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Vision -2


January-28th -2019, Vision -2|Proverbs 29:18

Child of God, the people you communicate to, will determine your vision. Eva communicated with a snake and it gave her the vision. The people you communicate to, will either break or build your relationships. When Lot communicated to the herdsmen, he separated from Abraham and he got a vision that landed him in Sodom and Gomorrah [Genesis 13:7-10].

Child of God, the vision is in the word of God. That is why you must have faith [Roman 10:17]. The vision works with your heart because God speaks to your heart. Each one of us has his/her own vision concerning their destinies. You must walk away from your sight and move in faith.

Declare with me: By God’s grace, I see the vision of my life and the issues I see today are not here to kill me but to turn me into a better person. The Holy Spirit inspired me on this; training makes you a soldier, but the battles make you a warrior. The problems you are going through are making you a warrior.

Elijah sent his servant to Go up on the mountain and look towards the sea if rain was coming because he had already seen the rain in a vision. The moment his servant saw a man’s hand rising out of the sea, Elijah sent him to tell the King to prepare his chariot and go down before the rain stops him. Elijah who had the vision overtook the king.

Listen to this: you with a vision, you are about to overtake those who went before you [1Kings 18:41-46].

As I conclude: look at the way you are dressed today, is it the best? Or the person you want to get married too, is she /he the best? I want you to start seeing yourself as God sees you. Vision is what God sees for you and sight is what you see yourself.

©Missions Department – Robert Kayanja Ministries