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Why me & Why Now? [2]


Sunday Service, Oct-19th

Deuteronomy 8:18 says, And you shall remember the LORD your God, for [it is] He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as [it is] this day. When I was growing up in salvation, I heard many preachers and they meant well. They said, don’t mind about riches and wealth but just concentrate on going to heaven; don’t mind about the world, God is only concerned to take you to heaven. And I thought that was the real gospel, but when I read now, I see that God wants me to remember Him in everything I do and say so that I can receive the power to create wealth for the purpose of establishing His covenant which He swore to my fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, David and the other prophets, as it is to this day. Then I say, whoever tells me that wealth is evil is the one who is evil. 

We are living in a time now and you are going to hear it on radios and televisions when people are more concentrated on righteousness in the wrong direction. They say, you need to do ABCD…, women don’t have to wear pants, put on lipsticks, wear long hair in order to be righteous, yet the scripture tells us, it was because Abraham believed and God gave him righteousness [Genesis 15:6]. Am for decency and I love people who wear decently. Your works cannot redeem you when you put emphasis on works, and you forget how righteousness comes. Righteousness is a gift of God based on your faith in Him. Righteousness qualifies you to have access to God, and when you come to God, He then has more jobs for you. First He will bless you, and why does He bless you? To establish His covenant in you on this planet earth. So the demon of poverty is hindering God’s kingdom to be established. Just imagine, the man who helped us build this TV, what would he be doing if he wasn’t rich? What about the christian radio stations you are also listening too? If someone didn’t have the money, today there would be no christian radios in Uganda. People of God, the devil is a liar. 

God gives us the power to make wealth. So from today, you’re a wealth creator. Number 1, you’re an overcomer, and you’re going to overcome by creating wealth which is the purpose of establishing God’s kingdom. The second reason why He gives us power is to become children of God, and to have access to the Father [John 1:12]. Therefore, power is given so that I can have access to the Father as a child any time I want. My daughters and son call me any time they want. They can walk into my office any time they want because they are my children. Child of God that is what it means; God gives you power so that you can have access any time you want Him. The third reason why He gives you power is that you become His witness; you’re His eye witness; you’re the one who saw it happen. Not just talking about what happened or what your mama told you but you’re a witness. Like Isaac was a witness of God’s power when He sowed into the land and he received a hundredfold [Genesis 26:12]. What about Jacob when He put the sticks in the water and he took all the cows, goats and sheep, and he wrestled with God? [Genesis 30:38-42 & 32:22-32] God wants you to have a personal encounter and experience with Him so that you can be a witness. But He also gives us power so that we can change the world. The bible says, and He called the seventy [Luke 10:1]. Now I am coming to why number seventy? Why did He allow us to have number seventy? He took seventy, not seventy one or seventy two, not twelve or  a hundred and twenty, and sent them in the cities where He was coming too. The bible says, and He gave them power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy [Luke 10:19]. He said, don’t take money and clothes, just go the way you’re because the power I have given you will attract wealth. He said, go over there, when they open their houses, command my peace [the peace of Jesus to overtake that house]. In other words, there will be no domestic violence, suffering, poverty and lack. And He said, heal the sick, cleanse the leper and raise the dead. Freely you receive, freely give. So He never wanted them to go and raise an offering, but child of God, when they went there, demons and sickness ran away; Jesus was standing somewhere…this is the work of the LORD and it’s marvelous in our sight. They came rejoicing saying, even demons obey us but Jesus told them, don’t rejoice over that rather rejoice for this, that your names are written in the book of life [Luke 10:20]. So we receive power that our names will be written in the book of life because we are doing the works of God; we are doing the works He did. And they (the seventy) did much more because Jesus saw satan falling from heaven where he had gone to accuse the brethren, day and night. 

The accuser of the brethren has been cast down because we have the power. So let me do a recap. We receive the power to do several things; we receive power to create wealth so that He may establish His kingdom. We receive power so that we become children of God, so that we have access to the Father. He gives us power to be His witnesses, so that we can help the world know that Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life. He also gives us power so that we may change the world, so that we become world changers and world transformers. When the devil leaves or falls, then the kingdom of God is being established. Then the kingdom of God is here and that is the purpose why He gives us the power. When we get the power, where do we go? You SHALL receive power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you [Acts 1:8]. 

Child of God, now we know how to overcome. We overcome by the blood of Jesus and the word of our testimony, and we surrender our lives to Him [Revelation 12:11]. We know how to get the power, and that is through getting the Holy Ghost. So the solution to our problems today, whether COVID-19 or Ebola, it’s in the Holy Ghost. What we need is the Holy Spirit so that He gives us power to create wealth. That’s why child of God, there will be no poverty in your life. The moment you’re born again and have overcome the world, and now you’re filled with the Holy Spirit and anointed by God, you’re going to create wealth. From today, you’re a wealth creator. I enroll you in the anointing and lineage of wealth creators. That’s why whenever God led Israel out, He led them by three tribes. He led them by Judah which means praise and when praise goes up, power comes down. Judah produced the tribe of Judah which produced King David. Jesus Christ is from the lineage of David, and that is power. Jesus is the baptizer of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit came, and the bible says, He sat on the shoulder of Jesus and anointed Him. Jesus is the one who brought the Holy Spirit. So when you get praise, you get the baptizer and the Holy Ghost.

The sons of Issachar are the ones who knew the times and the seasons. Also they were produced by Leah and Jacob. Child of God, I want you to get this, we need to be prophetic and we need the wisdom. We need the Spirit of discernment. We need the Spirit of innovation. That’s why I told the people “Why Me Why Now?” And in the next seven days that’s what we are asking ourselves. Because God has ordained you to be the temple of the Holy Spirit. You’re the head and not the tail. You can’t function like anybody else. We are now left with 17years to the diamond jubilee of Uganda. Where are you going to work in the next 17years? Don’t make the same mistake Jacob made; he spent 14years working for Leah and Rachel. Then 6 years that’s when sense came to him. Child of God, in these six months of COVID-19, you must come out full of the Holy Spirit and power. You’re going to come out more intelligent and wise, more rich and with more properties. Child of God, you don’t have to donate your time to nonsense. In the name of Jesus, you need the Holy Spirit, and the anointing of Issachar to know the times and the seasons, and to know when you’re going to come out. 

People of God, you’re about to change your family and home because the Holy Ghost is coming upon you. When we started 77Days of Glory Revival, the Lord was very clear and I repent now because I didn’t stick to what He said. Because the people had needs, God clearly told me, “don’t ask for anything, ask for the Holy Spirit and that’s what you need.” We now know that the Holy Spirit gives several things; power to create wealth, power to become children of God, power to be witnesses and power to change the world. Listen to me, the world has no solutions, Europe, America and China, the infection (COVID-19) is going back again, and God has to give us a solution and an answer. But you are the head, so don’t say, why me why now and why not? Don’t say, why not you and why now? This is the time for us to glorify God, lift up His name, and a time to prepare for what is about to come because nations are going to get saved. God is about to use you More than He has ever used you.

Friends, if you have never given your life to Jesus and you want to make Him first in your life, just say this simple prayer: “Lord Jesus, I ask you to be the Lord of my life; forgive me of all my sins; cleanse me; I believe You died on the cross for me and You rose from the dead. I ask you to be first in my life. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit; make me a new person and I believe in You in Jesus’ name.” You are Now a born again.

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©Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department