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The Anointing of the hand [5]-2


5th Dimension Anointing with Pr. Robert Kayanja

Today 32years ago , what started as Will you marry me please say YES finally it happened. I became the most highly favored , ever increasing successful man As I became One with the most beautiful girl Jessica, Because of you the wind beneath my wings my best friend my Nalongo.

#The Anointing of the hand [5]-2

#Scripture reference: 1 Samuel 21:9

People of God, something is about to happen to you. If God has ever done a miracle for you, you better grab something, or jump and rejoice. If you have ever had a miracle, you are about to get it again. If you have ever got a breakthrough, you are about to get it again. If you have ever been anointed, you are about to be anointed again. If you have ever been used of God, you are about to be used again. If you have ever driven a car, you are about to drive a better one. If you have ever leaved a house, you are about to have yours. Something is already happening to some. I prophecy, I see it… something is already happening.

Whatever you have been going through may seem like a war, but it wasn’t a war. Whatever you are going through may seem to be the toughest, but it is not. The sword is now in your hand, and the devil is going to learn a lesson he will never forget. Satan is going to know that you are the ANOINTED; you are the next in line; you are next in position, and now, he is going to understand… the enemy has been chasing you, and now, you are going to turn around and chase him too. The hunter is being hunted. In the name of Jesus, that which has been hunting you, you are going to hunt it. I see it in Karamoja; hunger was chasing the Karamojong, and now, they are the ones chasing it…

                       Something is about to happen to someone.

Listen to this, why did David lose the sword, yet he took it from Goliath and cut his head off? He was ignorant because it had emblems of the gods of the philistines. What God gave him for free, he left it in the field. Many of you because you didn’t know that righteousness is a very powerful tool to use, you left it; that the anointing is your weapon, you left it because you didn’t want to be stack and covered with oil. You didn’t want to fall under the anointing, or the anointing to destroy your hair and suit, hence you left the very thing that determines the war and the enemy’s position in the field. But the priest knows that it is about capturing the weapons of the enemy.

God gives you the victory by giving you the weapons that the enemy has been using against you. And that’s why the enemy was using death and the grave, and Jesus took it back [1 Corinthians 15:55, Revelation 1:18]. The enemy was using snakes in Egypt to torment the Hebrews, and that’s why the snake of Moses swallowed them [Exodus 7:10-12]. God has given you a horn called Jesus Christ and salvation to destroy the horns of all these witches [Luke 1:6]. The second thing which David left the sword is that he was young and the sword was too heavy and said, I don’t need this, let me go and make a knife. Some of you, you have left because the anointing is too heavy, and many people have abandoned it instead of carrying it, hence becoming religious and motivational speakers because the anointing is heavy to carry.

The priest took the sword and hid it in the temple, and declared, this is our victory. Our God gave us the victory against the philistines. The only man who had ever used it against the enemy was David and he came. It had been wrapped in a clothe behind the ephod and the anointing. David said, no other like this one and he took the sword. Body of Christ, because we got saved, agriculture, innovation and science, sometimes they are too heavy, and we left them to the world, and focused on being holy and righteous. We have left the very weapons that the enemy is using on us now. Very rarely will you see a church talk about money for a whole year, and if you do, people will say, those are looking for miracles and prosperity and they are in the world. Tell me, what are you going to do on this earth that doesn’t consist money? Even to betray Jesus, Judah needed money [Matthew 26:14-15]. Because these things are too heavy, we have left them in the salvation field. We sing David has killed ten thousands, but where is the sword? [1 Samuel 18: 6-7].

As I conclude this text: after David ate the five loaves, he got the strength to carry the sword. You are going to carry the five anointings this time [1 Samuel 21:4].

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