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The three Divine Powers – Part1


Revival Conference- Day 4, Sept-09-2021

We are so grateful to have you, Apostle Justice Blessing Dlamini tonight. All the way from the nation of Swaziland, Southern Africa. Thank you Apostle for being faithful  to the Lord. Apostle Dlamini has Bible Colleges; he is a businessman who understands business; he has an anointing of raising businessmen; he is one of the greatest speakers of our time; he is my brother. We are grateful that you are here via Zoom to minister to us. Uganda and around the world, welcome Apostle Dlamini in Jesus’ mighty name!

I am grateful to participate in this great gathering, proclaiming the word and mind of God and the purpose of God in such a time as this. We thank God for this great opportunity to partake of the word of God together and feasting on what He is revealing in this last hour. Before I go into the summon for today, I want to acknowledge my wife, Pastor Zandile, my life partner for the past 35 years now by the grace of God. She is my intercessor, my pillar of strength and motivation. I believe that God has placed us together in such a time as this, so that we can make an impact. 

I heard the man of God (Dr. Robert Kayanja) as he was talking about the theme of this service that the Spirit behind this conference in such a time as this is that we need to be people who pray, people who repent, people who trust God and people who give. 

So today I’m going to just bring in what the Lord God has put in my spirit. I want to salute all the participants in this conference for the impact they are making globally. We give God the praise for the opportunity of being His instrumental and vessels. 

Before I get into the message, I want us to pray. Heavenly Father, we praise Your holy Name, we worship you mighty God. Thank you Father for loving us and choosing us before the foundation of the earth, that we should be your sons and daughters. Father, thank You for establishing us to be your church, the global Universal Church of God in this world. We give You praise. Thank you mighty God for gracing us individually with your holiness. By You we cry Abba Father, thank you Father for that divine empowerment. We praise You and give You the glory. By Your Holy Spirit, we are able to navigate successfully through the many challenges of this life, we give you praise. Thank You mighty God even for the good plans You have for us, individually and for your church in this world. Thank you dear Jesus because you gave us that assurance when You said “upon this rock, I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” [Matthew 16:18]. We are so grateful to be reminded that we are not leaders of the church but you are the builder of the church. And we are persuaded like Paul that the work You started, by establishing your institution called the church, you shall continue with it to the very end. We shall not be devastated. We shall not be messed up by all the different social economic situations in our world. Father, we know that we shall continue to be strong until that day of the Lord. Lord, I commit these people to You this night, I pray that by the Holy Spirit you’ll touch them, empower them, revive them and transform them through every word You will speak through my lips of clay. Heal those who are sick, Mighty God. Deliver those who need deliverance and transform those situations which need transformation for Your glory in Jesus mighty Name, Hallelujah!

I am going to be speaking to you tonight about three divine powers that must be active in our lives individually and as a church.

I need to remind you people of God that the different occurrences in our world including the COVID-19 situation that has devastated the entire globe since last year 2020, upto this hour, maybe said to be part of one of the things that Jesus predicted (foretold) as recorded in the book of Matthew chapter 24. He said, there shall be greater tribulations, pandemics and pestilence occurring in our world just as we see with the COVID-19 and natural disasters that are happening in the different parts of the world. And also by way of the political conflicts and uprisings and wars. All these things are recorded in the book of Matthew. And then Jesus told us when you go down to verse 13 that  Only those who will persevere to the end shall be saved. So it is my prayer that you continue to trail and press on, you continue to be strong in the Lord, you continue to trust in the Lord your God, you continue to deploy all the principles of the kingdom that are enshrined in the Word of God so that by them we may successfully overcome and prevail over all the challenges of the last hour. Praise the Name of the Lord!

Jesus said something very profound. He said, And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come [Matthew 24:14]. Praise the name of the Lord! We know that we are in the hour where every servant of God and every minister of the gospel must be fully engaged in the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ our Saviour. I just wanted to mention that you know, as my opening remarks before I get into the scriptures that we are going to look at today. 

