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Turning from Jacob into Israel


#E-Overnight, Nov-20-20

Every time you worship the Lord, something supernatural, incredible and powerful happens. I sense someone you feel like not sleepy, you’re awake but you feel like something comes on you when you’re about to get into your destiny. When somebody is taking you out, all of the sudden you feel like sleepy and not yourself; that is an evil spirit. It’s a spirit of wizardry. It’s a spirit of witchcraft that always comes because the devil knows the day you will be blessed, you will never turn back again. So I break every habit, every attack, every demonic activity, every witchcraft, every sickness and disease, every forces of evil; every plot and scheming force. Whosoever is plotting to destroy you or to come after you, for the LORD will fight your battles, and you stand still and  see the salvation of the LORD, because He who called you has a purpose for your life. You trust in Him and watch what He will do. 

That woman of Samaria engaged Jesus though she was sinful; she had had five husbands and the one she had still wasn’t hers; she was an immoral woman but she started to talk to Jesus about the well of Jacob, because in Jacob we have a wrestler; a person who fights with God. Jacob stopped fighting with man and started fighting with God who blesses. God changed his movements, methodologies and skills. May the Lord change the way you do your things. May the Lord change the way you have been applying your wisdom and education. Child of God, some of you have exhausted what you know, taken what you have and yet you’re not satisfied and you’re afraid of what might come tomorrow but tonight, in this night, it will be your Jacob’s night. It may be your Jacob experience night. You’re going to wrestle with God and not against God. When you fight with God, sing with God, pray with God and confess with God, I am telling you, by tomorrow your life will be totally different. You won’t let go of the blesser, and He is going to change your name. He is going to give you something permanent. He is going to change your professionalism. He is going to change your skills and habits. He is going to change the way you apply wisdom, knowledge, skills and talents. 

Tonight, we are wrestling with God. Tonight, we are praying and wrestling with God. Forget what people call you or say about you. Yea, that’s what they have to say so that you stay focused. You stay focused on what the LORD is doing in the mighty name of Jesus. We serve a mighty God, and you just worship in Him the beauty of holiness. For He is the righteousness of this world. People might think otherwise, they might even call you what they think, but tonight is your night. It’s a night of Jacob turning into Israel night. When his brother Esau met him the next day, he couldn’t kill him. The bible says, he fell on his neck like Cain fell on Abel and killed him. 

Child of God, somebody invoked the generational curse and I want to share this with you. I want you to pay attention because this is how you’re going to get rid of all generational curses once and for more. Listen to me very carefully. Because of Rebekah not knowing what God had said; she had the information that she had two nations and the older shall serve the younger. She literally took it that she will be a slave. She didn’t know that to serve is to be greater. Jesus said, whoever wants to be the greatest should be a servant [Matthew 20:26]. So we become great by serving others, God and our nation. Rebekah didn’t know that because she was biblically illiterate. She didn’t have an encounter with God. Sarah heard what God spoke but Rebekah did not hear God. She heard from her husband (Isaac). She didn’t have a personal relationship with God. Child of God, when we don’t have a personal relationship with the God of miracles, the God of revival, the God of signs and wonders, that’s how we start attacking everybody because we are threatened and we think that our world is coming to an end. We think that we are not going to become important, and we want to put down everybody because you have never heard from God but rather from those who heard from God. If you heard from God, your eyes will be on God and your focus will be on Him. You will be hearing His voice and following Him. That’s why the gospel of Luke says, we say what we heard and what we saw. The apostles heard it and even saw it. That’s why they were different from everybody else, their shadows were healing the sick and they could fly with no wings. Get ready tonight is a Jacob turning into Israel night. Your name is among names that are gonna turn into Israel. Your name is one that is gonna turn into a power house. Your name is one that is going to turn into a leader of your family. In the name of Jesus Christ, you will be number one in the areas of leadership in your family, generation, area, village, community and country by the power of the Holy Spirit. Child of God, God sets times and seasons where you have to believe Him as God Almighty. In the mighty name of Jesus, He who began a good work in you shall see it to the end because He is the Alpha and Omega. Get ready for the glory of God. 

So, Rebekah didn’t know. Prior to that, there was a man called Adam and his wife Eve. Something happened and these people didn’t understand what the LORD had for them. They had no hope, knowledge, understanding, and guess what happened? Cain fell on the neck of Abel, broke it and killed him. The bible says, And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him [Genesis 4:8]. The other translation says, “and he fell on his neck and killed him.” In other words, he broke his neck. Many years later, we see a scenario of Isaac and Rebekah. First look at this: God brought Eve to Adam, so was Eliezer brought Rebekah to Isaac. Do you see the similarities? Isaac was in the garden when Rebekah came. Adam was in the garden when Eve came. Whenever you have things that are similar, you need to take it to another level. God is a respecter of no persons. What He has given to somebody I don’t want, I want mine because He loves me as I am. He doesn’t have to steal from Paul to give to Peter. God is a giver, and He is a respecter of no persons [Acts 10:34]. Whenever you see similarities and comparison, you take it to another level. You humble yourself such that He can exalt you in due course. NEVER be in competition with anybody. You either humble yourself that He exalts you in due time or take it to another level, but don’t be at the same level with everybody else. Our God takes us from glory to glory. So I have already told you the similarities between the family of Isaac and Adam. God is the one who created Adam, and the One who brought Isaac to Abraham. Now watch this and you will be blessed. Adam sinned and God slaughtered an animal. Isaac was gonna be killed and God provided an animal. Do you see the similarities between Isaac and Adam? And now because of too much information overload, they are about to resurrect the curse of brothers killing each other. Cain killed Abel, what happened? Just consider what happened when Esau came to meet his brother Jacob after he had wrestled with God the whole night. I want you to see this and then you will understand what I am talking about. 

As I conclude this text: Next time when you’re going to engage yourself in spiritual warfare you have to either humble yourself under the mighty hand of God so that He can raise you in due course or you have to climb higher through the ladders the Lord has provided for you. 

Friends, I have to end this text here and I believe you have blessed with this message “turning from Jacob into Israel”, and to watch this rebroadcast of this entire message, click on this link

If you have never given your life to Jesus and you want to make Him first in your life, just say this simple prayer: “Lord Jesus, I ask you to be the Lord of my life; forgive me of all my sins; cleanse me; I believe You died on the cross for me and You rose from the dead. I ask you to be first in my life. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit; make me a new person and I believe in You in Jesus’ name.” Amen. You are Now a born again!

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©Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department