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Why me & Why Now? [1]


#Sunday Service, Oct-18th

Oftentimes when we look at situations especially COVID-19, we have no idea why it came and why us. Child of God, things may come and go, but God has given us assurance that He will take care of us. So why you? Because you’re His own and He loves you. Why Now? Why Not? Child of God, God warned us before COVID-19. He seriously warned us, but because we are always busy, and always dealing with issues that happen to us on a daily basis, so we have information that has never turned into revelation. When you have information and no revelation, you never have innovation. Because you had information and never turned into revelation, this is what I mean: you are born again and savedee, the information in the new testament; Jesus said, I am coming to get you, where I am, you will be. When He gets us, what will happen to us? He prayed for us in John 17, Father, don’t take them out of this world. Why not? Why don’t we just get saved and get out of this world of trouble? What He was saying is that people are going to make it to heaven, and there are others who had already made it to heaven before He died like Elijah, Enock, Abraham, and many more. They didn’t go because Jesus died on the cross. 

In heaven, there’s a kingdom of God, and every kingdom has a throne. Revelation 3, Jesus Christ says, whoever overcomes, I will make him sit on My throne, and not in the kingdom. When you believe in Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you are a citizen of heaven, but there’s a throne which He says, it’s for the overcomers. He says, “even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne,” He says, so you too shall overcome [Revelation 3:21]. The overall purpose of Jesus coming and dying for you, apart from redeeming you, making you the temple of the Holy Ghost, taking you to heaven and forgiving your sins, He wants to share the throne with you, but it’s only for the overcomes. That’s why Revelation 12:11 says, He who overcometh, and “we overcome by the blood of the Lamb” (salvation) and “the word of our testimony, and we don’t love our lives unto death.” So we dedicate our lives to the Holy Spirit, and God wants you to be an overcomer; not a safe player, not a survivor, but an overcomer. So we are going to overcome sin, this world, poverty, bondage, demons and all these powers of hell. You’re an overcomer, and that’s your other name beside savedee. 

Therefore, how do we overcome? That’s why in 2 chronicles chapter 7, He speaks to us to overcome. This is what He says in verse 14: If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. In other words, this is how they will overcome. So the healing of a Nation is based on you who is called by the name of the LORD. Why does God do that? When you go back to verse 13, you will see something. It says, If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people. So why me and why you? That is what He says in verse 14; “If my people.” Why me? Why Now? “If I shut up heaven that there be no rain.” We saw the drought before COVID-19, God knew so He sent us these things to prepare us before the shutdown with no church, no flights, no schools, no business as usual. Jehovah knew and He warned us. He sent the drought but did we pay attention or we thought it was heavy rains, or the waters of the sea are cold; it’s not warm enough? We became scientific that we started to explain a spiritual phenomenon and we ignored the signs He was telling us. God never wanted us to suffer; “You’re my people” and I don’t want you to suffer like the people of the world. He calls us gods but because we don’t pay attention to detail, He says, you will die like mere men. We are not going to die like mere men and I refuse you to die like mere men because you’re the temple of the Holy Ghost. You’re so precious in the eyes of God. You’re a royal priest and Nation. You will lend to nations and never borrow. The days of borrowing, renting and survival  are over. You’re the head and not the tail. You’re rich and not poor. Whatever you bind on earth is bound in heaven. 

God warned us by sending us the drought and we went scientific. Then He sent the locusts and we also went scientific. We started to explain the eggs did this and that. No, God said, I send you the locusts and they devour the land; Yes they did, they devoured Kenya and parts of northern Uganda, but we explained it scientifically. God had developed a pattern; first the drought, second were the locusts, and If anyone had the ears, they would hear what God was telling the church. Then COVID-19  knocked in which is a pestilence and it’s sweeping throughout the whole world. It’s very aggressive but not deadly. It can be overcome if you observe the SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures), if you believe God and pray. People have got it and they have cured, YES some have died. The Spanish flu was very deadly, slow like Ebola and 50 million people died. This Coronavirus will not kill millions of people because you’re God’s people, you’re going to humble yourselves, you’re going to pick up the SOPs, you’re going to hear the voice of God and you’re going to do what God tells you to do. God warned us and we responded scientifically and everything has now become scientific. The way you respond to God and to His warnings, is the way you will live. Hear me child of God, because we responded to the drought, locusts and COVID-19 scientifically, so we are now living scientifically. Restaurants are observing scientific distancing, the churches 70 people. My question is, if we are 71 or 69 people, will we catch COVID-19? But also number 70 is a warning number and it’s divine. Don’t take it lightly because it came from the president, take it as from a spiritual person.

