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The Anointing of Moses- Healing Service


#Friday Healing Service, March-18th -2022

#The Anointing of Moses

We have been studying about Moses, and Jesus said, beginning at Moses and all the prophets, and He expounded everything about him [Luke 24:27]. Child of God, when we look at Moses, we only see a man used by God, but we don’t see how he decoded and revealed the layer of God to people who had suffered for so long. The Hebrews suffered for 430years which is elven Generations of forty years each. Many died in hope and doubt, concluding that God is no longer there but child of God, there is something which you and I, the Holy Spirit and God must birth in this generation of ours [Exodus 12:41].

The parents of Moses, Amram and Jochebed were sons and daughters of the Levites. The Levites were the guardians of the anointing who refused to give up on God. Just like colonel Grace said, that to obey the instruction which she was given wasn’t easy; she faced huddles on the way: those people who would have greeted her or touched her would have taken the annoying which was destined for someone desperate. These Levites refused to give up.

Normally the leader of Israel would be from the tribe of Judah, but the tribe of Levite took the responsibility. I don’t know who is supposed to lead Uganda out of poverty? I don’t know who is supposed to lead your family out of witchcraft? I don’t know who is supposed to lead your tribe or Africa out of confusion? But one thing I know, somebody is in this room who is going to take the responsibility. You didn’t hear what I just said. Someone is in this room who says enough is enough of my generation, my people and family going through what we are going through. I am going to partner with the Holy Spirit and I am going to get pregnant and produce that which will deliver us from bondage.

 Moses’ parents were members of the same tribe, probably cousins but they said, we are people of the same belief; we don’t know whether Judah is going to send a man to marry me, or Naphtali will send a daughter to marry me, but we have got ourselves. It requires people of the same thinking and mind, and on the day of Pentecost, the bible clearly states that they were all together in one accord [Acts 2:1]. There has to be oneness in Spirit if we are to birth something that will deliver Africa out of poverty, sickness and diseases. If you’re going to give birth to something, say, a business idea, work, an institution, or a generation that will deliver your family out of bondage, it will require oneness of the spirit. The bible says that on the day of Pentecost, they were all together in one accord.

Moses is a product of oneness and determination. I mean desperate determination. We can’t stay in Egypt anymore longer. We were made to stay in the promised land, and we serve a living God. Pharaoh can’t be our god and he can’t hold us any longer. Many of us are enslaved in poverty, sickness, disease and in fear but tonight, someone must partner with the Holy Spirit to cause a revelation known as national invasion. God must invade this country. Let me say it again, today we see Russia invading Ukraine and it’s dropping bombs everywhere. It’s bad and evil. I don’t know what Africa is going to say but African countries are silent, and they don’t want to be quoted in anything. What is happening in Ukraine is evil, and I want to use that: How come evil can invade a nation? It’s time for heaven to invade Uganda and drop Holy Ghost bombs everywhere. It’s time the Holy Spirit invades your home, house, village, and every part of your life. You’re about to see rockets of the Holy Spirit being bombarded in your compound and house. May rockets of blessing bombard your house.

 Moses reveals something in God that we did not know, and one of the greatest things he revealed, God spoke out Himself in His word, and He said, “I am the Lord God that healeth thee” [Exodus 15:26]. He had never said that before to Adam, Abraham or Noah but He was able to say I AM THE LORD GOD THAT HEALETH THEE, and I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians. God is not only going to heal you, but He is also going to divinely protect you. Moses was able to get that one from God. There are many things we don’t know about God but I’m telling you, as you partner with the Holy Spirit on behalf of your family and humanity, you’re going to tap something in God the world has never known before.

Moses was able to reveal what God was seeing in the land where they were going. God was seeing milk and honey, and that’s where He was taking them. For them, they saw giants, but God saw milk and honey [Deuteronomy 26:9]. Milk is food for children, and honey is food for prophets. So, He saw His children (the Hebrews) as children. He saw the slaves as children. But He also saw them as prophets. God is seeing you much better than how you are seeing yourself. When they were leaving Egypt, He said to them, Go and borrow clothes, silver, and gold, but put the clothes on your children. Why didn’t He say, get the clothes and wear them or throw the slave clothes away? [Exodus 3:22] They had uniforms because they were slave, but He didn’t let them take off that uniform until they entered the wilderness. Watch this, He made sure that they walked out as slaves who had money in their pockets, but their children walked out not as slaves. What you have gone through, your children shall not go through them. The struggle, pain, poverty, and diseases you have gone through, once you partner with the Holy Spirit, your children will not go through it. He said, let their children take off their slave clothes, but put the clothes of the rich and famous Egyptian on them. You dress as slaves, but the next generation is not slave. I am talking to somebody, you may have carried the virus that causes HIV, cancer, and madness, it ends with you. Your children are coming out when they don’t smell slavery in the name of Jesus. Somebody tonight, you are going to partner with the Holy Spirit so that you may produce a generation that doesn’t know poverty and slavery.

