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Pr. Robert & Jessica Kayanja ESPECIALLY invite you for the Special Service themed “ANOINTING FOR PROSPERITY” scheduled to take place tomorrow, Thursday, 27th- April -2023 from 5pm here at the Miracle Centre Cathedral.

# The ANOINTING 23rd -April – 2023 (Sunday Service)

The Lord showed me a unique key last Friday and He told me to tell the people that He had given them the key to unlock all their blessings and that key is the ANOINTING. You need to claim that key right now.

We are still in our study, if the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? [Psalm 11:3]. Let’s go in scripture and look at the life of Jacob. The foundations of a very wonderful family were destroyed, and they were not destroyed because of anything else, but the blessing [Genesis 27].  These are children of the same mother and father. Usually, what causes conflicts within the families is the work of infidelity, stepmothers, and witchcraft.

In the house of Isaac and Rebecca, it was the blessing. Twines born on the same day by loving parents, they began to go after each other’s neck. In fact, one bought the other’s position and the other one sold it to him jokingly not knowing the reparations and what happened was the unthinkable calamities [Genesis 25:29-31].

The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it [Proverbs 10:22]. When God starts blessing you, there will be no sorrow following you. Jacob and Esau entered a realm of sorrow because the blessing they were fight for, was not produced by God. When we look at the life of Jacob, we see something very power. He had been blessed by his father, Isaac but the blessing never gave him peace, and sorrow was following him. He reaches a place called Haran and he got tired. He turned one of the stones into a pillow and the heaven opened [Genesis 28:10-13]. And there is a great lesson we are going to learn from that.

So, when the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? They run (or go) through the ANOINTING. We always want to go through certain things that will not create what we want, but Jacob went through Bethel. “Bet” in Hebrew means a house. That’s why we have Bethlehem. “Bet” – meaning house and “hlehem” – meaning bread. That’s why Jesus was born there because He is the bread of life [John 6:35]. Here in Bethel, “el” means God. Jacob had to go through the house of God.

  “When things don’t work out or you don’t know what to do, I beg you to go through the house of God.”

Jacob was running away from Esau who was a hunter. Esau was born to run and to hunt, and he could go for days without food and water. So, to get Jacob was like a piece of cake. Jacob resting yet knowing his brother was following him, and he light the entire place, that could have been the Holy Spirit revealing to him what the real blessing was and where it comes from.

    “Church, we have reached a place when God is going to reveal to us where the real blessing is!”

This is what the church and Africa have not done: turning the hard things into the soft things [Genesis 28:11]. And that was the attack of satan to Jesus. The devil wanted Jesus to turn stones into bread [Matthew 4:3, Luke 4:3]. Bread is soft and the devil wanted to be the one advising Jesus, to be the one giving him the power to do so. Brethren, the gold you always wear on your ring, it always comes from a hard rock, but they melt it and turn it into bars of gold, and that’s where the value is.

“Whether you like it or not, we must learn by the way of God and by the anointing of God, how to turn our hard situations into soft situations. Not by the wisdom of the devil or men, but by the wisdom of God. We are going to turn your sad situation, and there is nothing that does that but the ANOINTING.”

The bible tells us that when Jacob woke up after the heavens had opened, and angels were ascending and descending. He took the very hard stone and planted it as a pillar and then he anointed it with oil [Genesis 28:18].

Child of God, no matter where you go, never go without the anointing, because it’s the anointing that breaks and destroys yokes [Isaiah 10:27]. Your yokes are going to be broken today, and your burdens are going to be lifted. God is going to lift the burdens off from your shoulder. The Government of God is going to seat on your shoulder. Get ready to be blessed by the Lord.

Say like you mean it: I need the anointing. Jacob could have left the clothes and water, but he made sure that he carried the anointing.

It’s the anointing that delivered the widow and her sons, and they were not taken to slavery [2 Kings 4:1-7]. It’s the anointing that was poured on David’s head which made him the king [1 Samuel 16:12-13]. It’s the anointing that came upon Jesus after 30 years doing nothings that he started ministry; the dead resurrected and the crippled walked [Acts 10:38]. I declare, you’re leaving this place today with the anointing.

Jacob poured all the oil on the stone and then, he left for Laban. He spent 20 years at Laban’s place without being paid. Laban made sure that he would not put physical chains on Jacob but instead the ethical (moral) ones. That he produces many children and whenever he tried to run away, being a father, he would be drawn back. He would look at his children from Reuben to Benjamin. Jacob knew where he came from. He knew that though he had the anointing, but he had the chains of emotions, and he couldn’t leave his children with a ruthless man. Jacob chose to stay at Laban’s place knowing that his children we also going to become slaves. And when Laban had gone on a three days’ journey, the angel of the Lord came to Jacob, and this is what he said. Genesis 31:11, And the angel of God spake unto me in a DREAM, saying, Jacob: And I said, Here am I.

Do you need an anointing, blessing or breakthrough, say like you mean it, Here am I. If there is anyone God will anoint today, He will anoint you. Verse 12, And he said, Lift up now thine eyes, and SEE, all the rams which leap upon the cattle are ringstraked, speckled, and grisled: for I have seen all that Laban doeth unto thee. Which means, all his life, Jacob was looking down to his kids. There are people here, you know you work hard, and you want to leave poverty, sickness and where you are, but you are torn apart, and you can’t leave. I have good news for you today, you are getting the ANOINTING and you are going to leave…

Verse 13, I am the God of Bethel, where thou anointedst the pillar, and where thou vowedst a vow unto me: now arise, get thee out from this land, and return unto the land of thy kindred. God never said to Jacob that, I am the God of Abraham and Isaac, but He said to him, “I am the God of Bethel” (I am the God of the house of God). There is an anointing in this house. In this place, there’s an anointing and you’re leaving with it. There’s the God of the anointing of Bethel….

This is what the anointing says, between you and your problems, the Lord had put three days…

I trust you have been blessed with this teaching about the ANOINTING, and don’t miss tomorrow, Thursday. You can watch a replay on the link below.

Don’t miss the Day of Prayer and Deliverance on 1st May 2023 from 10am at the Miracle Centre Cathedral.

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