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The Glory of the Lord – Day2


Tuesday Night, June-23-2020.

Revelation 5:12

Beloved, how are you prepared for the coming Glory? The glory of the Lord requires preparation. It’s time for us to prepare for the coming Glory through our giving and tithing because it’s going to be powerful, and the church of our Lord is going to be glorious. Get ready: you’re about to see bars turning into churches; alcohol will taste bitter and those who thought that they are going for night clubs after this lockdown, they shall come to church because the glory of God has come. Say like you mean it: the glory of the Lord is coming into my house.

The same Glory that we witnessed at the start of the 77days of glory revival, you’re about to witness it right there in your home.  Where the glory of God is, there’s provision because it’s the MANIFESTATION of God. Once the glory comes, it doesn’t matter who has been mad or mad at you, it will transform and publish you. I decree that the glory of the Lord will multiply after this COVID-19. You’re about to manifest the glory of God at a station. Some body is about to see Jesus.

When Jesus appeared to me, the glory of God came upon me. I was born stammering but now I am the most talkative person in this country. The day He appeared to me, it was around 3pm and a bright light came through the window and a voice said: “I am Jesus Christ of Nazareth, go and bring back my people. ” I argued with Him to tell my dad who was already serving Him. When I left that room, my mother said that my eyes were burning like fire. My stammering immediately stopped, I was no longer struggling to speak. I told my parents that Idi Amin was going to be removed from power. I also told them that a group of clergies from Mukono theological institute were going to come to Namataba and stay with them. Within a week, those clergies had come and the students were sent back home to give residence to those clergies. Days later Idi Amin was overthrown and my mom told my father, do you see what our son told us. Brethren, it was the glory of God.

When you’re in that place, it’s the glory that sustains you. You could be going through tough times but the Glory of the Lord will be your guide. God Almighty in His glory supplies all your need[s] according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus [Philippians 4:19]. The things you need are not in America, China or United Kingdom but they are in His glory. When the glory of God comes, visas will not be a problem. When the glory of God comes, He will make it easy for you. Your faith will be bigger than the mountain. When the glory of God is in you, people will see God in you.

When the Glory of God came upon Esther, she became the Queen. You rather lose anything but not the glory of God. David calls it the Spirit of God. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me [Psalms 51:11]. The glory of God is His presence. Once the Spirit is renewed in you, the glory comes within you. Once the glory leaves you, they call you Ichabod [1 Samuel 4:21]. The Glory means to inhabit. The bible says, God inhabits the praises of His people, and the steps of the righteous man are ordered by Him because He lives in you. Listen: when you come into the Glory of God, you must be less talkative. A talkative believer has less glory. Your words must be few because they are powerful. Job 22:28 says, You will also declare a thing, And it will be established for you; So light will shine on your ways.

Your marital problem[s] need the presence of God not discussions. Uganda needs the presence of God. The presence of God is what will change your situation. It’s time to prove that God lives in us. Mary manifested that which she gave birth to, the Saviour at the wedding of Cana. It’s time we manifest the glory of God. Jesus said, “Woman…” Why did He say woman? Because it was the woman who brought forth the Messiah and her seed was to crush the devil’s head. Jesus’ delays are not your denials [John 2:3-4].

The glory is about to change your reputation. For five years, my name was defamed all over the media but only the glory of God can repair your reputation. Beloved, the enemies and demons can attack you but presidents will welcome you. When the glory of God comes upon you, those around you shall be blessed. Things can go away but what you must buy is the glory of God which is the manifested presence of God. Whatever you lost, you will recover it. Once the glory of God comes, you don’t eliminate only one problem but ALL problems. The glory of God is the joy of God. The glory is very addictive where joy is.

As I conclude: something came upon me and that was the glory of God. The new Miracle Centre Cathedral you see, it’s the glory of God that has built it. When we started the 77Days of Glory revival services, people lined up in big numbers and that was the glory of God. The Nations I have traveled to, preaching the gospel, it has been the glory of the Lord. Jesus said, “When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory” [Matthew 25:31]. Saints, we need Jesus back in His glory.

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Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department