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The Resurrection Power



We are still on our study of debt canc,ellation. Child of God, the Mighty God paid the ultimate debt for us, and that is what Jesus did. If God didn’t spare His son (Jesus Christ) to die for you at the cross, how can He spare the blessing, the money, the resources and the wealth? [Romans 8:32] Beloved, God provided for this mobile truck, the only one of its kind. If taxes are over 150 millions shillings, then how much did it cost? When you put them all together, to God be the glory.

People have always said, Balookole (born again believers) are backward. We always follow others, we are lazy and we don’t work but Miracle Centre Cathedral, we have made the difference. The bible says, we shall be the head and not the tail, and God always wants us to be the head and never the tail [Deuteronomy 28:13]. Child of God, I pray that the Spirit of God will inspire you to give. I pray for you today, that God will answer your prayers and get you out of debt in Jesus’mighty name. Lord, do miracles and wonders. Remove your people out of debts.

People of God, there are several people in the Bible that changed people’s lives, and that made the birth and death of our Lord Jesus Christ to happen. There was Mary the mother of Jesus. She was a virgin girl ready to get married, but she accepted and made a difference in our lives [Luke 1:26-35]. The second person was Joseph who accepted to go with Mary [Matthew 1:18-23]. He took her to his hometown of Bethlehem Ephratah and there, Jesus was born because it was prophesied in the book of Micah chapter 5 verse 2, that your king shall be born in Bethlehem Ephratah. That is how God does because He will allow you to follow the scriptures. The third person who made a difference in life was Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus who asked to bury Jesus. Child of God, these were not regular disciples of Jesus. They never walked with Him but they believed, waited, heard it, came in and did it. They provided the tomb, the linen and spices because Jesus had to be buried as the High Priest [John 19:38-42].

The fifth person who made a difference was this woman who came with an alabaster box. She opened it and poured it on Jesus. Jesus said, she has anointed me for My burial. If Jesus had died and never resurrected, we would be like any other religion. I was in Israel and I entered His tomb but it is empty. He resurrected and He is alive. Because He is alive today, demons are going to leave you, sickness and diseases are going to be healed and you are going to be set free by the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, “Assuredly, I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be told as a memorial to her” [Matthew 26:7-13]. That is what our Father does in Jesus’mighty name.

The sixth person who made a difference in the life of Jesus was the person who planted the tree where they made the cross of Jesus. He planted it, watered it and pruned it not knowing that that tree was going to become a cross where Jesus was to be crucified from. The person who planted that tree, did it for us. The seventh person who made a difference was the Holy Spirit. He came and raised Jesus from the dead by His power. And that same power that resurrected Jesus Christ from the dead is going to resurrect you, your business, family, money and everything [Romans 8:11]. That power has the ability to change your situation. It doesn’t matter whether you’re poor or ignorant, the Holy Spirit is ready to fire up the power to resurrect your business, family and everything that you do for the glory of God.

This truck was a dream. It began when I was standing in Mutukula (where I had gone to conduct a healing crusade) and the platform where I was standing, though miracles had happened but it was so thin and small. People were coming to testify, some healed of Tuberculosis and all sorts of illnesses God had healed on that day. You couldn’t even parade one who had been healed. Miracles were happening every day but the platform wasn’t good for someone who was proclaiming the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ. Now guess what happened. I am here standing (on this mobile truck) from edge to edge because someone believed, trusted and acknowledged the Lord and even gave.

We are going to take the Resurrection power to every place. Therefore, Jesus said, whatever this woman has done, wherever the gospel shall be preached, she will be remembered. Hear me child of God, in the name of Jesus, the son of the living God, whatever you are doing today, when we go to Gulu, Mutukula, Ngoma, Masindi, Kiryandongo, Masaka, Lira, Mubende, and so forth, you shall be remembered.

Jesus died so that you and I don’t have to die. We have to go and tell the world the good news. You don’t have to live in sin and bondage, Jesus Christ died for you. This is what we can do as Uganda. God has saved us from Corona Virus . He is able to save you from everything that you ever have.

Thank you for ceaselessly giving and supporting the Robert Kayanja Ministries. Our Holy Ghost Benz is already at the Miracle Centre grounds and that’s where I stood to share the Resurrection Message with you today. Don’t miss, this Easter Monday [April 5th-2021], we have a Drive-in Miracle Service at Kololo Airstrip (independence grounds) from 3pm to 5pm. Invite your friends and loved ones.

©Missions Department – Robert Kayanja Ministries

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