#Feb-06-2022, Sunday Third Service with Dr. Robert Kayanja
We have been studying about Jeremiah 1:5 where God says, Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
We are now under a subtitle called Moses. Why Moses of all people yet he was a human being like you and me. He was 100% man, and he was able to touch God in a way like no other human being has ever. He married and had children. When his wife died, he married an Ethiopian, yet he was so used of God to the extent that his body couldn’t be buried by humans. God Himself had to bury him which means he was 100% man but also, he yielded unto God 100% [Deuteronomy 34:5-6]. God filled Moses so much that even death couldn’t touch him. There is no single record that Moses ever got sick.
There was a time when he went before God that even his face shined through the veil [Exodus 34:29-35]. To make matters great, Jesus talked to Moses and Elijah at the mountain of transfiguration when He didn’t know what to do, whether to die for you or not [Matthew 17:3]. Moses was here 4000 years before Jesus and later he appeared to Him in physical form. When you talk about a man who was born of a woman, here is Moses talking to the Son of God concerning His death, and the plan that was drawn in heaven. The secret of God’s power is great to even think about it.
The life of Jesus is in seven segments and each segment is very significant. His promise that the seed of a woman shall crush the devil’s head in Genesis 3:15. What about His birth? It drew the world. Stars lined up; kings came. For the first time, the choir of heaven came and sang to humans. His birth was a miracle [Luke 2:9-15]. His growth was totally incredible. He grew up in two countries, Africa and Israel [Matthew 2:13-15]. His ministry was amazing, and who can compare to it? He walked on water, raised the dead, healed the sick, preached hope to the hopeless, and cleansed the leper [Matthew 4:23-24]. Then His arrest and beating. By His stripes we are healed [Isaiah 53:5]. His blood that He shed at Calvary redeemed mankind [Ephesians 1:7]. On the cross He said, it is finished [John 19:30]. The curtain was torn from the top to the bottom. It was put there by Solomon and had stayed there for a thousand years with no dust (because God hates dust). His death did that and it sorted out that problem [Matthew 27:51]. The seventh segment was His resurrection. If Jesus had not resurrected from the dead, your faith would be like the faith of other gods. The difference between Christianity and other religions is that our Savior is ALIVE. He rose again and that is the confidence we have [Mark 16:6].
When He rose from the dead, you must watch what He said, “Go into the upper room and you shall receive power” [Luke 24:49]. So, the baptism of the Holy Spirit is after He had died and rose again. The men who were going to Emmaus were confused and Jesus said, “And beginning at Moses”, He expounded to them all the things about Him [Luke 24:13-27]. If you want to know everything about Jesus, why He came and died, you must consult Moses.
Who is Moses? The bible tells us that Moses is a product of Levites. A man of Levi found a woman of Levi, and Levi is a tribe of Israel [Exodus 2:1]. They are commanded by God to keep the anointing. They are the one that anointed kings, prayed for Israel, and they produced prophets and priests in Israel. They are not paid a salary but God takes care of them. They are the ones that live around the tabernacle. So, a man of Levi (anointing) found a woman of Levi (anointing) and they produced deliverance because Moses is known as a deliverer.
“When anointing meets anointing, deliverance will come.”
What is going to deliver you from your situation and bondage is the anointing. Isaiah 10:27 reads, And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing. I know most of you are carrying yokes and burdens, but this week, the anointing is coming to lift the burden and to destroy yokes. If you want it, take it. The bible clearly tells us that it’s the anointing that breaks yokes. Most people may ask, how do you get the anointing that breaks yokes. You get the anointing that breaks and destroys yokes through the Holy Spirit.
“Without the anointing, you have no power, and without power, you have no anointing to break yokes.”
Today you might wonder what is happening in Ukraine which has the biggest population of Jews and Christians (spirit filled believers) in Europe. We have all seen what Russia is doing in Ukraine and you could ask, what is happening? This is the truth: there was an evil empire called the Soviet Union which was dismantled. Different nations broke out like Estonia, Latvia, Georgia, Ukraine, and others but the yoke of communism and socialism, the yoke of the Soviet Union was never destroyed. It was broken and left in place. Now, one of its descendants is the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, and he is the one trying to resurrect that yoke again to tie those nations to that yoke. You can take away witchcraft and even yokes from yourself, but until it is destroyed, someone can put it together, and that is what is happening in Russia and Ukraine right now. Someone is trying to put the former Soviet Union again, but I know one thing; the anointing is what broke it and now it’s the anointing that is going to destroy it.
Child of God, we need the anointing to destroy the yokes.
To be continued:
I pray that as you read and meditate on this message, it will go through you in Jesus’s Name. To watch a rebroadcast of this message, use this link:
- REMEMBER, Pastor Jessica kayanja is invisting you and your spouse for a special day of prayer and fasting TODAY, Tuesday 8th March 2022 here at the Miracle Centre Cathedral as we mark the women’s day from 9am. Come to experience the wind of the Holy Spirit and receive your miracle.
- Don’t forget the Wednesday Pentecost Baptism of the Holy Spirit Service here at the Miracle Centre Cathedral from 4pm. Invite friends and loved ones as many as you can and the Lord will surely bless you.
© Missions Department ~ Robert Kayanja Ministries