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Are you in Europe especially in Germany? Pastor Robert Kayanja will be ministering in a three-day Revival Fire Conference at International Gospel CenterBerlin, Lichtenberg from tomorrow Friday, May 19thto Sunday, May 21st, 2023.

Come and witness the wind of the HOLY SPIRIT as He blows through Germany baptising the saints with the fresh Anointing than never before in this year of Psalms 23.

Expect anointed worship, ministry of the Holy Spirit, and the healing power of God, and be sure to invite your loved ones and friends in Germany and around Europe!


We are in a season of the greater anointing and sowing the precious such that we can draw what God has for us. Child of God, whether you like it or not, this is your year of major breakthroughs especially in the anointing where you have never flown before: the anointing of wealth creation. It takes God to create wealth because He says, remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to create wealth [Deuteronomy 8:18]. You are not going to create wealth by your own understanding or efforts. In fact, He says in Deuteronomy, so that you may not say it is my power that got me the wealth [Deuteronomy 8:17].

So, when we come to wealth, believers must understand that it can not be done by human efforts. Then nations which are wealthier, they didn’t reach there by themselves. At a certain time, there was an act of God. So, as we are becoming God’s children, we must have it in our minds and ourselves that one of the steps for us to be fully used of God after salvation and holiness, there is a part of possessing our possessions, receiving the Holy Spirit and the anointing [Obadiah 1:17]. There is a part where God is going to release the anointing to help you to create the wealth because your wealth is not only yours but for generations.

                                                       “God uses wealth to establish His covenant.”

As He uses your heart and salvation to build His kingdom, so He uses your wealth. That’s why He says, tell the rich people of this world to be givers [1 Timothy 6:17]. Why is God concerned about the rich people of this world? Because God is going to use your wealth to evangelize the world, to stop problems and the devil.

                                                       “God is going to use your wealth to free slaves.”

Satan does not want you to be wealthy. If he can convince you that poverty is of God, he has killed a whole generation. You have worked away your family because you kids have to go to school.

                                                            “You don’t have to die in a rented house.”

The devil has convinced three quarters of the church that wealth is of this world, and they feel comfortable in the zone of poverty. They feel satisfied yet the bible clearly says, in his death he was with the rich [Isaiah 53:9].

                              If the death of Jesus means something, then wealth also means something.

When Jesus was born, kings came, and gold was given [Matthew 2:11]. Now what would happen if He showed up in His fullness and presence? Psalm 16:11, Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

I trust you have been blessed with this teaching about the ANOINTING OF WEALTH CREATION. To watch the entire message, click on the link below.

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