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Times & Seasons


Ecclesiastes 3

In order for us to be able to possess or purchase our land, it’s very important that we understand the times and seasons we are in. Times and seasons reflect strength, one of the seven spirits of God [Revelation 5:12]. We learnt that strength hinges on the cross at the horizontal beam. Therefore, time is revealed at the vertical beam of the cross which hinges purpose and assignment. Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, To everything [there is] a season, A time for every purpose under heaven.

The book of Ecclesiastes chapter 3 reveals to us seasons and times. Child of God, it’s very important that you understand your strength. What is your strength as an individual? Before you get into that marriage or join that corporate organization, do you know your strength? Time is to purpose as season is to everything, and remember, all things work together for your good [Romans 8:28]. There’s a time to pray, a time to receive, a time to do a thing and a time to believe. Everything needs a season, and time needs a purpose. Everything you have or want to have, there’s a season for it. There’s a season to buy land. There’s a season when things will work for you and when money will come to you.

Ecclesiastes 3:2-4 reads, A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up [that which is] planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance. Time is for a purpose, that is why things are happening, and season is what causes them to happen. It’s like when you procrastinate to buy land today that costs one million shilling, when time passes, you will buy it at UGX 10millions.

When the season is closer to your time or when your time overlaps your season, that’s when deals are made. When things are darker, the economy is down, that is the best time to strike deals. Listen to this: the sun brings us time and the moon brings us seasons. Once the moon begins to overlap the sun, that is called an eclipse. The eclipse doesn’t happen every time but when it occurs, you will have to use lenses because it could be your season to walk into your destiny. Never use your eyes to look at the eclipse; you need support; you need glasses/ lenses of faith, hope, wisdom and renewal. It’s time to put on glasses of faith and hope because that’s your strength. If those two [faith and hope] don’t work, you put on another lens called wisdom. You also need to get lenses called renewing your strength. If you are in a situation and your faith is not working, people are calling you too young or too old to build a beautiful house, drive a fancy car, then you need to renew your faith. Isaiah 40:31 says, But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew [their] strength.

Many people will always say, wait for your time but when your season comes for you to get land, house, car or immigration papers, it means that the season has overlapped the time. You could be in a season of buying land but when the time is not favorable, you don’t have the money. When a season overtakes your time, you get a beautiful eclipse. What you are doing right now is very important because it will help you to understand the times and seasons. When things are darker, that’s when you need to inquire about things that you would like to buy.

In order for you to understand time and seasons, you will have this use the power to choose. Choosing is never loosing. Jesus said, “You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and [that] your fruit should remain” [John 15:16]. Jesus used those words in the presence of Judas. Many people hate Judas yet Jesus needed a Judas in his life for the redemption to happen. Remember, God makes everything beautiful in His time [Ecclesiastes 3:11]. When people are seeing darkness, you must see beauty. In this time when people are seeing darkness, you must look for land and buy it. Allow your season to overtake your purpose. Choose today whom you will follow; choose life and not death [Deut 30:19].

People always buy unnecessary things because time pressurizes them. Seasons allow you to have time to succeed. To those going through tough times, let your season overlap the time, and know that the Lord is God. May the season of God’s blessing overtake your time of loss and not working. When the season overtakes your time, you will get your land. Remember, you must choose. Choosing is never loosing; poverty is a choice likewise wealth.

Another thing that you need to understand is; you must seed or paint your future. When you are told that the house will cost you UGX150m, find alternative ways of doing it (paint it). Don’t just receive the bill from the builders, find the unit cost per item. Don’t allow people to paint you in a corner. People always think that seed is only money, NO…go out there and see people’s houses. Find out how much it cost them. Isaac sowed in the land and painted his seed that he reaped a hundredfold [Genesis 26:12]. When you seed and paint it, you get a hundredfold.

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Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department