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The Anointing


Mid-Week Service with Ps. Robert Kayanja | AUG- 16th– 2023

#The Anointing

Technology is a proof that man fell, and he needs an external force to support him in order to carry out what was ours by nature. We see this in the life of Daniel when he was thrown in the lion’s den, which had not eaten for three days. And because of the ANOINTING upon his life, the lions couldn’t open their mouths to eat him [Daniel 6:17]. In fact, they came and hugged him. Caves are very cold places. He never had a blanket to cover himself and that’s when these lions came and surrounded him just like dogs. They brought their feir and Daniel laid his head on it until morning. People of God, things that are killing others, you are going to rule over them [Daniel 6:19-24].

We see the life of Moses. He was put on an ark of bulrushes and placed on river Nile which had swallowed every Hebrew boy; their skulls and bones were beneath the river [Exodus 2:3]. Crocodiles were feasting, then comes a bulrush ark; they could have kicked it, but who was pushing it? It was the ANOINTING. The anointing pushed it directly where it was supposed to go. Child of God, sicknesses and diseases that have killed your siblings, Ugandans, and have destroyed their businesses, because of the anointing, you shall be preserved.  

Moses was a product of the anointing. A son of Levi met a daughter of Levi… double anointing and that was him [Exodus 2:1]. Moses was anointed by destiny and birth that at three months, he flipped the whole coin. The daughter of Pharaoh had to come to the river where the blood of innocent boys was [Exodus 2:5]. The anointing upon your life means you have a destiny, and your destiny will draw people from a far to come to your rescue.

When trouble came in the days of Noah, this is what God told him. I don’t want you to climb trees or to go anywhere because I AM flooding the whole earth, and this is where I want you to go. These are the measurements, this is the depth, and the height. Child of God, we are living everywhere we want to live, when God literally wants to place us where He wants us to live because He is a respecter of no persons [Genesis 6:15]. The only thing that can define where you should live or what you should do is not these universities or your clan or nationality or your everything, it is the ANOINTING.

Karamojongs have been running away from their place coming to Kampala to beg; why coming to Kampala which doesn’t grow any food? The people of Kampala depend on others, but now the ANOINTING is opening their eyes that they can do better. Money can find them in Karamoja.

                                    Money is about to find you here in Uganda.

In the book of Acts 17:26 he says, And He has made from one [a]blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the BOUNDARIES OF THEIR DWELLINGS. Child of God, where you are, you are about to become a billionaire. Say like you mean it, “I am in the right place.” What is the determiner, and what is the enforcer? He is the Holy Ghost! It is the ANOINTING. The Holy Spirit will enforce the promises of God. He will determine that the things around you start to respond to who you are.

Child of God, Adam had to be removed from that place which God had planted for him, because he fell [Genesis 2:8, Genesis 3:23]. That place (the garden), Adam had failed. That place failed to support Adam. In other words, there was a coup-d’etat in the leadership of Adam. The snake became smarter than him. Yes, it was cunning before and Adam was in-charge of it, he never even allowed it to speak but why did it speak to him? Because it had an enforcer. It had a determiner. In the ground, God blocked and shut it down, and said, get out! You have lost here, and you can’t win. You have no power [Genesis 3].

Esau was a first born, and he was a great man in hunting, but in his ground as the first born, hunger caused him to sell his birth-right, thus the ground was no longer for him. He was defeated in his father’s house, and he lost. As a first born, he would have used his power to command the ravens to bring him food according to the God of Abraham. He would have commanded things to happen [Genesis 25:27-30]. Abraham was hungry and because he was in his position after he had fought the war, the bible says, a man came, Melechizedek who has no beginning or end, and brought him bread and wine to eat [Genesis 14:18]. Child of God, your position or place can cause people to come from a far and they will come to your rescue.

You must understand that the Holy Spirit and the Anointing is the determiner and the enforcer. Everybody may be a witch, but you are going to rule over them. That’s why this Thursday is very crucial in your life because you are going to receive a hand over you: the hand of God Jehovah and the hand of the Enforcer. It will pull your file where they hid it and bring it on the table where it is supposed to be. So, how do you know which place to be in? the scripture says, He has DETERMINED boundaries where people should live because they are all from one blood.

People of God, there’s something about Africa and Uganda respectively which I can’t explain, but this year, 2023, by the time we reach December 31st, and begin number “twenty-four (24)” which is the twenty-four elders, you are about to see the apostolic anointing in leadership and finance coming upon someone [Revelation 4:4]. You are about to see heaven invading your space.

Say like you mean it, Dear God, I want your five-fold ministry and the five-fold anointing to handle, to receive and to have in the name of Jesus.

Ezekiel said, and the hand of the Lord was upon me… move your hand over yourself and declare, the hand of the Lord is upon me. Ezekiel 37:1, The hand of the Lord was upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of the Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones. You watch, after these five anointings (the five-dimension anointing), the Holy Spirit and the hand of God are going to move you where you will see great wonders of God.

Ezekiel said, the hand of the Lord was upon him. What about Elijah? They were praying for the rain, and what did God show him? A cloud like a HAND OF MAN, and he said to his servant, let us get ready, rain is coming [1 Kings 18:44]. Whenever you see the hand of God, drought stops, and it begins to rain.

                                      It is going to rain financially in your life.

Child of God, it is Elijah who stopped the rain, but he is not the one who caused it to rain [James 5:17]. It was the HAND OF GOD. There’s a great lesson here… anybody may have blocked your blessings, but it is going to take the hand of God to flee you.

As I conclude this message, there’s a place where God wants you to live… the debt free place, no stress place and heaven on earth place.

I trust this message has been a blessing to you. To watch the entire message, click on the link below.

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                         ©Missions Department ~ Robert Kayanja Ministries

1 thought on “The Anointing

  1. This is inspiring message, I am Blessed By This lifetime Anointing In Jesus Christ Name Amen.
    All The Blessings 😇😇😇✝️✝️✝️🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🔥🔥🔥

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