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The Holy Spirit


Declare with me: Holy Spirit, I am longing for You to fill me. Child of God, the greatest need in the world today is not another innovation or set of leaders. The world’s greatest need is the Holy Spirit. You cannot be anything in this world without the Holy Spirit, that is why you must wear His shoes.

When Isaiah stepped in the shoes of the Holy Spirit, he was able to see the Lord [Isaiah 6:1]. The Holy Spirit is the ONE you need. The disciples waited for Him for 49 days and on the 50th day, He showed up. The reason He showed up is that they were all with one accord in one place [Acts 2:1].

Child of God, the Messiah paid the ultimate price but there is a cost for you and me to pay. The price was paid but the cost is demanding. You must leave certain things. There is a cost you MUST pay to be filled with the Holy Ghost. It is going to cost you to leave your religion, unbelief, and habits, such that you can create a relationship with God where you will totally trust Him.

You must pass the test even though its losing friends, and the Holy Spirit will spare a few for you.

Christianity without the Holy Spirit is a joke. If the son of God needed the Holy Spirit to baptize Him, what about you who is in His ministry? Jesus had to wait on the Holy Spirit for 30 years, and you think that you can go without the Holy Spirit. Jesus can hurry but the Holy Spirit will take His time.

Therefore, you must wait upon Him. Ask Him to fill you.

©Missions Department – Robert Kayanja Ministries