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The Lamb Of God


Revelation 5

There is something that we need to understand about the Lamb of God; this lamb started with God Himself in Genesis when He slaughtered it, then Abel used it to defeat his brother [Genesis 4:4]. Abel was the second born but the lamb made him to be the first, and even though we don’t see his descendants, you and I are his disciples spiritually because his blood still speaks. Abraham also offered his son Isaac such that he could see the lamb, and guess what happened; God had to take Abraham to mount. Moriah which is Calvary [where the Lamb of God was crucified].

Abraham took wood which is the cross and fire which is the Holy Spirit. Child of God, whenever you have the Cross and the Holy Spirit, the Lamb has to show up [Genesis 22:13], and whenever you give God your best, the lamb will show up. Jesus Christ is the lamb that was slain from the foundations of the earth when sin had abound. The bible says, where sin abounds, much more grace shall also abound [Romans 5:20].

Jesus Christ the Lamb of God began the earth, He was there for Adam, Abel and Abraham. Get this: Jesus Christ who is the Lamb of God and is the receipt for our redemption as revealed in Galatians 3:13, Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, [“Cursed] [is] [everyone who hangs on a tree”]). And the reason why He died was to redeem us because redemption is only done by God and once, unlike liberation which is done by man. Therefore, God is the ONE who began this redemption business when Adam sinned. Adam and Eva needed an anointing to take them through the earth, and that anointing was a garment.

Remember, the anointing breaks and destroys yokes. Do you know why Cain killed his brother? Because Abel was extending “the lamb” saying, only the lamb can get us out of this mess [Genesis 3] yet Cain wanted them to bring fruits to God but from which tree were those fruits coming from? Cain’s offering was rejected by God because it had no blood. For redemption to happen, blood must be there. Look at this: the lamb provides two things; blood to cover our sins and food. The lamb feeds us. We are what we are because of the lamb! Years past, and Noah found grace [Genesis 6:8]. Grace and mercy are all found in the lamb. God told Noah to build the ark but it took him forty years to finish it. Noah never used grace yet if he had used the lamb, it would have happened instantly.

The reason why the lamb died was to bring to us the blessing of Abraham. There are 365 blessings of Abraham and these blessings will make you Rich. The man was very rich in cattle, gold and silver [Genesis 13:2]. I pray that God will give you cattle and once He does, you will have land, herdsmen and wells. These blessings will give you strength. Abraham was strong. He was a friend of God. Once you’re a friend of God, you live longer; with longer life God satisfies you [Psalms 91:16].

The other thing the death of Christ gave to us was the Holy Spirit. People have emphasized many things that one to be successful, they need to network, work hard and education but I want to emphasize the Lamb of God, and everything you need is in the Lamb. The anointing and wisdom you will ever need are in the Lamb of God and once you get Jesus, you will also get the seven spirits of God [Revelation 5:4-12].

Africa and the whole world hear me well, through the blood of the Lamb of God, we are going to overcome this coronavirus. In Revelation 5, there were elders and beasts who always hindered the prayers of the saints but because of the Lamb, they can no longer hinder them; we now have direct access to the Father. Infact those beasts and elders were part of the redemption no matter how close they were to God. Heaven needed redemption because satan at one point waged war and had access to heaven that any time; he went to God to claim for Job but when Jesus resurrected, He took the keys of the kingdom and kicked the devil out of heaven [Isaiah 53:10-12]. I prophesy, you’re the redeemed of the Lord and you’re coming out of that situation. Beloved, those who have been blocking you are getting out of your way. I declare: because of the death and resurrection of the lamb, you’re about to go where you had been blocked.

You know what amazes me, these beasts and the elders had even blocked angels yet each one of us has an angel, but after the lamb came, they said, we can no longer hold the prayers of saints because the lamb is worthy and they assigned themselves other responsibilities. And the scripture states, Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing [Revelation 5:12]. It’s my prayer that you will get one of the seven spirits of God, and the bible says, at his death he was buried with the rich [Isaiah 53:9]; riches is one of the seven spirits of God. When John saw Jesus, he said, “Behold the lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world.”

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Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department