You know my discourse for this great evening, and there’s a statement that I want to declare again today: regardless of what is happening in our world, we must never forget what the bible declares. The bible says in the book of 1 John 5:4, For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, [even] our faith. In other words, whosoever is born of God or whosoever is born again or whosoever experienced the new birth through the Holy Spirit and salvation overcomes the world. That persuades me. It helps me to realise that as long as I am a born-again, child of God, I will always prevail over every challenge, every problem that life throws at me or whatever problem the devil may throw at you. As long as you are born of God, the scripture never lies. It says, All those who are born of God, they always overcome this world. That’s why I call out my statement, you are not born again to fail. Again, you are not born again to be defeated. Again, you are not born again to suffer. Again, praise the name of the Lord that you are born again to champion over all the challenges of this life, that is to overcome the challenges of this life. Say amen? Praise the name of the Lord. Tell your neighbour or someone who is close to you that remember, “you are not born again to be defeated. Again, you’re not born again to suffer again. You’re not born again to fail again.” That’s why Paul says in Romans 8:37, Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

So as to really navigate successfully through the different challenges we face day by day as Jesus said, that in this world, you shall face many tribulations, many challenges, He said, don’t be dismayed. Don’t be afraid. Remain courageous and confident, because I, Jesus, your captain overcame, so you shall likewise overcome [John 16:33]. Praise the name of the Lord our Saviour forever. Yes, it is a fact of life that COVID-19 has disturbed the normal operations of the church. But we remain persuaded, because the church has got its builder. The church has got its Commander-in-chief, Jesus Christ, our Saviour who said, “Upon this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it” [Matthew 16:18]. So every demonic and satanic maneuver against the church will ultimately be overturned by our faithful Captain, the commander-in-chief of the church, the Lord Jesus Christ in His name. 

Are you following and blessed so far? I just want to say this again: you know, the man of God, Bishop Robert Kayanja is a visionary and a game changer. I mean, regardless of what may be our way, God has placed him, you know, with great grace, the grace to innovate, the grace to come up with a winning strategy that deals with situations without the ground. Look at this great conference that he has put together in such a time as this, the month of September.  My God, the ninth month, the month of birthing; birthing things on Earth. That’s what I’ve declared and proclaimed this month to be, no matter what is happening, and God will help us. He will enable us by His Holy Spirit, to birth a new vision, to birth new ideas, to birth new business concepts, to birth new strategies for continuing to proclaim the gospel aggressively to the shame of the devil. This is a month of birthing. And I proclaim, whatsoever is outstanding in your life, which is supposed to be birthed, to be birthed by now. I decree and I declare that your birthing moment will take place in this conference in the name of Jesus. There shall be amazing breakthroughs. There shall be amazing victories in the name of the Lord.

Doors will open for you. Delays will be terminated by the grace that is accompanying this ninth month. Nine is a number that stands for fruitfulness. That’s why there are nine fruits of the Holy Spirit in Galatians 5:22. Why? Number nine stands for fruitfulness. Write it down so that you just have this additional information and revelation. Nine also stands for divine giftedness. There are nine gifts of the Holy Spirit  according to the book of 1 Corinthians chapter 12. Praise the name of the Lord. Nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. Why not twelve? Why not eight? Why not seven? Because nine is a number of fruitfulness and giftedness. Hallelujah. Nine is also a number. Oh, let me declare just from what I was saying, I decree and I declare that your life shall not be in barrenness, you shall bear more fruit. There shall be grace for greater fruitfulness in the name of Jesus. The Lord our God by the blessed Holy Spirit will help you to bring forth fruit; the fruit of good things, the fruit of greater achievements and the fruit of impact, supernaturally in this ninth month in the name of Jesus! I pray that the gifts of the Holy Spirit upon your life shall be revived again in this ninth month. Number nine, also stands for divine visitation or open heavens if you want. 

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