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Voice Power


I am still sharing about the commanded blessing. Deuteronomy 28:2 says, And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God. Why the voice of the LORD your God? Because God has a voice. You too have a voice, and circumstances around you also have a voice that they speak to you. Everything that was created by a voice carries a product of that voice. We are a product of God’s voice. Even trees have a voice and they speak to us. God created everything with His voice and I call it the Voice Power. In Genesis when God created things, they were void but He used the voice power to give them life [Genesis 1:3-8].

Who is speaking to you? Things are going to change because of the voice power. Jesus at calvary spoke words; He told the Father toforgive them; for they know not what they do [Luke 23:34]. His voice is so powerful. It will do great and mighty things for you. It will also bring things to you. It will bring deliverance and healing to you. His voice is what created the firmament between the heaven and the earth. The commanded blessing hinges on the voice of the Lord. Life and death are in the power of the tongue, not in the hands of the doctors or nurses. Speak well about yourself. God is in heaven but He spoke words of the commanded blessing. He sends rain to everyone (the just and the unjust) [Matthew 5:45].

There are two kinds of blessings; the commanded blessing and general blessing. The commanded blessing is what destroys the enemy. It is what causes someone to come from Mbale to bypass all the shops through Mukono and comes to buy from you who is in Kampala. In 1983, the voice of the Lord told me to go to America and it’s the same voice I found in there. You must obey the voice of the Lord. The commanded blessing is the voice heard. You must be sensitive to hear the voice of God. He’s a talking God and He wants talking people. That’s why He says in Isaiah 1:18, Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD… He is a God of reason, and He is a talking God. God is revealed by what He says. You can only know me by what I say. The words you say is who you are; they are your fruits. The bible says that you shall know them by their fruits [Matt 7:16].

The bible tells us to be holy as God is Holy. That is God’s word.  Holiness as you know, it’s not how you look like but what you say. Once you say that you’re a born-again, the world sees you as a born-again. You’re classified by what you say! Jesus said, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner [John 5:19]. Hearing is obeying. When you hear the voice of the Lord, He will put none of the diseases on you which He brought on the Egyptians. For He is the LORD who heals you [Exodus 15:26]. And these blessings will overtake you when you hear the voice of the Lord. The voice that talks to you shall cause you to act. If the dead do hear God, then the living should obey Him. If Lazarus could hear the voice of the Lord after four days, then we who are alive should obey His commandments and His voice. If you’re willing to hear the voice of the Lord and obey to do, you shall eat the good of the land. That’s why the scripture says that the wealth of the sinner [is] laid up for the just [Proverbs 13:22].

Once you obey the voice of the Lord, that’s when you begin to receive the commanded blessing. I declare that you are coming out of that grave of poverty. You’re coming out of Covid-19 lockdown alive. Psalms 91 is the voice of the Lord, and God’s promises are His voice. Everything created by God, voices out its need. Today, you who is still alive, you must obey God’s voice. Deuteronomy 28:3 reads, Blessed [shalt] thou [be] in the city, and blessed [shalt] thou [be] in the field. You’re not going die in a village or a city, but you shall have a location. Hear the voice of the Lord. When you’re hungry or angry or in love, you speak; in other words you voice out. In Psalm 2:7, David took the words and voiced them out. God never told them to David but they were in the promises which He said to Israel that He had begotten them. David personalized those words. Therefore, commanded blessings are personal. Take that decree in Psalm 2:7 and make it personal.

As I conclude this text: Do you hear the voice of the Lord? In this time of lockdown, I pray that you will hear the voice of the Lord, Fast and read the word. For this is time to prepare. I hear the voice of the Lord say, the end time harvest and revival are coming. When they lift up the lockdown, what are you going to do? Do you hear the voice? The Lord is telling the church to prepare. The time of the rapture is near!

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Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department