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The Voice


# Mid-Week Healing Service | THE VOICE| 14th -June – 2023

In the book of Revelation chapter 1, the bible talks about the Voice: and I heard behind me a loud voice, as of a trumpet [Revelation 1:10]. All the sounds on this pulpit are not all behind me. Everybody, the sound they listen to is in front of them. God created man able of hearing sound 360° (degrees). If something bursts behind me, I will turn because I have heard it. Any sound you are creating if you can’t hear it 360°, is not of God but for humans.

                      It’s not that people never study sound; they are deaf to the things of God.

One of the greatest mistakes we make in life is that when we arrive somewhere, we begin to give ourselves assignments which God has not told us to do, and as a result we struggle. If we don’t struggle, we fight those people whom we have found there, or who are doing the same thing because we have not asked Him, You called me and what do You want me to do?

In my life, I have interpreted for five people and out of those five, it wasn’t me pushing. Neither was it in my plan nor did I want it.

Every time God calls you to serve Him, He will give you WHERE, and when you arrive there, WAIT until He tells you. That’s why you guys struggle because you figure it yourself. It was either your desire or someone told you to come and serve and you said, this is it. As a result, there’s nothing you can do right.

There’s what we call MERCY and that works every morning [Lamentations 3:22-23]. There’s what they call GRACE and that works all the time. Then, there’s what they call the ANOINTING and that works every moment. That’s why some of you, the Mercy can be on you today and you do things right, and then the time comes when the cloud of the Anointing has risen.

One of the things I discovered in the Holy Spirit, when He (the Holy Spirit), or the anointing if it falls on that day and it was a greater anointing, it doesn’t only fight sin or unpreparedness or laziness, it also fights mediocrity. Even things like a cable, if it is not perfect, the Holy Spirit will pull it out. Even when the carpet is dirty, He will say, take this one out because He never compromises. That’s why He doesn’t shout, but He is forceful.

If you don’t yield in humility, and avail yourself to be bended or moulded, you can do all that you want to do, but the Holy Spirit will bypass you because you know He is a dove, and He flies. He can leave a place without you knowing that He has left.

We are friends of Jesus and He is our friend, but the Holy Spirit is not our friend. He is not a friend but a partner [John 14:26]. The Holy Spirit is here to do His part if you do your part. He is a partner!! There is a friend that can even be closer than your own brother and that is Jesus [Proverbs 18:24]. Jesus said, you are My friends, and He will be with you through thick and thin, but the Holy Spirit is not your friend [John 15:15].

If you are not careful about the Holy Spirit, He will leave you and once He leaves, He may never work with you again.

In the book of Revelation, John begins by saying that he heard a voice behind him [Revelation 1:10]. There’s a difference between a voice and a sound. When I talk, people know a difference between me and Pr. Arthur

                                Voices create sound.

If a person who knows the difference between my voice and my sound, he will perfect this sound. The sound is not the best of my voice. Sound was designed to tell you the place, occasion, and the intention. That’s the purpose of sound. Sound shouldn’t be loud. Sound must be 360°.

The problem with you, sound engineers is that you never read, research and seek for what you don’t know. Revelation chapter 1 and 2 talks about writing the letter to the seven churches. As a sound engineer, you must have a book which has one’s sound and their voice levels. How do you set the lead singer’s voice from that of another person? What are their voice levels? You are in sound and what is the voice level of Pr. Robert? Why would God tell Moses to write down the laws [Exodus 20]. God can’t trust your mind, and that is why He said, Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus [Philippians 2:5], because your natural mind forgets. You can mix the keyboard level with that of the guitar or drums. Today, it’s perfect and tomorrow its worse.

The bible warns us not to lean on our understanding, and it says, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct you [Proverbs 3:5-6]. In all your ways acknowledge Him: say, Lord, how am I going to handle this service today? It is a healing service and sick people have come; I need You, Lord; direct me for I can’t direct myself. If you depend on your mind, everything you will do will be wrong because God can’t be led. He is the leader; He leadeth me [Psalm 23:2]. You can’t lead God.

As a sound engineer, get in prayer and the word. Look for every word that has to do with the voice and sound in the bible. Be humble enough to be trained. Know for sure, that whatever you are doing, it’s not pleasing Him. As long as He is not pleased, you are offending the Holy Spirit, and if He is offended, He will walk away from you. You might never stop a miracle from happening or stop God from doing a miracle for someone who needs it, but you will stay where you are, and He will not tell you.

This is what the Holy Spirit told me, what impresses the world, doesn’t impress God. Not at all.

I know you are from different walks of life. When Jesus was calling Simon Peter, He said, I am calling you to be a fisher of men [Matthew 4:19]. He called him exactly in what he was doing. The bible says, if ANY man (be a fisherman, a drummer) be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away;behold, all things are become new [2 Corinthians 5:17].

As I conclude: there’s a difference between being a born-again and to be filled with the Holy Spirit. If you are not filled with the Holy Spirit, you can’t even hear Him. Forget about sound. You need to Go back and fast and tell God, I need You to fill me with the Holy Spirit because when You fill me, I will hear Your voice and to make sound better [Acts 2:2].

How do you hear from God? Today, you are living in a world where everyone is copying what’s trending. If you don’t hear from Him, serving Him will be the most frustrating and you will spend years frustrated, and when you clock 40s or 50s, then, you will blame everyone for your failures. Judas was the one holding the bag of Jesus, but he died before Jesus [Matthew 27:5]. Where was the problem? He didn’t know whom he was serving. When you don’t know who He is, and what He wants, and how He wants it, you will hate and abuse Him. But if you do, because those who are led by the Spirit are the true sons of God [Romans 8:14].

I ask you a question:

  1. Are you truly filled with the Holy Spirit? If not, that should be the first thing you should ask [Romans 8:14].
  2. Do you know Jesus? Do you love Him? Apostle Paul said,I want to know him (Jesus), and the power of his resurrection” [Philippians 3:10], and yet he was already born-again and an apostle.

                          This is my prayer every day, “Lord, I want to know You!”

If you are not filled with the Holy Spirit, you don’t know Him, and if you don’t know Him, you will give Him things He doesn’t want. And then He will reject them and say, I don’t want to work with this person again.

I trust you have been blessed with this powerful teaching about the Voice. To watch the entire message, click on the link below.

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