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The 4 Carpenters Anointing


4th Dimension Anointing | Destroying Ancestral Horns (AMAYEMBE) | PART 3 [c] – 13/July/2023

He says, these are come to fray them, to cast out the horns of the Gentiles” [Zechariah 1:21]. These four anointings are the anointings of Noah, Moses, David, and Jesus Christ. Let’s look at Noah. The anointing of Noah is coming your way, and it’s the anointing of grace [Genesis 6:8]. It picks out the gopher wood, and it’s the same wood that made the ark of the covenant [Genesis 6:14]. The gopher wood has life, and it’s a tree of almond [Jeremiah 1:11]. It’s a tree that lays between the substances: the tar in and out, the gold in and out. You can add anything to it if it is good.

The anointing of Noah knows how to choose good things and come up with solutions. It’s the anointing of grace. Listen to this, God told Noah because you have found grace, build yourself an ark [Genesis 6:15-16]. The carpenter Noah, God gave him 40 years to build an ark. Child of God, wherever you are, once this anointing hits you, God is going to add 40 years on you, not of laziness or struggle but of construction. You are going to build yourself three storeys; may God build you a three-storey house and business.

God gave Noah the ability to tame the wild [Genesis 7:14-16]. You can bring in a goat or a cow or a hen, but how do you bring in the lion? There are tigers in your family; your children, cousins and your people are so wild, but you are getting the anointing and you will tell them to sit down, and they will sit down. Do you have any drunkards or drug addicts in your family? In the name of Jesus, you will tame them.

You can tell that this is a male or a female goat, but how do you that this is a male or a female millipede … the anointing of Noah, is an all-knowing anointing. You are about to look at people and say, no…I can’t work with this one but the other one. No more working with wrong partners in your life. Say like you mean it, I am on a mission, and it must be possible; it must succeed. The Lord is giving me understanding, revelation and knowledge, ability and knowing how to solve problems [1 John 2:20].

The anointing of Noah is the anointing that produces that which changes the globe [Genesis 9:19]. Noah is responsible for the black people, the Asians, and the Europeans. He produced the world we see in human beings.

The anointing of Noah is an anointing of a carpenter who designed and fulfilled what God had said. The plan was of God and Noah just executed it. You are going to do God’s plan! God draw the plan and Noah fulfilled it. The anointing of Noah fulfils the assignment. This is the anointing that doesn’t give up. This is the anointing which does go back and say, you sent me, but you never gave me the money; this anointing attracts money just as it attracts animals. Today, you are going to become a money and a people magnet. Your vision is going to be fulfilled.

Tell the people next to you, with this vision – I can’t lose; you didn’t give it to me or plan it for me, but God gave it to me…

Genesis 9:19, These are the three sons of Noah: and of them was the whole earth overspread. With anointing no. 1 (Noah), you are going to eat the land and possess the earth. The anointing of Noah gives you three miracles and three breakthroughs. You will control Africa, Asia, and the West. Ask your neighbor, what do you have? Tell them, I have three, God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. With these three, I will overspread the whole earth. You are going to become so powerful, so rich, and so intelligent that the Austrians will look for you… in the name of Jesus, the Americans will look for you.

Finally, the anointing of Noah is an anointing of living longer [Genesis 9:29].

The second anointing is the anointing of Moses. This anointing is for breaking barriers [Exodus 2:3]. In the name of Jesus, you are going to break barriers. When Moses made three months, he said, mama, I am tired of poverty; you are hiding me, yet I must be exposed; I must be talking to Pharaoh; I don’t like this language anymore, take me to Pharaoh’s house. A three-months baby broke the barrier [Exodus 2:9]. His parents were slaves, and he became adopted in Pharaoh’s house.

Child of God, you are going to break the barriers. I know you are a Ugandan and not educated, but you are going to break the barriers. You are going to find yourself shaking hands with Elon Musk. Tell the person next to you, are they calling my name? When you hear them calling my name, come and tell me because this is my time, and I am about to break the barriers… I know you grew up with your stepmother and you struggled with school fees, but you are about to break the BARRIER. Your children will not grow up with stepmothers, neither will they struggle with fees. I know you are a woman, but you are about to break the barrier.

I know your family is struggling but the anointing of Moses brought brother Aaron who would have been relegated. This anointing also brought Miriam, Moses’ sister, and everybody in his family [Exodus 2:7-10]. The anointing you are about to receive will pull your family out of the dungeon of destruction. You are about to liberate two million people [Exodus 12:37]. Two million people are about to follow you.

The anointing of Moses just lifts his hands, and the battle is wone [Exodus 17:11]. Your worship will defeat all the mayembe (ancestral horns) in every house. Moses just talks to God and bread falls from heaven [Exodus 16:4]. Child of God, you are going to have a bakery and food will never be a problem in your home.

May God give you a family; may God give you life; may God release miracles, signs, and wonders in your life.

The anointing of Moses causes your enemy to spend money on your family. When Moses was three months, he told Pharoah, you are going to pay my mother. You can’t raise me, my mother has too. Pay her to raise me… [Exodus 2:7-9]. This anointing is going to cause your enemy to pay your family. The bible says, And Pharaoh’s daughter said unto her, Take this child away, and nurse it for me, and I will give thee thy WAGES. And the women took the child, and nursed it. You are going to do something marvelous that your enemy will invest CASH in you. You will even find a witch, you who has been barren, when you have given birth to a beautiful baby and that child is as beautiful as an angel, that the witch shall say, I will educate your child… because the wealth of the wicked is laid down for the Just [Proverbs 13:22]. The money of the wicked and those practicing witchcraft is being prepared for you.

Moses got the child of Israel from Egypt with money. He gave them electricity, water, food, and every necessity of life [Psalm 105:37-41]. The anointing of Moses turns water into blood [Exodus 7:14-25]. The anointing of Moses makes a way where it seemed to be no way [Exodus 14:29].

As I conclude: Whoever bewitched you and said you will never prosper, by December 31st, 2023, the car you will be driving will make your enemies cry… what did they say, they said you shall not get married, you will never have children, you will never prosper, you will work for them???? You, a child of God, who is born-again, who believes in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who believes in the God of Noah and Moses, God is going to make a way for you where there was no way…

With the anointing of Moses, even if you die, you don’t rot. The bible says, after 4000 years, when Moses was buried, he surfaced again on the mountain of transfiguration, and he was talking with Jesus [Matthew 17:3]. With the anointing of Moses, when something great is about to happen, you will be on the committee. When heaven was going to forgive sinners their sins, Elijah and Moses showed up. Moses and Elijah never lived at the same time. When 1000 years had passed when was still alive, then Elijah showed up, and see how they meant with Jesus.

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