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Holy Spirit Service

The secret of God’s creative power is in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit separates stuff.  He separates the sheep from goats. He separates the land from the sea. He separated Eva from Adam. He is going to separate you from other people. That’s why apostle Paul says, “I am separated.” He was writing to the people of Rome. He states in Romans 1:1, Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called [to be] an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God.

The uniqueness among humans and nations is separation. Death is separation. Birth is separation. A man and a woman get together, each one of them contributes to get a child. But that which they have created, one day, it will be separated from the mother’s womb. And that child will grow in a home, and one day he will get married and he will be separated from the home.

You see the plan and the secrecy of life on earth is that God will constantly separate you. Jesus Christ is the SAME yesterday, today and forever but He is One with the Father. Do you know that because of the problem on the earth, He had to be separated from the Father to come on the earth! In John 17, Jesus prayed to the Father, May you give me the glory which I had with You before the world was. God created the heavens and earth as twins, something happened to the earth even long before you and your parents came here.

Something happened that separates things. You could have been born in an educated family, and you begin to see things not working out. You may even be born in a rich family. There is a spirit and a force that wants to entangle you with anything else. It wants to mix you up with the spirits of this world. That’s why Jesus said, cast the cares of this world. He is not saying do not respond [1 Peter 5:7].

Religious people think that not to care about this world is not to get involved. No! God got involved in this earth. When people talk about casting the cares of this world, it’s like they have no understanding about what God is saying. God came and got involved in this world. His Spirit got involved in this world. And listen, when God’s Spirit is involved, God the Father and the Son will also get involved.

When the earth was void (when there was nothing on this earth), watch this child of God, the Spirit was hovering; He was protecting [Genesis 1:2]. Even when your life is a mess, even when people don’t understand who you are, even when everything is gone out of you, the moment the Holy Spirit is hovering over you, you are about to hear a rhema word from God. Aeroplanes don’t land on seas, apart from very few that land on waters. But majority of planes; huge and small they need an airport to land. They need an aerodrome. Child of God, the aerodrome of God the Father is the Holy Spirit.

Where the Spirit of God is, there’s liberty [2 Corinthians 3:17]. And the bible says, God has given each one of us a Spirit [1 Corinthians 12:7]. Job 32:8 says, But [there is] a spirit in man, And the breath of the Almighty (the ability to create, the living power of God which is the rhema word of God) gives him understanding. Child of God, you have to come to this point of understanding that God, when He was creating you, He created you in His own Image [Genesis 1:27]. The image we are talking about is not that God looks like Pr. Robert Kayanja, because all of us are of different shapes. You think God looks like Pr. Chris? You think God is white? No!

The image He is talking about is the Spirit. We refer to the Holy Spirit as water. The Spirit will take the shape of the body. You didn’t hear what I said; the Spirit of God will take the shape of the body but the body will never take on the shape of the Spirit. So, however much you are anointed and filled with the Holy Spirit, you will never be God. You will never save anybody. You didn’t hear what I just said. Most of you think that you are more holy like God but you’re not. Yes you’re like God in His image, likeness, and once He comes on the inside of you, everybody will see that they who come to Him will have what He has. That is why God is a respecter of no persons [Romans 2:11].

When God created you in His image, He doesn’t look like you. His hands are not like your hands. He has a hand and it has seven fingers. He can write with a finger. He is the Almighty God. Let’s take an example. We have a cup, a glass, a bottle of mineral water and a jar. You cannot tell if this cup has water or not but for the rest you can [because they are transparent]. How come the water in a glass is not shaped as that in the mineral water bottle or the jar? That is what the Holy Spirit is. He takes on the shape of the container. That’s why He will operate in Pr. Robert Kayanja or Pr. Chris; He will operate in Hadijah; He will operate in Pr. Jessica; He will operate in Pr. Benny Hinn and TL Osborne; He will operate in the Jews and Africans why? because He always takes the shape of the vessel.

Child of God, I want you to learn something. When God is talking, He doesn’t say that out of your belly shall flow rivers of living soda? No… It’s living water. If you were not here, and I got a white cup, poured in water, and I said to you, child of God chose from any of these containers which one has water. Would you  be sure this cup has water? No! why? because when God fills you with the Holy Spirit, is a private matter. It’s not a public matter.

When He saves you, He saves you privately but when He starts living in you, it becomes a public affair. So when Jesus called me, I was 17 years old and it was a private matter. I was in my father’s house and he was an Anglican priest. He was not Pentecostal, so I had no knowledge of what Pentecostals do. I had no idea of tongues or anything. I didn’t know how to pray. I only knew how to read prayer from the prayer book but I had no idea that you can pray alone and also pray for hours. So when God is dealing with you, saving you, cleansing you and purifying you, it is a private matter. But when He starts living in you, it becomes a public affair. You now live for Him.

Friends, allow me to end here, but if you have never accepted Jesus in your life or you backslid, I want to give you an opportunity to renew your relationship with the Master. Say, Lord Jesus, come into my life. I accept You to be my Lord and Saviour. Forgive me of all my sins and wash me in Your blood. Write my name in the book of life. Fill me with your Holy Spirit. Friend, you have now got saved. And after this lockdown, when things have normalised, you can join us here at the Miracle Centre Cathedral in any of our services. Keep safe and observe the SOPs. Don’t give yourself to COVID.

© Missions Department – Robert Kayanja Ministries