Follow me closely, because we responded scientifically, we are living scientifically. In the taxis, it’s only 7 people. God is talking to you and is throwing number 7 to you. The drought was here for 7 months, the locusts came from Yemen to Ethiopia to Kenya to Uganda and it was here for 7 months. Now we are going to 7 months of COVID-19 lockdown. God is speaking to somebody, He is speaking to you and I, and if you’re His person, you must pay attention. So we live by the way we respond to God. If we respond by faith, that is why He said, because you did not choose to serve the Lord your God with a joyful heart and rejoicing, you’re to serve your enemies in tears and agony [Deuteronomy 28:47-48]. The way I respond to God is the same way He responds to me. Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again [Luke 6:38]. If you sow sparingly you shall reap sparingly, if you sow bountifully you will reap bountifully. That is what you must understand. That the way you respond to the Almighty God, is the way He is going to respond to you in Jesus’ name. He said, if you call upon Him, He will answer [Psalms 91:15], and if you knock He will open the door, when you seek Him you will find Him, and if you ask He will give you [Matthew 7:7]. The way you respond causes His initiation to come to you. You’re an initiator of God’s response. 

He warned us to do mass weddings quickly and we did them; we told us to do mass water baptism and we did them. Can you do it now? Everything is scientific. He said, have overnights every day, and we had them for four years every day in the 77Days of Glory which wasn’t easy. Now can you have overnights except on your TVs in your homes? Child of God, God has been warning us. Now, do you know what’s coming in the next three months before the end of the year? 

Child of God, in the name of Jesus, we need to wake up, and I want you to listen to me very well. That information has to turn into revelation to become innovation. Our survival is in the information, that when information intercepts with revelation, they create a subset called innovation. Jacob had the information that God had called and blessed him, and as He was with his grandfather Abraham whom he never saw and his father Isaac who was blind He would be with him. As he was working for Laben who was changing his wages for over twenty times and He was like a slave, all he had was to produce sons in a house of a witch doctor but God gave him innovation. Revelation hit him. God told him to go to Laben and get a deal of contract that this kind of animal would be his. So he did and God gave him innovation. He told him to use sticks when they come to drink in the minting season; you will change their colour. People of God, you’re about to change the Uganda shilling colour and it will look like dollars to you. You are about to change your simple job colour which is dispersed and it will become a high paying job. You need revelation on the very information you have so that you may develop innovation. Information must turn into revelation so that you become innovative, and once you’re innovative, wealth comes to you. Jacob ended up becoming richer than his father-in-law; he took all the wealth from him because he was anointed by God. Child of God, the wealth of the wicked is laid down for the righteous [Proverbs 13:22]. 

So, how is God going to heal the land? This is what He said, “remember the LORD your God, for [it is] He who gives you power to get wealth.” Why? Why you and why now? “That He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers” [Deuteronomy 8:18]. The covenant that He made to Jacob, it is the same covenant He made with Abraham and Isaac. The covenant we have, it is the same covenant of Israel. The same God we serve, is the God of Israel; He is the God of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, there are many things in that covenant that have not yet been established in your life, in my time and in my day. We have competing forces; there’s witcraft, religious leaders who are competing with my saviour yet Jesus stood on his feet in the holy city of Jerusalem and declared, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” He said, no one comes to the Father except through me, but now there are competing forces which say no, Jesus is not the only way, there are other ways. Child of God, how does that come to pass that the generations and people will know that the solution is the son of God and the power of God. How will they know that the bible is the word of God? There are many bibles today; there’s the Hindu book, the Quran and the other books written. How will they know? It has to be established in me, that’s why He said, And you shall remember the LORD your God, for [it is] He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as [it is] this day.

Friends, I have to end this text here and if you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, ask Him now to come into your life.

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© Missions Department – Robert Kayanja Ministries