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Why Me Why Now [7]


# The Anointing, Wednesday Night, 28-Oct

The seven spirits of God are a combination of horns and eyes. The horn is a container of the anointing. It also has a message. It sounds the alarm. So, if you’re to break down these seven spirits of God, they are revealed as power, riches, wisdom, strength, honour, glory and blessing. So, each of those carries an anointing and also it carries the ability which is a vision. When you’re blessed, the blessing is an anointing. You break poverty. You don’t only break poverty but it also tells you where to go. It reveals to you where you should go.

Revelation 5:12, Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing. Those are the seven spirits of God which were sent to the earth after Jesus Christ was slain and He overcame. Saints, when you overcome, you operate in those areas (of the seven spirits of God). If I was to let you, in Revelation 5:6 He says, And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth. You see, every anointing has an eye, and every eye has an anointing. Every vision has an anointing. Eye is for vision. If you have a vision, you must have an anointing, because without the anointing, you have no provision. Oftentimes, when people claim that God showed them something and they failed to achieve it. It’s simply because they lack provision. Every vision must have a provision. The provision is not in the vision. The vision must have a provision. The provision is the anointing. The vision is sight [eye]. That’s why He said, worthy is the Lamb which was slain having seven horns and seven eyes. Combined all together, they are the seven  spirits of God. You could ask, what do you mean? Seven horns, seven eyes; yes, the eye is the vision, because without a vision people perish [Proverbs 29:18]. So when God gives you a vision, He gives you also a horn with oil. You see, David had a vision, and the vision was to protect and defend the lambs. He was a shepherd boy, so that was his vision. That was what he was doing but he had no anointing. David needed the anointing of God in order to protect the entire Israel because Israel is God’s lamb. We are the sheep of His pasture, and He is our Shepherd [Psalms 23:1]; so David in order to defend Israel, He needed the anointing that came through a horn of prophet Samuel. God told prophet Samuel to get his horn and fill it with the oil and sent him to go to the land of Bethlehem and anoint Him a king there in the house of Jesse. 

So, many of us have got great visions; have you seen where you’re going to be? Where your family will be? Or where your home will be? So, how are you going to handle that vision to come to pass? Your vision needs millions of dollars. Your vision needs a lot of people to work with you. Therefore, you need a horn. Every eye needs a horn. Every vision needs an anointing. Many of the people today have wonderful visions but it will never come to pass. A vision unfulfilled is a dream in wonderland. When you see something and desire it, and God has revealed it [something] to you and it doesn’t come to pass, you develop jealous and envy, because you see others succeeding. Even when you have an anointing and you have no vision, you kill yourself; you cut off yourself; you offend God and fellow man. Saul had an anointing, he was anointed to be king of Israel but he had no vision. He started attacking David using national resources to chase his son-in-law. Once you fight your family, you’re cut off and you’re finished. A kingdom cannot stand if it’s divided [Mark 3:24]. Saul was fighting his son-in-law; David was a husband to Saul’s daughter (Micah), and Saul wanted to pin him on the wall with a javelin. When you don’t have a vision, you self-destruct. It’s just a matter of time. You lose your position because you engage yourself in things where you don’t have the anointing. *Without a vision, people perish but also without knowledge, people perish. Without resources, people perish. You need both. You need a vision and an anointing. And tonight, I am talking to you about these two things; the vision and the provision.

Provision comes by the anointing. It’s the anointing that breaks yokes and destroys them [Isaiah 10:27]. The anointing provides you with freedom and liberty. It provides you with the ability. Whenever there’s liberty, there’s ability. The moment you’re free, you can become what you want to be. You know the truth and it sets you free from sickness, diseases and poverty. The Lord says in Isaiah 42:19, Who [is] blind, but my servant? or deaf, as my messenger [that] I sent? who [is] blind as [he that is] perfect, and blind as the LORD’S servant? So when we feel like we are perfect, when we feel like there’s no sin in our lives, we feel like we are holy, the Lord says, you’re blind. The bible says, Blessed [are] they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled [Matthew 5:6]. You never reach a destination where you say that you have got it all. You are only lying yourself. We were never created to be satisfied by yesterday’s miracle. Yesterday’s miracle is today’s mediocrity. We never get satisfied with what we have attained. There’s more to what we have. There’s more to what we think. There’s still more room, that’s why we must keep on the front line and keep on going. If you think you have got it, wait  for what He is preparing for you in heaven. Child of God, if you have a house here, it may be a bungalow or palace, have you realized that there’s a better house for you on another level (life after here and Jesus is the one building it). Child of God, never be satisfied especially in the things of God. The scripture says, Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you [Matthew 6:33]. And Blessed [are] they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. So you never come to an end in your journey and quest for the LORD. You keep on pursuing God. You keep on running to God. You keep on seeking for more, because from glory to glory the LORD delivers us. 

