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# Friday Miracle Overnight 9th June 2023

Exodus 33:18, And he said, “Please, show me Your glory. If Moses, a man who heard the voice of God on Mount. Sinai, who saw the finger of God write, who saw his stick turn into a snake, his hand turn into leprosy and turn again, a man who spoke to Pharaoh without firing a bullet and delivered two million people begged for the glory of God, what should you and I be crying for? What is it that Moses knew about the glory of God that we don’t know?

In the glory of God, everything is revealed, and the solution is given. God doesn’t reveal things to embarrass you but to show you where you should go. Child of God, I don’t want religion, I want the glory. In the glory, God fixes everything.

Isaiah 60:1, Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. Why does God want you to arise? Because everybody who came in His presence was never left on their back. God picks people up. Peter and John told the crippled man, arise [Acts 3:6]. From today, you arise, and you are going to shine. You can’t be in the glory of God, and you don’t shine. In the name of Jesus, your business is going to shine. How do you shine? The light is above you and you have the oil (anointing).

In a few minutes from now, we are going to see His glory upon the sick, the dying and the lost, but much more, this year in the next six months, we are going to see the glory of God upon the church and your life. For you are the church [1 Corinthians 6:19], and you are God’s people. You are going to do things that nobody has ever done in your family.

What is the glory of God? It is God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Once the glory of God comes, you do what nobody else has ever done. The glory of God isn’t a joke. Abraham knew God and he had walked with Him, but when His presence (glory) came into their compound, Sarah gave birth at 90 [Genesis 21:2]. Brethren, you are going to do something in your present state, and everybody will talk about it for generations to come.

“There is somebody here, God told you to do something, and you are still failing because you lack funds, but from today, may the glory of God come upon you.”

              God in me and I in God, that is the glory.

God will never do anything with you unless He gives you instructions, and if you don’t obey instructions, you don’t see His glory. Moses prayed for the glory of God on the mountain, and God hid him in the rock: He gave him instructions, “you will see my back, but my face, you won’t see” [Exodus 33:22-23]. Exodus 33:20, But He said, “You cannot see My face; for no man shall see Me, and live.” If you want to live, see what God has done and not what He is about to do. Most of us are living in what God might do and not what He has already done. Our God has already done; look at what He did two thousand years ago at calvary [John 19:28-30]. Two thousand years ago, He poured His Spirit, just look at that [Acts 2:2]. People want to live in what is coming, please, don’t leave in tomorrow for this is the day that the Lord has made [Psalm 118:24]. Don’t say, when I get this, I will do this…now is FAITH [Hebrews 11:1].

When God’s people disobey His instruction, His word shall not return to Him void [Isaiah 55:11]. I hope we are the generation that God is about to bless beyond measure

I trust you have been blessed with this powerful teaching about THE GLORY OF GOD. To watch the entire message, click on the link below.

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1 thought on “THE GLORY OF GOD

  1. I love u Pastor

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