The bible clearly tells us that their clothes did not wear out, nor did the sandals on their feet [Deuteronomy 29:5]. Why did He preserve those clothes? Child of God, so that the devil will see you. People are looking at you and they’re saying that you’re not supposed to build that house, no body has ever built such a house, but they are going to see someone who had been bewitched building what they stopped him/her from building. That’s why He preserved the clothes, and they did not wear out and the shoes didn’t tear. Why? Because if we change and we look different, people have a tendency of thinking we are not the one, but God is going to leave and preserve you, and those who bewitched and sabotaged you will see you looking exactly the way you look, owning a village, malls, and cars. In the name of Jesus, they will see you possess the land.

In the book of Psalms, King David said, when Israel walked out of a people of a strange language, Judah became his sanctuary and Israel his dominion [Psalms 114]. Child of God, poor as you look, weak as you look, African as you look, and illiterate as you look, once you let God take you as His kingdom and sanctuary, you will see what will run away from you. This is the day you must come out of the people of a strange language. Stop talking a strange language; you are born again; you are a child of God; you are saved; you are the righteousness of God redeemed by His blood and you are the head and not the tail. Where the Spirit of the LORD is, there’s liberty. If the Son of God sets you free, you are free indeed. Stop saying, I am bound, I will never amount to anything, someone bewitched me, and I am not loved. The Greater One lives in the inside of you than the devil in this world. Ask of me and I will answer you and show you mighty and greater things you have never know [Jeremiah 33:3]. Things you have not seen and heard that is what He has prepared for you [1 Corinthian 2:9]. Let the poor say, I am rich and let the sick say, I am healed. You are about to see a deliverance, and everybody will see you building and living in a brand-new house, starting a business, living victoriously, overcoming witchdoctors and serving God.

Psalms 114:1-7 reads, When Israel came out of Egypt, Jacob from a people of foreign tongue, Judah became God’s sanctuary, Israel his dominion. This is the time for you to become a temple of the Holy Spirit (a sanctuary of God where the Holy Spirit dwells). Lift your hands and say, Father, help me become a holy habitation of the Holy Spirit. My body is now Your sanctuary. He said, Israel became his domain. Declare, I am a Kingdom of God. You thought you were just in a Kingdom but you are now becoming a kingdom.  That’s why Jesus said,  Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom [Luke 12:32]. Today, may you become a kingdom. The sea saw it, and fled: Jordan was driven back. Something about spirits here that you must know. Sea is water; water is a spirit and Jordan is a river. There are certain spirits that have been in areas that demarcate people that you are Tanzanian, Ugandan or Rwandese, I don’t know who draw those demarcation, but they are going to see, flee and run back. Someone here is partnering with God and something wonderful is about to happen. Jump seven times and claim it for yourself.

The scripture says, The mountains skipped like rams, and the little hills like lambs. Those big mountains that have been before you, Jesus said, if you have faith, before you even try to speak to them to get out of your way, because you are partnering with the Holy Spirit, those mountains are going to give you way. Lift your hand and claim it in Jesus’ name. Verse 5-6, What ailed thee, O thou sea, that thou fleddest? thou Jordan, that thou wast driven back?  Ye mountains, that ye skipped like rams; and ye little hills, like lambs? Tremble, thou earth, at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the God of Jacob; the earth is now going to tremble.

The other day I was talking about how to work out your salvation with fear and trembling [Philippians 2:12]. Trembling comes from the word belief or faith. The earth is about to believe that you are a child of God, and you serve a living God. The earth is about to believe that there is God in heaven, and the God who saves, who loves people, who believes in you and who chose you. Whenever you see something that trembles, it’s because it believes. You work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Fear is the beginning of wisdom [Proverbs 9:10]. Here Fear talks about wisdom, and trembling He said, even demons tremble because they believe God [James 2:19]. To tremble means to believe. The earth is going to believe because it is filled with His glory. How will they believe? Because you are filled with the presence of God. God is going to fill you tonight.

As I conclude: Listen to this, on Wednesday [March-23rd -2022], we shall have Pentecost #3, but this is what the Lord revealed to me, and I want you to pray seriously in between today and Wednesday… [To be completed in a message titledSPECIAL INSTRUCTION”]

I pray that as you read and meditate on this message, it will go through you in Jesus’ Name. To watch a rebroadcast of this entire message, use this link below and you will be blessed:

© Missions Department ~ Robert Kayanja Ministries