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The Glory Of God


#MondayNightRevival, June-22-20

Revelation 5:1-13 (part1)

We are studying on Glory which is the sixth Spirit of God, and the book of Revelation chapter 5 reveals something very powerful. When man sinned, God took back the book. No body could open it until the Lamb was slain which was able to open the seals. None of the prayers of the saints that could go through because they were held by the elders and the beasts, and put in the vials. There was no direct access to the Father. Beloved, please don’t pray through a saint because Revelation 5:8 has just revealed to us that their prayers were held. God knows the end from the beginning [Isaiah 46:10].

Listen to this: heaven allows us to receive anything through the blood of Jesus because it’s the way. Blessing, and honour, and glory and power belong to the Him who sits upon the throne. They belong to God. Riches, and wisdom, and strength belong unto man, and they are God given. Your strength comes from God. He told Joshua to be strong [Joshua 1:9]. Strength calls out resistance. That’s why we declare, Satan the blood of Jesus is against you. Wisdom comes from God. He gave Solomon wisdom [1 Kings 4:29]. Riches belong to the earth, and Jesus wants you to be rich. The scripture says, in His death He was with the rich [Isaiah 53:9]. He always lived with the poor but in His death, Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus came and buried Him in a brand new tomb. Riches belong to you [Matthew 27:57-60].

Therefore, as we start this new series on Glory, we must understand that blessing, power, glory and honour belong to God [Revelation 5:13]. Power belongs to God [Psalms 62:11]. When the Holy Ghost comes upon you, you receive power [Acts 1:8]. Power is revealed in the glory of God. It is going to take the Glory of God for you who is not working to have money; to be the head and not the tail. It’s time for us to know God and experience His Glory.

You cannot know God by His Glory until you understand the Glory. Glory is a Latin word meaning Gloria. It means fame. Glory is used to reveal the MANIFESTATION of the presence of God. MANIFESTATION has three words in it; Man, Manifest, Festation and Station. Therefore, Man is the one Festing and God is the One who reveals. Festation comes from a festival; it’s a celebration. When we conducted the 49 crusades, we did a festival throughout the country. It’s like when Philip went to Samaria, there was great joy in that city [Acts 8:6-8]. There’s also a Station. Man is having a festival at a station. When the glory of God comes upon you, you become a station that people can bring their gadgets and tap from you. That’s why they say manifestation. You’re a Man – in -Festation, people plug in you and they charge.

When Philip went to Samaria, the glory of God was so strong that the witch gave his life to Christ [Acts 8:9-13]. When Peter went to Samaria, the Spirit of God told Philip to fly. Child of God, you can manifest the intensity of the glory of God that you will be able to take off.

As I conclude: the glory of God will give you a road map. When the glory of God comes, it will take you where your money is; it will show you the door to your capital. Child of God, the days of trial and error end when you begin to manifest the glory of God. The reason why you have lack is because you have less glory of God. If you have less presence of God, you will have less glory of God. When the glory and the presence of God increase on your life, you will stop lamenting and begin manifesting.

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Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department