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The Promises of God


2 Chronicles 7:14

Beloved, our God is able to handle anything that comes our way. Say like you mean it: I believe in you Lord! Do you know what the Lord wants you to be? He says, let the poor say I am rich, let the weak say I am strong and let the sick say I am healed. In this period of time when coronavirus is almost everywhere, there are five weapons that you must use to overcome it and these are; the promises of God, praise, worship, obedience and offering. Obedience has three authorities; authority in the word of God, authority by the government and the believer’s authority. The scripture says, And these signs will follow those who believe [Mark 16:17].

How do you know that this coronavirus is a devil himself? The bible says in John 10:10, The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to steal, and to destroy… Child of God, we have to understand that we have been with God in tough times. Ebola and AIDS were wiping away people and deaths were everywhere but I stand to testify that there’s life in this land and God healed us. Say like you mean it: there’s a God Almighty who hears prayer and I am confident that He will answer me!

Under the promises of God, 2 Chronicles 7:11-14 reveals to us something very profound, and it amazes me that whatever God promised to do, East Africa has been a witness, right from the drought, to locusts and now to this coronavirus pandemic. East Africa saw a drought that lasted for six months, we saw our animals die because there was no grass to feed them but when we prayed for rain, God opened His tap in heaven and now we are experiencing rain. We really thank God that He helped us to go through it. We have a tendency of forgetting but the Hebrews don’t forget. Those locusts destroyed crops in Kenya, Yemen and Ethiopia, and when they entered Uganda through Karamoja, the wind of the Holy Ghost blew them out of the country to the border of Sudan and Kenya.

People of God, our greatest problem is that we don’t know how to give thanks; when drought was over, no one came with food to give thanks. We must understand the kind of God we have; the God of Abraham, the living God is our God. Australia experienced fire during their drought yet us, who had a terrible drought didn’t see any fire. The God who delivered us from drought, AIDS, Ebola and Locusts, is going to deliver us from this coronavirus.

Listen: Uganda must stand on the promises of God because they are “Yes and Amen.” We don’t have a factory that manufactures face masks but God has been good to Uganda. Beloved, the remedy to coronavirus isMy people.” Only God’s people can chase this coronavirus away and we are not going to permit it in Uganda. Let me ask; where are God’s people? Remember, God gave us His word through this COVID-19 pandemic, “of long life” [Psalms 91:16].

He said, if you see these three things happening to you, the antidote is “My people who are called by My name” [2 Chronicles 7:14]. Regardless of who you’re, whether a Muslim, witch or a Christian, we are all God’s people and we have the authority to burn the coronavirus. We are God’s people called by His name and we humble ourselves. Hear this: why does God tell people to humble themselves? Because it’s the humble that inherit the earth [Matt 5:5]. Ugandans, we are so arrogant that we forget where we came from. God said, If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land [2 Chronicles 7:14]. 

Tell the person next to you: I ask you to be humble. I want you to hear this: the Lord has now put the whole world at the same level. People are now denying their covenant brothers; nations are now denying their covenant partners. We forget too fast that if God wasn’t on our side, we would have been consumed. If we can humble ourselves and pray; prayer has power. Even those who are locked up in your homes, pray.

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Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department