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Why Me why Now? [3]


#Sunday Night, Oct-19th

Oftentimes, we don’t want to pay attention to the Holy Spirit, and we always don’t want to listen to Him, hence we find ourselves in a situation where the devil is ruling and reigning over our lives. For he comes to steal, to kill and to destroy, and that’s his work [John 10:10]. The devil cannot come to steal where there’s nothing; he comes to steal because he has seen that you have something. You’re a child of God and that’s why the enemy is coming for you. The enemy recognizes that you have something special that is why he comes to steal from you. Satan came to Adam because he knew that they were loved by God; he came to Jesus because he heard that He was the son of God. Satan has heard something about you, and maybe you are not aware of it; maybe you have been hearing it in stories. Maybe you are like Jesus Christ whom everybody was telling; “Your birth was miraculous, Your conception was miraculous, the day You were born, Kings, stars and angels, they all came and were singing all over you. The glory lit in the fields. The shepherds came, everybody was happy and we were glad to see you. Heaven sung, “peace on earth, good will towards men.” Your birth wasn’t normal, You’re a special child, we took you to Egypt because Herold wanted to kill you, and all those who wanted to kill you have all died. God has removed them but be careful.” I mean when people tell you all that, one month, one year, you can bear it but when it goes for 18years, and you are seeing nothing; all they are telling you is that you are a child of destiny, a special child, a child of God, and they prophesy to you that you are mighty, you will bring back Israel and the kingdom of God, yet you’re living in Nazareth where nothing good happens and your situation is worse than that of your neighbors. The man whom they claimed to be your father is a carpenter and your mother is unemployed, you feel they’re lying to you and they are telling you stories.

Sometimes we want to see reality and where things are happening from. So Jesus Christ was living in that information overload. His mind was toasting to and fro. He was getting pictures, and maybe he could get dreams how He was born. Mary could tell Him a story that when I was getting married, the wedding gown was getting ready, then this angel appeared and said, blessed are you Mary because the child you are going to conceive is the child of God [Luke 1:28-31]. Then Joseph said, I was sleeping and I saw your mother coming to me, she was heavy with you. She was pregnant of you for nine months, and then the angel told me in a dream, don’t leave Mary; I wanted to leave her. You hear these things happening and people are daily testifying about you, and yet you feel nothing. I know I’m talking to people, you hear and you have been in services where preachers and ushers point at you; everybody says you’re going to be great. You’re going to be wonderful. There’s something special on you. Sometimes smokers meet you and say to you things that you are special. So if you’re going through that state, hearing people talk great things about you and you see nothing then fasten your seatbelt.  Why you & Why Now? Because the time has come. Once you know the reading of the times and seasons, then you get ready because the heaven is about to open and God is about to release something. I tell you, things are about to move in order. Things are getting ready for you, don’t give up. If you hold on to the faith, the promises and the word of God, you’re about to hear what you have never heard before. Because from the stories they told Jesus, when He came at John the Baptist, a man who was eating locusts and honey, he (John) turned around and said, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” [John 1:29] I tell you, I don’t know if that was good or bad, at least Messiah or God of Israel was okay. But to call you the Lamb is a call to death, because in the Jewish custom, any lamb is for a slaughter. So to say to Jesus, you’re the Lamb, you’re going to die for the sin of the world, that scares you. Jesus had to pray when He was baptized. 

