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The seven spirits of God – Wisdom



Saints, we are talking about the seven spirits of God in Revelation 5. However, in the midst of what is happening today, many people have turned out to be prophets giving all sorts of prophecies that this is the end and that people should change their behaviors. So, it seems like behavior change is the answer to what is going on. Behavioral change will give you reputation and the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is about behavioral change. The bible says, “He who observes the wind will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap” [Ecclesiastes 11:4].

Therefore, the first thing in behavioral change is, do not shake hands because you can shake hands with someone who has corona virus. Another behavioral change we must learn is SAVING. I remember during the 77 Days of Glory services, God told us to SAVE and He gave us a formula; 10% is the tithe, then save either 60% (if you’re single) or 30% (if you have a family) and use the rest.

Jesus came to SAVE that which was lost [Luke 19:10]. Let me say that you’re earning 100,000/= then you pay off your tithe of 10,000/=. Now you balance is 90,000/=, you save 30,000/= each month and at the end of the year, you will have saved 360,000/= it’s not too much but if you could save it for 10 years, you will have a lot of money.

Beloved, God will always give you an opportunity to create wealth, and that’s why He has given us His seven spirits; power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory and blessing, and today, I want us to concentrate on WISDOM. Wisdom constitutes knowledge and understanding, and helps in capacity building.

Why do you think the President of Uganda is asking for cars? He would have asked for medicine or local herbs but he chose that course of action because he is build capacity. This is what I am also asking myself; the Holy Spirit has been with us for nearly four years since we began this revival, what capacity do we have? Have we built the capacity? If God directs you on how to manage your income, it is because He wants you to building capacity.

Jesus met Simon Peter and told him, from today you will be a fisher of men [Matthew 4:19], and thereafter, He told him again to take care of His sheep [John 21:15-17]. We are the sheep of His pasture, and He’s our shepherd, and we are also the temple of the Holy Spirit. Child of God, once you are at a fish level, you are a mean Christian; your capacity can only feed one person.

The fish that swallowed Jonah had no capacity to swallow another man, and yet if you are at the sheep level, you have the capacity to feed and save a family, that’s why Joshua said, as for me and my house we shall serve the Lord [Joshua 24:15]; at this level, your wool is good and it can cover others but you also attract foxes. Those at the temple level must die to self-that’s why Apostle Paul tells us to die to the things of this world [Romans 8:13]. In the temple that’s where the different spiritual gifts operate from.

Do you have the capacity? Just a little lock down you see the greed of people, their capacity is as little as fish. People with no capacity cannot have vision nor can they save a nation. That is why we need people with capacity who are no longer swimming like a fish or crying like a sheep. Glory be to God that in season and out of season, we are preaching the gospel because we built the capacity. We are now coming into the temple and we are gonna help people. I don’t want people with corona virus in my area but I need those who are social distancing themselves and washing their hands because they are the temple. The bible says, “if anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person,” and you are the temple of the Holy Ghost [1 Corinthians 3:17 NIV].

As I conclude: wisdom is the ability to create capacity, and I advise you people to invite Jesus Christ into your lives because he is the giver of capacity and wisdom. Corona virus has attacked us at every corner; weddings are being attended by only 10 people, and funerals as well, even when you die from another country your body cannot be brought back to your country or relatives. Tough times will always come but only tough people with the capacity will go through them.

This is the time for us to pray more, to repent and to treat people with respect; don’t treat people as they have treated you, treat them well. Jesus will say, when I was in prison, you never came to see me; He will ask you about the little children that were dying of hunger during the COVID-19 lock down. I know we can turn this situation around, but let us build the capacity.

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