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Brethren, I want you to read this incredible testimony from Dr. Angella Bikufiraki and it will stir up your Faith.

Praise the Lord Brethren. I thank God for my life. In November 2016, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and I went through surgery because it was in the first stage. I went for chemotherapy at Mulago and after the machine at Mulago broke down, I had to go to Nairobi, where I spent 45 days before my return to Uganda.

Three months later I received unknown severe pain in my ribs on the side where the operation was done. I visited my physician who ordered investigations to be done, that included a CT scan of the chest and abdomen. Results revealed that I had cell masses in my lungs and liver which are indicators of the spread of the cancerous cells in my body. This doctor at Nsambya hospital referred me to a senior consultant- Onchologist at Mulago hospital, Dr Okuku Macho who told me to redo chemotherapy.

Now chemotherapy has many side effects that include hair loss, vomiting, trauma, name it all.

A second chemotherapy also meant that there was no hope and all I needed was palliative care. So as medical personnel I knew what all this meant and that was the most terrifying moment of my life as compared to the first time I was told that I had cancer.

After thinking over all things, I remembered what a friend of mine whom am especially grateful for, who used to tell me about the 77DOGs. That day I was convicted by the Holy Spirit to come for the revival and when I saw the live testimonies that night, my faith was stirred up and my spirit was encouraged. That very night, I recommitted my life to the Lord having previously been a backslidden believer. I was also convinced in my spirit that I was healed. I was baptised and I joined the medical team of the baptism department where I started to live a life of faith.

Four days in salvation, I went back to Mulago hospital to see my physician who told me to do chemotherapy again but because I had faith, I rejected it. I told him that Jesus had healed me and I asked him to give me more time which he did. The three months he gave me brought me great joy. This was during the end of the second phase of the 77DOGs. I attended the entire third phase, and before its end, the Spirit of God convicted me to go and check so I could testify. I went to Nsambya hospital to test but the doctor saw a crazy person in me since the Mulago doctor had given me three months and they were not due. I however had the tests that included a scan and blood tests. When the results came back, there were no cancer cells in my body. My hair is restored, and it literally grows day and night, I grow younger and beautiful every day; my workmates at Nsambya hospital are totally amazed.  Victory belongs to Jesus.

I trust you have been blessed with this incredible testimony.

©Missions Department – Robert Kayanja Ministries