Any situation scaring and threatening you right now, is a call to pray. Why Now, why you? It’s time to pray. If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray [2 Chronicles 7:14]. Jesus humbled Himself and prayed. When he arrived at John the Baptist, he never said, hello cousin; I have ever seen you anywhere. He said, Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! Child of God, Why you, why now? You’re about to remove and take away the problems, diseases, poverty, calamity and demons of your family. You’re the Lamb of God. He (Jesus) prayed as though it wouldn’t happen. I think He was praying; Lord, I am not the Lamb of God; don’t make me the Lamb; I don’t want to die at 30 years; I don’t understand these people. Everywhere, somebody is pointing at Me that I am somebody; I am going to make it; I am going to lead my family; I am going to touch the world, and now they are saying, I am their sacrifice. I don’t want to be their sacrifice; the heaven opened when He (Jesus) thought it was over. Child of God, get ready. What you have heard is a fraction of who you’re. God is about to reveal exactly who you’re. Jesus had heard that He was the Messiah, the hope of Israel, the joy of the world and now, they told Him that He’s the lamb of God and the sacrifice of Israel. Then God made it deeper, and behold the heaven opened; a voice from heaven said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased [Matthew 3:17]. And the holy Spirit had to fly, He grabbed a dove and said, take Me now, it’s now or never. Child of God, why Now? It’s now or never. The anointing is coming on you; you’re going to manage money. You’re going to be the head and not the tail. You’re going to succeed. You’re going to overcome. So, you were born to be an overcomer. You were born to be a child of God. The heavens are declaring and shouting, who you’re. You are God’s target and righteousness. You’re God’s power. You’re God’s vessel, the one He is going to use. You’re His battle axe. With you He will smash the rocks. With you He will humble nations. IT’S NOW OR NEVER!

Why me, why you? When you read the bible, you begin to realize that there are certain things because of lack of revelation, all we heard was information we had been withholding. And information without revelation will never give you revelation. So, we are left in the information world and overload. You’re a born again and child of God, but do you know why Jesus saved you? Do you want to know the revelation why He saved you and left you in this world? Revelation chapter 3. He wants you to become an overcomer and not a survivor.  Verse 21, To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. Child of God, people are going to make it to heaven the moment they believe in Jesus. There were people who went to heaven before Jesus was born and died on the cross; Elijah went with his chariots; Enock simply walked in there; Abraham (Lazarus died and went to his bosom), and Jesus had not yet died. Child of God, He didn’t die so that you may go to heaven. No, He died that we may be redeemed, and that the blessing of Abraham may come to the Gentiles, and that we may receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Child of God, I want you to understand this; Yes we have to go to heaven, we all have to go to heaven but there are those who will go to heaven without eyes, they removed them because they were misled by them; others will have no hands, legs because God says, cut off everything that misleads you and stops you from entering the kingdom of God. But all of us, God wants us to be there. 

To those who overcome, they will not only sit in the kingdom but on the throne, and that’s where I want you to be. You’re an overcomer. Why you? You must be an overcomer. You must overcome all the demons in your family. You must overcome all the problems in your life. You must overcome every situation. Why me and why now? You have to overcome. Because if you don’t overcome, the generations after you will suffer. The people who are looking unto you will die. If Joseph didn’t overcome Egypt and the lies of Potiphar’s wife, if he didn’t overcome prison, Israel would have died in Canaan land because of famine. The Egyptians would have perished. Joseph had to overcome. I don’t know what you are going through or what you’re fighting, I know who is waging war against you but you have to overcome so that you may sit in the throne of Jesus. In the throne of Jesus, there’s blessing, power, glory, honour, life and resurrection.   The bible says, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing [Revelation 5:12]. Verse 13, And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, [be] unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever. Four things are yours. Why you and why now? You must receive the blessing, honour, glory and power. That’s why you must overcome. You’re gonna overcome. OGENDA KUWAGULA. You can’t lose this battle. You cannot just survive. You can’t live the way you are. You must become an overcomer. There’s power, glory, blessing and honour. Why you and why now? It’s NOW or NEVER.

Friends, if you have never given your life to Jesus and you want to make Him first in your life, just say this simple prayer: “Lord Jesus, I ask you to be the Lord of my life; forgive me of all my sins; cleanse me; I believe You died on the cross for me and You rose from the dead. I ask you to be first in my life. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit; make me a new person and I believe in You in Jesus’ name.” You are Now a born again.

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©Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department