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The Anointing of Moses


Pentecost Baptism of the Holy Spirit, March-09-2-22

The Anointing of Moses

We are studying about Moses. Like any other man, he was able to reveal to us where God is. We always pray, “Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name, and we all know where He is [Matthew 6:9-13]. Heaven is above the earth, hence if you want to find God, you must go above the earth (above the world) because that’s where He is. He is above everything, even the heavens. He is above everything you have ever seen in this world. He is above knowledge, wealth, connections, and armies. Moses is the one who revealed that to humanity.

At the time Moses grew up, Egypt was a superpower and the best nation in the world. For quite a long time, their culture and civilization had transcended other nations. So, Moses escapes that and goes to get a job which had nothing to do with his qualification, because in Egypt he wasn’t a shepherd of sheep but rather a prince of Egypt. Moses was given something to do which was to attain something precious to us, and that thing led him to Mount Sinai. As he was looking for grass to feed the animals, he climbed Mount Sinai. That tells you two things; there was a drought and less grass. Mountains are cool and sheep have wool. So, he climbed to ensure that the sheep have some cool. Surprisingly, he found the fire. There was a burning bush. He thought that he could escape the heat of the desert; the higher you go, the cooler it becomes but to Moses, the higher he went the fire burntEvery time we climb in God, it is going to become hotter and hotter. Moses discovered that there was fire, and then he turned to see what was the secret of that fire? Fire is not supposed to be on the mountain but rather snow. There he heard his own name being called out, “Moses” [Exodus 3:1-4].

Moses revealed to us that God descended from heaven and stayed at a higher level above the earth. However much God – the Holy Spirit loves us, He cannot come and mingle with us, but He will always come at a certain height so that you too can climb to meet Him. Moses revealed to us that there are certain efforts that you too must put in. There is a certain climbing you have to do in life if you really want to talk to God or be His friend. You cannot have God on the same level as you are. He is demanding that you climb a certain height, and that is what Jesus told the disciples, “Go to the upper room.” He would have met them down here because He was always with them on the ground, but the Holy Spirit will never come down where you are [Luke 24:29]. He (the Holy Spirit) has come a long way hence He also wants you to climb some little height. He doesn’t want you to discuss the things of this world and where you are, but He wants you to go up a little bit higher because His thoughts are not your thoughts, and His ways are not your ways [Isaiah 55:8]. His methodology is not your methodology, and therefore, He says, come up with your faith; Yes, I know that you are struggling, and you are in this world, but I cannot help you if you are at the same level as this world.  

He says, go to the upper room such that I talk to you about things from above – your poverty, struggling, and diseases. God wants to talk to you about how He can solve your problem. Child of God, the Holy Spirit you are about to receive, is not below or at the political or religious level, but He wants you to come up because the bible clearly states that you are not from beneath but rather from above; you are not from here, so get away from the conversation of mankind [Deuteronomy 28:13]. Stop discussing things that ordinary people discuss. God is calling you to a higher calling to deliver people who have been bound for so long [Philippians 3:14]. The way you are going to deliver them shall be supernatural because they have been bound for so long. The Hebrew were bound for so long that the earthly solutions could not help them. Your family, home and Africa cannot be delivered by discussions on the ground. The idea must be a God idea!

Tonight, as God fills you with the Holy Spirit, you will not only get a good idea but rather a God idea. The way God is about to deliver or heal your family or take you away from sickness or break witchcraft, no man has ever thought about it. In fact, God puts it this way, No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him [1 Corinthians 2:9]. Get ready for a divine encounter.

The children of Israel had been bound for so long that religion, tradition, and military mighty could not help them. Egypt was very strong but the idea from above disarmed the plan from beneath. The God from above defeated the gods of this world. This year 2022, the kingdoms of this world are about to become the kingdoms of our God [Revelation 11:15]. Moses revealed to us that man can meet God from above and then drag Him where man is. And for you, you should climb higher in your prayer, fasting, giving, thinking, words, lifestyle, and the way you treat people. You should go higher because where you are, is not your level. If you want a living God, the One who delivers, then you must climb from human solutions; you must come out of human understanding and raise your level and standard. Go above religion, mankind, and the conversations of human beings.

