesh and blood. There was a major operation and the devil was ignorant about it. God worked on it swiftly and undercover, and by the time the devil realized, the boy was two years old. So when the devil said, let’s kill them all, Jesus was in Africa. And the time the devil realized that the Holy Ghost had come upon Jesus, He had received the anointing. It’s too late for the devil to destroy and malign you. Whatever the devil plots to do to you, the greater plan of God that brings you and I in so that we can work out a greater project for the world has never seen, that is going to bring billions of people into the full knowledge of Jesus Christ and expose them to the power of the almighty God is about to take place. Are you going to be part of it? The world is lost and COVID-19 is everywhere and it’s just rising up everyday. If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land [2 Chronicles 7:14]. Ask God to put your name there, tell Him, I want to be part of it. 

As I conclude: Jesus in Luke 24:39 said, Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have. Flesh is what gives you blood. Earth had to give the flesh for it’s redemption, and the blood may be bled for your healing. The earth had to participate. God is looking for participants and not speculators. Why Me Why Now and  Why Not? 

Friends, allow me to end this text here, and to watch a rebroadcast of this entire message, click on this link and you will be blessed:

If you have never given your life to Jesus and you want to make Him first in your life, just say this simple prayer: “Lord Jesus, I ask you to be the Lord of my life; forgive me of all my sins; cleanse me; I believe You died on the cross for me and You rose from the dead. I ask you to be first in my life. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit; make me a new person and I believe in You in Jesus’ name.” You are Now a born again.

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©Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department