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The Anointing of Moses: CAPACITY


#Sunday 4th Service – March/20/2022

The message I am preaching today is because on Wednesday [March-23rd – 2022] we are having Pentecost #3. Child of God, one of the biggest problems we have in the body of Christ is CAPACITY. Jesus struggled with capacity of the disciples, not because they were not educated: Luke was educated and a medical doctor, Matthew was a tax collector and Judas was an accountant. Not all these men were uneducated but their capacity to host the Son of God was too limited.

On the day of Pentecost, first there was a wind, and the bible says that the wind blew [Acts 2:2]. When you look at your life and my life, they are like any empty balloon. Why does God send the Holy Spirit in a wind? The Holy Spirit is not a wind, but He has the ability to enlarge our capacity because many of us are living in a limited capacity.. You are a housewife, teacher, pastor or worker and you don’t know that you can occupy a larger space in the kingdom of God than what you are occupying now. You may never think that a balloon can enlarge once blown.

On the day of Pentecost, these poor fishermen and normal men, when the wind of the Holy Spirit came, they occupied a larger place [Acts 1:12-14]. In the name of Jesus, your life is going to occupy a larger place. That’s why He began with the wind so that they could become bigger and larger than what they had been thinking. Lift your hand and say, Holy Spirit blow through me, in my mind, in my spirit, in my body and in my heart in Jesus’ mighty name.

These men were so privileged because they had an opportunity to deal with God in the flesh. Do you know the privilege Christians have? We are not dealing with another country or government or organization, but we are dealing with heaven and God in the flesh who made the heaven and earth, and He is now living in you as a Christian. You are not dealing with a psychologist or a professor, but God. If He does not affect your life, I don’t know what is going to affect you.

On the day of Pentecost, Jesus sent them wind which enlarged them but guess what, one day these men said, “Silver and gold we don’t have” [Acts 3:6]. These men started running and hiding. Remember, they are our forefathers and we had to learn from them. That is what they left for the church. People of God, because they never had capacity that’s why a businessman, Joseph of Arimathea took over the body of Christ [John 19:38]. Today, who is controlling the body of Christ? Businessmen and not apostles. Apostles without businessmen they cannot do ministry. We need businessmen to finance what we do, and yet originally, the keys were given to the church to bind and to loose [Matthew 16:19]. Because of lack of capacity, we handed that over. What about feeding people? Who is feeding the world today? It is United Nations and yet it was supposed to be the church. A little boy came with two fishes and fives loaves of bread and fed 5000 men without women and children [Matthew 14:15-21]. United Nations is a little organization compared to the Church of Jesus Christ yet it is the one feeding the world because the church does not have capacity. The church of Jesus Christ was built that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it [Matthew 16:18].

Jesus had been teaching for three days in the desert, and these people had no food and water, nevertheless they believed in Jesus. The human body has the capacity to do the unthinkable. So, stop being lazy by building capacity in your body. For three days, these women and children were in the presence of God eating nothing and their bodies were able to sustain. There is nothing like the presence of God. No matter what the devil brings your way, you body will be able to handle because you are in the presence of God.  This is how God works on earth; He either moves vertical or horizontal. You and I move horizontally: go into the whole world [Mark 16:15], but He (God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit) comes vertically from heaven to the earth, and together we make a cross. 



Jesus said food

Peter said money

Jesus said, you feed them

Peter said, we need money to get food.


Jesus has Philip who worked with the little boy, and they fed 5000 people.

Peter had no money because Judas ate it.

We have been taught wrongly that you need money to feed. Jesus said, you don’t need money, but I need someone. If there is a spiritual hunger, I need a man, a church, or an organization to stand in the gap [Ezekiel 22:30]. To feed the 5000, He needed a little boy and no money exchanged hands. I declare to you, stop crying about food prices which are going up. Your Father can feed you. He fed them in the wilderness without them buying any bread for forty years [Exodus 6]. You must know whom you are dealing with. You are not dealing with an organization but God. He deals with you because He has been warning you.

God has been speaking to us as a country. He gave us oil and now, we are crying about the oil prices which are high. Twenty-five years ago, He opened our eyes and we saw oil, the largest in the area, but why didn’t we build a refinery? During the lockdown, you saw how people suffered because we mismanaged the food. A country like Uganda with Lake Victoria and river Nile pushing the water to the north; Egypt, Ethiopia, South Sudan and through Sudan! Why don’t we turn that water into irrigation? How can the drought make us suffer and we have food prices going up. We are now working for food? WHY? Capacity.

Jesus fed the five thousand and then He told them, gather the leftovers that nothing goes to waste, and they gathered 12 baskets. That bothers my mind! You think Jesus multiplied that bread for only 12 baskets? There was grass in the area and a lot was left behind. When the baskets were full, they did not gather more because their mentality was on a basket [John 6:10]. If your container where God is going to bless you is too limited (I only want my family and relatives safe or my home to be blessed), that is what you will get. But our God owns cattle on a thousand hills [Psalm 50:10], He is a God of prosperity. Our God is a God who is not just enough, but He is MORE than enough. But because your mind is a basket mentality, you can’t go beyond that.

We are the ones limiting God because of our capacity. They would have been 5000 baskets and every man would have gone home with a basket of leftovers. By the way, don’t insult my God, you cannot give Him a whole fish and loaves of bread and He gives you leftovers of which people have eaten over. God doesn’t do that; He will give you abundant [John 10:10]. He will give you exceeding what eyes have not seen, and ears have not heard [1 Corinthians 2:9]. You put the name of God on a mediocrity because of your capacity. You put the name of God on a weak miracle and say this is what God can do, but I am here to say, in the name of Jesus, Miracle Centre let us enlarge our capacity. Our God is more than enough, and He is more than able.

They only talk about the boy, the bread, and the baskets but they don’t talk about the light. It was already late at night. They were eating fish which has bones. You know Jesus does miracles to completely defy nature. Listen to this child of God: a miracle took place. How do you eat fish in the dark? There was no darkness because the bible says, they were sitting on the green grass in the desert. Jesus told the sun that don’t you go down until I feed the people. I don’t want bones to go in their throats. Child of God, it doesn’t matter what is happening in the world; high fuel prices and food, God is going to give you a comfortable life. He will not allow anything to move until He has taken care of you.

Your capacity to praise God is going to deny you a miracle. Blind Bartimaeus was one and the crowd was so big, and they told him to shut up. When a thousand people tell you to shut up and you outshine them, then Jesus will have to stop [Mark 10:46-52]. This man was blind and a beggar, but his lungs and voice had the capacity to outshine everybody else. You are going to make a louder shout than your enemy. You have to tell the devil, “I’m not what you think. I am a child of God, and I am born again filled with the Holy Spirit”. Some one here, you got to shout the name of Jesus seven times.

To be continued: 

I pray that as you read and meditate on this message, it will go through you in Jesus’ Name. To watch a rebroadcast of this entire message, use this link below and you will be blessed: 

Don’t FORGET the Pentecost #3 Baptism of the Holy Spirit here at the Miracle Centre Cathedral starting at 5pm. The church will be open from 3pm. Invite a friend and loved one, and the Lord will bless you. 

© Missions Department ~ Robert Kayanja Ministries