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The Glory of God – Day 3


#Days of Glory: June-23-2020

Manifesting the Glory of God- Revelation 5:1-14

We are in the book of Revelation chapter 5 studying about the seven spirits of God; power, riches, wisdom, strength, honour and now we are on GLORY then blessing will come after. Glory is the manifested power of God. In the name of Jesus, the glory of God is going manifest to you. All of us need the glory of God. That’s why, there are seven keys you have to use to open the closed doors, all descending from the Glory of God. .

John, the man of revelation reveals to us that no man was able to open the book and the bible says, he wept. Then a man from the tribe of Judah of the root of David was found worthy to open it [Revelation 5:5]. Jesus had to become MAN in order to open the book, because man MANIFESTS. It had to be one of us [mankind] to open the book. When Jacob took his family to Egypt, it had to be one of them [Moses] to get them out of Egypt. In other words, it had to take the second Adam to open the book because the first man lost it.

When you are in the glory, you are no longer in the prophetic era but in the fulfilment of time. Your ability and relationship with God helps you to rule on earth. In other words, your deeper love for God enables you to rule the earth. That’s why when you declare a thing, it will be established for you [Job 22:28]. Once you get deeper in God, the whole world will come to you. The deeper you are in the Glory, the faster you will get your money. The deeper you get in God, the quicker He will meet your needs according to his riches in glory through Christ Jesus [Philippians 4:19].

Abundance comes because it’s in the glory. The deeper you stay in the glory and His presence, you will multiply. I speak as a servant of God that after this lockdown, we are going to see billionaires. Witty innovations are coming to you. Listen: when Jesus was troubled, He prayed to the Father to take the cup away from Him. Jesus went deeper in the glory that His tears became blood, and the angel came and encouraged Him [Luke 22:42-43]. The angel told Him, I will roll away the stone. I don’t know which stones need to be rolled away in your life but get ready, for the glory of God is about to be manifested!

Glory appears 148 times in the bible, so it’s very scarce. Glory is MORE in heaven and less on earth. Power appears 260 times in the bible; Honour appears 147 times (it’s MORE in heaven and less on earth); Blessing appears 400 times; Wisdom – 122 times; Strength – 242 times and Riches – 800 times. If you get all these seven spirits, that’s what we call the presence of God. Heaven operates in thousands, so when you get those seven spirits, you exceed. You’re at 2199 out of 1000. One chases a thousand and two, ten thousand. It’s beyond measure.

Look at this: John heard a voice of angels singing, 10,000*10,000 and you’re already at 100million, which when multiplied by a 1000 and 1000 equals 100trillions. All these voices were worshiping God [Revelation 5:11]. As it is done in heaven, be it done on earth. Remember, Satan took ⅓ of those angels ie. he took 33.3 trillion demons. The earth has 8billions divide by 33.3 equals to 4199 demons. So man is attacked by 4199 demons according to the 33.3 trillion that fell. When you pray, you are defeating those demons. That’s why greater is He who is in you than the demons in the world, hence whatever you declare on earth is established. Mary Magdalene had seven demons of prostitution. No matter who you were, she had to sleep with you; she had slept with governors but when she met Jesus, He cast them out. Jesus reveals to us that once you cast out one demon, if that house remains vacant, it will bring more demons. The reason why Jesus told the apostles to go to the upper room was to receive power to torment those demons.

As I conclude: when the glory of God comes down, you are able to eliminate the 4199 demons even for those around you. May you be one of the people that God is gonna multiply to His Glory. May the glory of God scatter your enemies. May God arise and your enemies be scattered. I decree and declare, your life will never remain the same because of the glory of God!

Don’t miss the Glory of the Lord miracle overnight tomorrow, Friday [June 26, 2020].

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Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department