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The Blessing Anointing-8


#WednesdayNight, July-29-20

Unless the spirit of the Lord turns into an anointing, you can easily become religious. These seven spirits of God according to Revelation 5 must merge with the Word of God to enable the anointing to come forth. And if you’re a preacher of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, you need the power anointing. Business men and women need the riches anointing. Presidents, Kings and all leaders need the wisdom anointing. Those in armed forces need the strength anointing. Those who want to stand in public offices [like the political candidates who are seeking elections] need the honor anointing. Singers and fashion designers, you need the glory anointing. The believers (who are to manifest signs and wonders) need the blessing anointing.

It’s my prayer that the LORD will teach us how to obey because that’s where blessings are. Our God is the God of blessing. He gives us things to enjoy [1 Timothy 6:17]. He wants to bless you, but you must confess it upon yourself that “God wants me blessed!” Genesis chapter 1 reveals to us how God blesses. A blessing is when God comes into your life and solves all your problems. The earth had three problems; it was without form, void and darkness was everywhere. The scripture says, And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters [Genesis 1:2].

The Spirit was there yet things were not changing. The Spirit was there but there was no Anointing. God is the Anointing. When the Anointing speaks, things happen [Genesis 1:3]. In these remaining days to September-18th, learn how to speak a blessing upon yourself. I pray that God will multiply you. I declare that you will be multiplied. You are going to come up with ideas. You’re the vessel that is going to carry the power anointing, the riches anointing, the wisdom anointing, the strength anointing, the honor anointing, the glory and blessing anointing. So, when God spoke, light came forth. One for the night and the other for the day. I pray that your mind may be illuminated with light of God.

The primary work of the Spirit of God is salvation; He draws men back to God. The Spirit of God in you doesn’t condemn you but rather convicts you. When the Spirit of God came down on the day of Pentecost, people heard the word of God in their own languages and they were convicted. The bible says, 3000 souls were added to them [Acts 2:41]. You will never know how anointed you’re until problems show up. Until you’re put in the lion’s cage, you can never know how anointed you’re. It is until you’re squeezed that the anointing will come forth. You can have the Spirit of God and stay poor because it cannot take away poverty, neither can it change your physical life unless it turns into an anointing. Peter and John told the crippled man, gold and silver we do not have, but what we have we give, which was the Spirit of God. The moment they told the crippled man to rise up and walk, the Spirit of God in them turned into an anointing and they became miracle workers. It’s time we give the Holy Ghost a chance to work in us. We must tell Him to take the lead. When the Spirit of God turns into an anointing, you take over. When the spirit of God hovered over the face of the earth, He took over and there was light. Peter took over that service, the priest that day never preached. When the Spirit of God begins to work, there’s multiplication; 3000 souls were added to the church in one service. The Spirit of God in the inside of you is able to work.

It’s time to put the Holy Spirit to work. God wanted to bless the earth but there was no one to take care of it. He looked for someone to till the earth, and He blessed the earth by giving it His Image [man] according to Genesis 1:26-28. Therefore, stop calling yourself cursed. When God wanted to redeem us, He never sent us an angel but His only son. We, the tillers of the earth were redeemed by the Son of God. And the way to give back to the Spirit of God is by giving back the best. The earth started the law of gravity by giving a mist to heaven. It went up as a mist and it came down as rain. The secret of the earth is, when things are suck, throw something to heaven. The earth needed man. The earth needed plants and grass. It doesn’t rain where there’s no mist. According to science, there’s planet moon, sun, mars, earth, none of them received rain apart from the earth [Genesis 2:4-6]. God is a blesser and He wants to turn that blessing into an Anointing.

Friends, if you have never given your life to Jesus, make Him today the Lord of your life by asking Him to come into your life so that this blessing anointing may come upon you.

Remember to join us this Friday for a special moment of praise, worship and the word. To everyone going through a tough situation, God has a special word for you and your family through our Pastors Robert & Jessica Kayanja. Don’t forget to TUNE IN at 9pm [EAT]

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©Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department