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The Power of Prayer

Dr. Robert Kayanja

#4th anniversary Celebrations of 77 D.O.Gs – Sept 23rd

People of God, we need to look at these characters: Hezekiah, Cain, David and many others who reversed God’s decision in a split of a second. It’s not them but God. When God is a good God, a loving God, when His character is true and He is faithful, whoever comes to Him finds mercy. David was supposed to die. A prophet came to him and said, there was a man who stole somebody’s little sheep, ate it and made party for himself. David said, he should die and the prophet said, it’s you [2 Samuel 12:1-9]. David cried to God in Psalms 51 and immediately God answered him. God restored him. He gave him the joy of salvation. Cain, the same: after killing his brother (Abel), he ran to the God of mercy and God delivered him and gave him an anointing to build a city, and the rest is history [Genesis 4:1-17].

Another man is Hezekiah. This one didn’t sin nor did he do any wrong to anyone but he just got sick. I believe sickness is an entanglement with satan. Satan is the one who brings sicknesses, Cancer, Ebola, coronavirus because the end game of sickness is death. Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy, and that’s the end game of sickness and disease [John 10:10]. That’s why God says in the book of Exodus 15:26, “I am the LORD that healeth thee.” And By His stripes we are healed [Isaiah 53:5]. Child of God, I want you to understand that sickness and diseases are not of God. So, as we trust in the Lord to heal us, we realize that our God is a healer; He is faithful; He is wonderful; He is powerful and this is the God I am talking about. He is the God who is inviting us to come to Him. Hezekiah just got sick that he reached a point of death, and a prophet came [2 kings 20]. This prophet was a prophet of good news, Isaiah the son of Amoz. He prophesied about the nine names of God. He saw a king. He saw the LORD with His splendor filling the temple. He said, “The God I saw was so glorious that His train filled the temple” [Isaiah 6:1]. And amazingly, you begin to realize in Isaiah chapter 9:6, he tells us the names of Jesus; Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

In Isaiah chapter 35, he reveals the healing power of God. He said, vengeance is coming but God will spear you; the lame shall walk; the eyes of the blind shall be opened; there shall be a highway of Holiness. Isaiah 45, he tells us that He opens up the wealth in dark places. He said you shall decree a thing and it shall be established for you. Isaiah 53:5, he said, and by His strips we are healed. Isaiah 61, he said, Arise and shine. But when it came to Hezekiah, that all went through the window. He didn’t bring good news. He said to Hezekiah, “Set your house in order, for you shall die, and not live” [2 kings 20:1]. In other words, you are going to die and your legacy will be thrown through the window; you will not be remembered; whatever you have ever done, it was for nothing. All of us are going to die but not all of us are going to live. What do I mean by living? Living is posterity. Living is remaining even when you’re dead. People in America who built stuff, they died long time ago but their names are still living. Churchill died long time ago but his name remained. Is your name going to remain? Your name doesn’t remain on nothing but it remains on structures; it remains on a memorial. I declare, your name will remain as a memorial, and that is why God told the children of Israel as they were crossing river Jordan to pick up those stone which will be a memorial [Joshua 4:1-7].

Child of God, Jesus turned to the woman with an alabaster box who poured oil on his head and said, she has done this to anoint me for My burial. Therefore, “wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be told as a ‘memorial’ to her” [Matthew 26:12-13]. We remember Joseph of Arimathaea but we do not remember the women that cried from Jerusalem to calvary. In fact Jesus told them, “weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children” [Luke 23:28]. There are certain things that you and I will do and Generations will remember, that when there was Covid-19, there was a man and a woman who stood in the gap and rebuked the powers of darkness. Joshua is remembered for standing up, and stopping the sun and the moon [Joshua 10:12-14]. That is exactly what will happen on Sept-28th -2020. We are stopping the clock. He who will be going to bath or for lunch or to work will stop, and I am appealing to the entire Nation to stop on that day for two hours and thank God; praise Him, worship Him and pray.

2 Chronicles 7:14 reads, if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. That will happen on Monday, Sept-28th from 11am to 1 pm [EAT]. It’s very simple, He said, “if My people who are called by My name”; can stop what they are doing, can stop complaining and pray. That is what He was saying. He says, “humble yourself”, stop what you’re doing and pay attention to God. Then He said, “seek My face.” In those two hours, we shall be seeking the face of God, not the face of a leader, politician, religion or preacher. We shall be injecting in because the kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force.

This fifth year of the 77 days of Glory, we take it by force; we will take the promises of God by force. We will take this 5th year by prayer, repentance, atonement, crying unto God, seeking God, desiring God and loving God. For the kingdom of God suffers violence, and the violent take it by force [Matthew 11:12], and If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray…Miracles are going to happen. Your land shall be healed; your home is going to be healed; your family is going to be blessed. Something supernatural is going to happen to this country on Sept-28th -2020, I don’t know what it is, and that’s why the devil is scared and what he can say is death. We are not dying because we have an assignment. If God has ever given you an assignment that’s proof that you are not dying but you will live for His glory. This has never happened before, can you be part of it? Can your organization, family, income and resources be part of it? It’s time for us to be part of what God is doing so that when books are written, they will say, there was a generation in 2020, on Sept-28th , that stopped whatever they were doing and prayed.

The bible says, when Hezekiah was not going to leave a legacy, he turned to the wall and prayed [2kings 20:2-3]. I don’t know for how long, maybe for one hour or two hours. You might say, pastor, why don’t we do the whole day? It’s about resources but let’s start where we are. Jesus said, can’t you be with me for at least an hour? [Matthew 26:40] Let’s give Him two hours because we are in the 21 century. We cannot do as the first century. We can do better than them. We believe in the double anointing. We don’t only need God to forgive our sins and heal our land, but we also want Him to give us the double anointing; we want our joy, freedom, life, provisions, protection, Anointing, reputation, the Holy Ghost, revival, healing, children, husbands, wives, land and prosperity back. We want double–double!!

What did Hezekiah do when he prayed? God gave Him 15 more years. Why 15? So that he could build two pools and the conduit that would bring water into the city of Jerusalem, because Jesus was coming and needed those two pools. One is a pool of Siloam where a blind man who had no eye balls, Jesus mixed the mud and spat on it and made two eyes which he fixed in his eye sockets and said, go and wash, and the man did, and he saw [John 9:7]. God fixed his face. Man came from the dust and Jesus picked his eyes from the dust. Jesus did what only God could do. Then He needed the pool of Bethesda where the angel used to come and stir up the water. Jesus found a man lying there for 38years [John 5:1-9]. Those 38years and above, I declare that the impotence is out of your life; poverty is out of your life.

Friends, if you have never given your life to Jesus and you want to make Him first in your life, just say this simple prayer: “Lord Jesus, I ask you to be the Lord of my life; forgive me of all my sins; cleanse me; I believe You died on the cross for me and You rose from the dead. I ask you to be first in my life. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit; make me a new person and I believe in You in Jesus’ name.” You are Now a born again.

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The 77 Days of Glory, 4th anniversary celebration services are LIVE on Channel 44 TV and at the Robert Kayanja Ministries media platforms from 7PM [EAT] daily. Remember, we are still fasting in these ten days [The Daniel Fast] till Sept-28th, the Day of Atonement. And don’t miss, Dr. Paul Enenche will be ministering this Friday, sept-25th.

©Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department