Your God is so HOLY that once He finds you down here, you will die. His holiness is so strong that He cannot dwell in the lips that are discussing human affairs. You must go and live above average in your mind, thoughts, words, behaviors, and character. You can’t be discussing people and then expect that you will talk to God! You must go above humanity.  You can’t be arguing with man and then expect God to have a conversation with you. God’s conversation is not about soup, cars, and clothes; He talks about delivering a whole nation, giving His name Glory, and demolishing powers of darkness. God has no time to argue with fools, He has a standard. He only comes where He can be glorified, and if you can come up, He will talk to you. God is looking for a vessel that will take Him down where people are. He is looking for that person in whom He can come in and that person will drag Him down. And that is what we see in Moses.

Moses climbed Mount Sinai and God said, “Moses, I am making you a container and you are going to carry Me back to Egypt.” Some of you, tonight, you are becoming a container that is going to take the Holy Spirit back to your community, and that is what happened on the day of Pentecost in the upper room. The apostles went to the upper room and became that container that dragged Jesus to the beautiful gate and the lame walked [Acts 3:1-8]. Tonight, some of you are going to be filled with the Holy Spirit so much that you shall find the lame and they will start walking. This man was lame in both legs. It’s the legs that take you anywhere meaning that his ways were crooked. You who is about to be filled with the Holy Spirit, you will go and straighten up things which are crooked in life.

Moses revealed to us that God can be with you everywhere you go. No system has ever told you to make a way through the waters. Everybody who builds tunnels through the waters, they copy it from Moses [Exodus 14:16-21]. If you do what Moses did, you shall be the first one in your family to introduce a new solution of solving problems. Moses showed us that you don’t need to fire a bullet to deliver people. Once God gets on your lips, you will create a condition that the enemy will give up without struggle. May God anoint you so much that you create a world where you will succeed. In the world of Egypt, Moses was not going to succeed. He was a one man’s army hence there was no way he was going to succeed. Egypt had Generals, and at the red sea they even had chariots. Egypt was loaded and powerful.

The Holy Spirit in you does not COMPETE. He does not stand to challenge; He just changes the tables. He changes the circumstance and gives you an opportunity where only you can win. Tonight, God is about to create a situation, where only you can win. Moses was the only one doing things Egypt could respond. Moses was the only headline news in Egypt until they left. The whole of Egypt was listening to what the man was doing; today – locusts, tomorrow – water turning into blood, and there was no agenda until Moses put it. When the Holy Spirit comes into your life, you shall control what happens in your world. We are not here just to receive the Holy Ghost or to speak in tongues, which is too small for our God. We are going to change what is going on around your world. Ask God to fill you.

As I conclude: The bible says that everything Moses commanded Egypt to go through, it happened to the Egyptians but not in Goshen. In other words, there were two worlds in one world: two nations in one nation. There was a nation of the Hebrews and the nation of the Egyptians. In the name of Jesus, in 2022 as you receive the Holy Spirit, you shall create two worlds: the world of the Holy Spirit and the world of the heathen. Moses showed us that the God who is art in Heaven can also be in a person, and that person can take Him anywhere they want. Moses took Him from Sinai to the Red Sea, to Egypt and everywhere, in Pharaoh’s house and at Goshen. Moses also took Him out of Egypt, and God said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee [Hebrews 13:5]. The Holy Spirit does not come such that He can disappear from you. Once He comes in you, He is here to stay until the Joy is done.

I pray that as you read and meditate on this word, it will go through you in Jesus’s Name. To watch a rebroadcast of this message, use this link.

Don’t miss to be a part of our Friday Healing and deliverance service here at the Miracle Centre Cathedral from 4pm. Invite as many friends as you can and bring the sick. The Lord shall heal them.

© Missions Department ~ Robert Kayanja Ministries