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The love of God


77Days of Glory – Season 9

John 3:16, Song of Solomon [NKJV] 2:16; 2:3; 5:9-10

We are studying on the love of God. And His love is the greatest you can ever have on this planet. You can never get an over doze of God’s love. John 3:16 elaborates God’s love so clearly and it says, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Tell your neighbor, BE-LOVED. When you accept to be loved, then God comes and takes care of you. He said, My beloved is mine [Song of Solomon 2:16]. We are being scanned right now by God’s love. God’s power is scanning you, and you are the gift of God. Christ died for. I wish you could understand and choose to be loved. Moses did not choose to be loved. God said to him to take off his shoes and then He instructed him to go and bring back His people [Exodus 3]. People of God do not complicate things. Let God love you.

When you study Song of Solomon 2:16, you come to understand that you are BELOVED. God is willing to feed you. Your beloved is yours, and you are His. The number one thing the young and the old, the boys and girls do is advances. People do not love people that love them. Many people misquote the laughs with love. Lift your hands and say, BELOVED.

God has spent years convincing man that He loves him. Look at this child of God, Jesus said am going to wake my beloved friend Lazarus who fell asleep. Love will wake up the beloved [John 11:11]. You are about to resurrect. Love will resurrect the beloved. The reason why God talked to Moses about Abraham was because when He asked Abraham for a son, he gave Isaac unto the Lord.

Many people have no love because they do not understand what love is. The love of men is first give me then I give back to you. Song of Solomon 2:17 reads, Until the day breaks And the shadows flee away, Turn, my beloved, And be like a gazelle Or a young stag Upon the mountains of Bether. For what God did for us, we who were meant to be firewood for hell, if we don’t praise Him we are unlovable.

Song of Solomon 7:10 reads, I [am] my beloved’s, And his desire [is] toward me. Whatever God dreams about, He dreams about you and me. When He desires, He desires Robert Kayanja [Pastor]. When He sees me coming, He whispers to the angels, that one is my beloved. Whenever you come for the 77D.O. Gs, God says “See my Beloved.”

Tell your neighbor, why are you unlovable? Yet you are God’s desire and His beloved. Your beloved wants you to enjoy the entire village with Him. May God love you and take you where they will celebrate your achievements. Look at what chapter 5:9 says, What [is] your beloved More than [another] beloved, O fairest among women? What [is] your beloved More than [another] beloved, That you so charge us? Who do you call your beloved? You need to love God that the heathens will become perplexed. Here in town, when a man loves his wife, people begin to talk.

This is what the Lord told me, whatever I bind on earth it will be bound in heaven. If the city is bound, we go to the village where love is. Let us read verse 5:10: My beloved [is] white and ruddy, Chief among ten thousand. God has made you the chief. They will ask God why do You love your beloved like this? Demons are going to pay. Uganda, God loves you and please accept to be loved. He calls you the chief among thousands. He is determined to love you and He loves you indeed. My beloved is the apple among the trees in the woods [Song of Solomon 2:3]. What you eat on God is sweet, that is why the psalmist said, taste and see that the Lord is good! Lift your hands and worship the Lord.

Lastly, Song of Solomon 2:8 says, The voice of my beloved! Behold, he comes Leaping upon the mountains, Skipping upon the hills. Lift your hands and say, Father I love You. I accept to be loved. Love me with Your everlasting love. I am Your beloved. Make me never to forget Your love. My maker, love me forever. Tell Him how much you love Him. Tell Him, love me with Your everlasting love, make me never to forget Your love My God My maker. Saints, He loves us. His love is power. His love is life.

As I conclude: My beloved is mine and am His. God loves you and you are going to walk in a prophetic life. Let us take this prophetic declaration: Father, I am willing to be loved by You therefore I demonstrate your love by taking a prophetic step. Begin to prophecy saints as you walk around. I decree and declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. Declare it is happening right now. Prophecy Father, I believe in miracles, signs and wonders. Money cometh to me. Healing happens to me. Command deliverance, healing to come to you and salvation of your family.

We believed you have been blessed with this teaching about the love of God.

©Missions Department – Robert Kayanja Ministries