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Who we are in God


Sunday Service: 25th-April-2021

This morning I want to talk to you about who we are in God. And probably where is the problem with us today? Many of us as believers are wandering why God is not answering our prayers. I have prayed, I have sowed and walk right but what is happening. The Lord God is not a liar, He has never lied, and He is not prepared to lie. In His word as I am going to share to share, He has already given us several things which we can use any time at any moment. First, you must understand that you are a child of God, and you must believe it. You must believe that what He did at calvary is a finished work. It does not matter who the lair is or what the situation is or what the devil says, you are a child of God. You are born again. Because of what you have gone through and what you have done or what the devil has told you, you feel like a second-class citizen. No, you are not. Let me say it again: you are a child of God and the most beloved. The blood of Jesus has washed and cleansed you. You have a right standing with God. Say like you mean it: I am born-again. I am free. I feel liberated. God dwells in the inside of me.

One of the most lying spirits of the devil, Satan wants you to focus on that which God finished. Satan wants you to start working on something that is already done. You know how it is pathetic for you to go and paint a house which was already painted yesterday. The house is already built, painted and the keys were given to you, and then Satan tells you, well you can live here but this is not your house, yet the title says, its your house and you have the keys. Child of God what Jesus did at Calvary still stands. You are a child of God and you must just believe what He did. He redeemed you and He cleansed you. He loves you no matter what you have done. In fact, God says, you are the apple of His eye [Zechariah 2:8]. So, you are dear to Him and very important to Him. If He gave His only Son for you, then how can He deny you a car that you want or a house you need or everything you need? [Romans 8:32]. In His word, it is seriously written, He supplies your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus [Philippians 4:19]. If He gave you salvation, get ready child of God, your car is coming, your joy is coming, your victory is coming.

So, everything that God will ever give you has been provided through Jesus. By believing in Jesus, you have believed that everything was provided. From today, have no doubt. God loves you. He is redeeming you. He is restoring you and believe in what Jesus came to do; to redeem you, to restore you and to bless you.

God has cleansed you and your body is going to become the temple of the Holy Spirit. You could be having difficulties or struggles in life; physical, material, morally but there is nothing greater than the blood of Jesus Christ. Since Jesus is in you, there is nothing greater than the Jesus in you. The devil and poverty you have seen today, Jesus is capable of taking care of it in Jesus’ name.

Now He says, you are born again but you must be obedient. Once you are obedient and willing, that is when you begin to eat the good of the land [Isaiah 1:19]. Child of God, the problem with us today, we are not willing and obedient. We could be willing, but the obedient part is still lacking. Everyone I have seen in the bible from Genesis to revelation, obedience was the key. Obedience is what will cause God to look upon you with favour, with joy and with grace, and He will push you to a position where your education and skills could not take you. Obedience is better than sacrifice [1Samuel 15:22]. When you fail to obey to the Spirit of God, to the things of God then the race is going to be sacrificial. You have to work so hard; you have to impress everyone; you have to do a lot of things, but obedience is better than sacrifice. So, we rather obey the Spirit of God and His things so that we can eat the good of the land.

God gives you three weapons for you to live a good life. Number 1- obedience and willingness. Number 2, He gives you the Joy of the Lord. When God is happy for you, no demon can stand you. When you do things that pleases Him; remember when Jesus went to river Jordan after 30 years, God said, this is my beloved son whom I am well pleased [Matthew 3:17]. Why? Because He had humbled Himself and accepted to be baptized. Whenever we do or accept to do what God has ordered, God is happy. Child of God, there is no reason why we born-agains live a second-class life? It is because we do not obey God in areas of tithing, offering even in areas of what He is doing. How will the world know that we are led by the Spirit of God? The scripture says those who are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God [Romans 8:14]. The only way the world will know, demons will know, and God will know that I am a child of God, it is not that I say so, it is not because I come to Miracle Centre, but it is because I am led by the Spirit of God.

