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What do you see? [b]


4th Dimension Anointing | Destroying Ancestral Horns (AMAYEMBE) | PART 3 [b] – 13/July/2023

Zechariah chapter 1 talks about the four horns which were very dangerous and had scattered Judah. Whenever Satan wants to destroy you, he will scatter you. Karamojong has cows, and if they had settled without moving from place to place, and without rustling, they would be the richest. Personally, I have realized Karamoja has fertile soil, and what was missing was rain. They told us that Karamoja was a desert, but when I look at the field there, only the Holy Spirit can do that.

Son of man, what do you see? [Jeremiah 1:11] What do you see in yourself five years from now? You can see a desert or no hope, and God says, look again…because I am watching my WORD to perform it [Jeremiah 1:12].

Jeremiah 32:27, Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me? Your brain is about to come up with an idea that will shake the world for the glory of God. In the name of Jesus, I say, your flesh is about to see the glory of God. Job said, in my flesh I shall see God, not when I am dead, but when I am alive. Job 19:26, And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God. Even if worms, cancer, ancestral horns (mayembe) have eaten my skin, but this flesh shall see God.

Job 19:27 says, Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me. No one is going to see God for you; you are going to see Him yourself. You are going to see God restoring your flesh. You are going to see Him making you a multi-time billionaire. You are going to see Him in your own home.

Zechariah 1:18 reveals to us the horns which had scattered Jerusalem, Judah, and Zion. Then the Lord showed him something. Say, Lord, please show me something. What do you see? Lord, I want to see you; I want to see myself and my family transformed by the power of God. I want to see myself as the head and not the tail. I want to see myself lending to nations and never borrowing. I want to see myself laying hands on the sick and they recover. I want to see myself reviving the nations of the world.

Zechariah reveals to us God showed him the four carpenters. When the devil raises the dust, God lifts a standard [Isaiah 59:19]. Child of God, the way the devil attacks you, isn’t the way God is coming to rescue you. The devil came and ate your bread, but the Lord is giving you a bakery. The devil destroyed the things of job, and God gave him double [Job 42:10]. The devil is so stupid, he thinks tick for tat; four horns — God will also bring four horns. Shut up devil… we are going to the carpenters’ level [Zechariah 1:20].

Carpenters are thinkers and designers. They amaze you; they go to the forest and pick up a tree which they use to make backcloths, tables, doors, timber. When others look at trees to make charcoal, carpenters don’t make charcoal. They don’t destroy the tree. He picks you from somewhere and puts you in a palace, and a statehouse where the president sits and signs. You are so important that you are not going to die in the forest because of the anointing of the carpenter. Some of you, you shall find yourself in a beautiful restaurant and in a palace as a dining table [1 Samuel 2:8]. Otherwise, God can use you as a rod to beat sense to the devil.

                                  You are going to become the rod of the Lord.

He says, “these are come to fray them, to cast out the horns of the Gentiles” [Zechariah 1:21]. These four anointings are of Noah, Moses, David, and Jesus Christ.

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