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The five weapons of God: Psalms 91, part2


In such a time as this, when countries are locked down, economies are crushing, schools are closing and it’s like the whole world is coming to a standstill, the Spirit of the Lord inspired me to share with you these five weapons that will help you to overcome this current situation [of coronavirus]. The first weapon you are going to apply is standing on the PROMISES OF GOD. The bible tells us that His promises are Yes and Amen, and they don’t fail [2 Corinthians 1:20]. The bible says, Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away [Matthew 24:35]. This coronavirus may reap away the heaven and earth, but you’re about to enjoy the promises of God.

One of the promises God has given to us is found in Psalms 91:7, and it says, A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right hand; [But] it shall not come near you. The promises of God come in three ways; the spoken word, the written word and the commands of the Lord. Another promise God has given to us says, With long life He will satisfy us in Psalms 91:16, and by that promise, you’re not going to die. Say like you mean it: I have the promise of God.

He is not going to put on you the diseases He brought upon the Egyptians and that is also a promise in Exodus 15:26. God also gave us a prophecy for seven years regarding this revival and for that reason, you are not going to die. The Psalmist said, The dead do not praise the LORD, Nor any who go down into silence, because God looks for someone to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. This is also a promise [Psalms 115:17].

Weapon number two is PRAISE. Praise is when you lift God higher than anything else. When praise goes up, power comes down. You praise God with your hands, mind, heart, mouth and everything within you. The scripture says, Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD [Psalms 150:6]. Praise has a twin brother called WORSHIP which is weapon number three. Worship is when you talk about God, His Majesty and everything you say is about Him. It’s a moment of complete SURRENDER of oneself to God. God is looking for people who can worship Him in Spirit and in Truth, and what I discovered is that the Spirit is the ONE which brings Truth.

The fourth weapon is OBEDIENCE. The bible says obedience is better than sacrifice [1 Samuel 15:22]. God uses three authorities in obedience and these are; authority in His word, the authority of government and the authority of the believers. Remember, all authority comes from God [Romans 13:1]. The children of Israel suffered snake bites because of their disobedience. People always perish because they are disobedient. These authorities are very important because they constitute life. With obedience, you can eat the good of the land as stated in Isaiah 1:19.

The last weapon is OFFERING. Your offering is what is going to keep your job and it will also change everything around you. Every time Israel was in trouble, God demanded an offering from them. An offering is a weapon and those who have used it faithfully have defeated the enemy. When God gave us His only Son as an offering, He defeated the devil once and for all time. People of God, those who have understood the power of offering have changed their destinies and those of their countries.

As I conclude: the most amazing thing about these five weapons is that each one has got a song!

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Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department