God said, whatever you do, shall be blessed [Deuteronomy 28:6]. Why? So that people may know that you are led by the Spirit of God. May you bear good fruit. May your business bear good fruit. May the joy of the Lord take over. May whatever you do be prosperous. Everything you do from today shall glorify the Father. No poverty nor sickness in your life. Why? Because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world [1 John 4:4]. Child of God, you are going to succeed. You have no choice; you are a child of God. It is in your blood to fight and win. To run and win, it is in the blood. To overcome, it is in your blood. It is in the family. You are going to succeed. Our family does not fail. I declare, your family does not fail.

The third weapon you must use is FAITH. I have realized the reason we fail; we no longer have faith in God.  You hear people say, even though God comes down, I will not change. Do you know what happens when God comes down? Even though you are Moses. Moses was a murderer but the moment he met with God, he changed. Some of you were taken to university, school, India, and you never changed but once God comes, you change. You must have confidence in God and not religion. The reason why we don’t have wisdom is because we don’t have faith in God. The bible says the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom [Proverbs 9:10]. The fear of the Lord comes out of Faith in God. 

Brethren, God is not an inventor of evil. When the devil brings evil, God confronts it. I declare, this is going to be your year where God will vindicate you. God gave us power to cast out demons [Matthew 10:1]. Your family demons which you have been praising, when Jesus rose from the dead, He cast them. There are no more demons in your life. Have confidence in what Jesus did for you. There is no demon that is greater than the blood of Jesus. 

The bible says, if you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land. Listen to what it also says: Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers [3 John 1:2]. There must be a balance: 2 Chronicles 7:14, If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. If my people; the people here are the born-agains. Healing of the land does not come because we are educated, but when we humble ourselves.  

We cannot succeed where God never succeeded. If we do not read the WORD and apply it in our daily lives, we shall not succeed. You shall declare a thing, and it will be established for you [Job 22:28]. The enemy has told you to focus on things which Jesus already overcame, and that’s where you are wasting your time from. I am amazed, Abraham came from a witchcraft family, but he never spent any of his time talking about his family demons. Child of God don’t waste your time on things which God has already given you victory over. He who is in you is greater than what is in the world. Concentrate on what God did for you. Read the word and mediate on it. 

It’s like here in Uganda. Some people sleep in mosquito nets and others don’t. Those who don’t sleep in mosquito nets, what they do, they either fumigate their entire house and the neighbourhood, or they take antimalarial drugs. So, whenever the mosquito bits on any of person who has taken antimalarial, it will send a signal to other mosquitos that that person’s blood has power. Balookole, we have anti malaria in our blood, and He is called Jesus Christ.

Obedience, Willingness, and the Joy of the Lord. Balookole, we do not have the joy of the Lord. Do you even know what brings joy? Joy is not yours. It’s the joy of the Lord and it comes when we do what pleases Him. He told us to preach the gospel [Mark 16:15]. When you are obedient and willing, you shall eat the good of the land, NOT because you are born-again. You must be obedient to the Holy Spirit so that you may be able to eat the good of the land. The reason why you are poor is because you are not willing and obedient. 

In season and out of season, we must preach the gospel. No way shall we tell God that we failed to preach the gospel because we were in lockdown. The gospel must be preached. God knew that the gospel was going to change, and He instructed us to buy the truck. I pray that God gives you a car, because what we are going to have now are Drive-in-Services. Your children shall not die of COVID-19, and the scripture says, your children shall attack your enemies at the gate [Psalm 127:5].

As I conclude: we must be willing and obedient concerning righteousness, investment and all the things of God… So, be willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land. Be happy and Believe God in your confession. 

Open your mouth and begin to speak to God. Confess, Father I repent for my unbelief and not obeying You. 

This week until December, God is giving you Victory if you are willing and obedient.

©Missions Department – Robert Kayanja Ministries