Child of God, tonight your vision must have provision, and your provision needs a vision. You might be a millionaire, and I believe I am talking to people who are related to those who have got money; I have personally met with people who are loaded with cash but they have no vision. All they do is to pile it up and put it in the bank; they can eat hamburgers and they don’t want to touch their money, because when you have a provision and you have no vision, you’re a very fearful person. You’re a very protective person. You’re easily irritable. You are afraid and think that everyone is gonna beg from you, and you have no joy of giving. You think that when you give more, you will lose more yet the bible says, he who is generous is always happy and fulfilled. He who is stingy is miserable. Saints, what is the purpose of money? It’s to give people an experience. That’s why in all circumstances, you’re going to find that money answers all things. When a lady is pregnant, money has to be used. We need to understand the good usage of money; the purpose why we need to be rich. Remember the LORD your God, for [it is] He who gives you power to get wealth so that… We always forget the “so that” yet for that reason, He may establish His covenant [Deuteronomy 8:18]. Child of God, that’s why without a vision, your anointing serves nobody. You remember the days of Elijah with the prophet of Baal, who provided the two animals, one for Elijah and the other for the prophet of Baal? Elijah said, let’s have two bulls, one for you, one for me. I mean, if you don’t have provision, you can’t say that. No matter how much you’re anointed or how visionary you are, you cannot put in place that which you want to put in place. That’s why, if your information lacks revelation, you cannot innovate. You cannot have innovation. 

In Africa, we have many anointed ministers but because they lack provision, their vision rotates on the village. They cannot go anywhere even if God asked them to go there. That’s why you need the anointing to provide for you. You don’t need a degree (I am not against degrees),   you don’t need positions or connections, you need an anointing. The anointing will move you to a place where God will provide for you. Look at this: David was in Bethlehem with his father’s little ship. His brothers left him there and came and joined the army, and they were in the ranks and units close to the king which protected him. They were closer to the king and when you hear the conversation he had with them, they told it to king Saul. They were in the inner ring that protected king Saul. But you see, he (David) was in Bethlehem; this young man had a vision. When you have the vision without the anointing, you only affect the things which you see. You only affect the things in your environment. You cannot affect a Nation, family and you cannot influence a generation because you’re affecting the things around you. Many of us are very knowledgeable and have got the information, we know who we are, we are children of God, born again and we serve the Lord but we are only helping ourselves. The bible says David was killing the bears and the lions to protect the lambs. He was always protecting the little lambs and who knew about it? None. Even his own brothers didn’t. Now watch this, he is anointed in Bethlehem and the brothers go back to be with king Saul. Watch also this, because he was anointed, his father sent him to deliver crackers and cheese. He had no weaponry but a bag which he left with a man who keeps the gifts of the soldiers, and he went to the battlefield to see a war because his brothers had been talking about this great giant who was attacking and insulting Israel whose name was Goliath. David came to watch but there was no watch. I want you to get this: what people call war is not war. It’s a challenge to those who are not anointed. But if you’re anointed and you have a vision and you can see through your enemy, you will not panic…..

As I conclude this text: this is the time to have the eyes. And to watch the rebroadcast of this entire teaching, click on this link, and you will be blessed!

If you have never given your life to Jesus and you want to make Him first in your life, just say this simple prayer: “Lord Jesus, I ask you to be the Lord of my life; forgive me of all my sins; cleanse me; I believe You died on the cross for me and You rose from the dead. I ask you to be first in my life. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit; make me a new person and I believe in You in Jesus’ name.” You are Now a born again.

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©Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department