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Purpose: Arrangement


The seven spirits of God: STRENGTH

The book of Daniel talks about purpose and assignment. Daniel 11:32 reads, And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do [exploits]”. Doing exploits reveals strength, and strength is the fourth spirit of God that was released on earth [Revelation 5:12].

Strength is in Jesus Christ who is the hope of our glory. Today, the world economies are no longer strong though they might be strong militarily. Some time ago I taught about how you need health to create wealth and that wealth can be maintained with health. Strength will give you health, and exploits will bring you wealth.

Strength gives you long satisfied life which is prosperity. Therefore the strength of the Lord will take you where your solution is not found.

The solution to your problem[s] is not found in grace or at the cross but it is found in the Lamb of God that was slain at the cross. If you don’t want the prosperity gospel then you must leave Jesus alone because you cannot get to him and stay poor or your mother-in-law remains sick.

Our strength is from the Lord, that’s why we are coming out of this COVID-19 lock down strong. Isaiah 35:1 says, “The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose”.

If your name is Rose then you must claim this scripture for yourself. I speak to every person by the name ‘ROSE’ that you shall not die where you were planted, you shall be alive again. Rose, declare, I’m gonna live and not die in this lock down.

Your life is a purpose that’s why you need other people with purpose to hung out with them. You’re gonna blossom but you must join an arrangement. The Holy Spirit has given us this COVID-19 lock down as an arrangement to read the bible and to also have rest.

You shall blossom like Mount Carmel because God is identifying Himself with you. I declare, you are joining the Rose of Sharon. Get this: you gain value once you’re put in an arrangement because when you’re alone, you don’t appease.

Your purpose cannot be fulfilled alone, that’s why you are part of the 42 million Ugandans. Your purpose gains value when you help others. The rose flower is beautiful but once you put it with other flowers in an arrangement, it gains more value.

The purpose why we are here is because we were put in this arrangement such that we can blossom. I decree and declare, you’re not gonna die in that situation or condition because there’s a purpose why you are here.

Beloved, allow God to put you in an arrangement. He has already put us in an arrangement of the 77 days of glory and every day we are here praying and now we are distributing food. God has put you in such an arrangement so that He may build you to be a leaning machine.

He has put us in this arrangement that bars are closed and the church is now in our homes. Some of you used to speak negative words about yourselves but because of such arrangement. Your mouth is now covered with a mask that you can no longer speak such words.

Get ready, the whole world is waiting for the full manifestation of the sons of God. You’re a child of God, you’re gonna blossom and you’re gonna sing a new song. The devil thought you were gonna die but am here to tell you that you’re coming out of this lock down alive and better.

You and I have a purpose, and our purposes are real. They are gonna change our families and we are about to see the glory of God. I declare, you will have your own land, food, language and the world is about to worship your God.

When God called Abraham, they were just husband and wife but He put them in an arrangement. He took them to Egypt, gave them the land of Canaan. They gave birth to Isaac who gave birth to Jacob, and through their lineage, Jesus came forth. All this was an arrangement. Our purpose is to destroy the works of the enemy.

He said, verse 2, “It shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice even with joy and singing: the glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it, the excellency of Carmel and Sharon, they shall see the glory of the LORD, [and] the excellency of our God.”

The world is about to see the excellency and the glory of our God.The excellency of our God is what destroyed Baal and his prophets at Mount Carmel. When they prayed for fire and didn’t come forth [1 Kings 17:20-40].

Beloved, how excellent is our God. The world is about to see the manifestation of the sons of God, and you’re the son of God.

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Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department


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The seven spirits of God: STRENGTH || Job 22:21-29

It’s very important to understand your purpose and assignment in such a time as this. Our purpose and assignment (as a ministry) in this time is to strengthen the body of Christ and to let people know that the devil won’t win and he is on the run, that’s why we are creating both the presence of God and alters in our homes. Purpose is for a life time, the day you were born, and the bible clearly says, “God knew you before you were born” [Jeremiah 1:5].

Assignment is a mission. God will never give you a mission until you’re prepared. The purpose of God in the life of Job, Job was a holy man that is purpose; he was upright, feared God and shunned evil and because of that, this man was rich [Job 1:2].

Most religious people think that when you serve God, you become a begger but am here to tell you that I am a believer. The scripture says, “and these signs shall follow those that believe” [Mark 16:17]; when you are a believer, signs shall follow you.

Indicators will follow you. Signs are indicators; “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” Healing of the land is an indicator that God’s people are turning away from their wicked ways, they are praying.

There are signs that follow your condition; the bible tells us about Job, the man was holy, which is the first thing it talks about. Job 1:1 reads, “There was a man in the land of Uz,” he wasn’t the only man in Uz but he was the only one of his kind. “…whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil.” Verse 2, “And there were born unto him seven sons and three daughters.”

Now they are telling you the benefits of his character/ nature, the benefit of what he had become in God. Beloved, time has come for people to know of who you’re in God and why you are prosperous, intelligent, clever, and rich, why your children are successful, why you’re blessed, strong and why you have the glory of God. “His substance also was seven thousand sheep”, number seven was already in his life, and if not seven, three. “…and three thousand camels, and five hundred yoke of oxen, and five hundred she asses, and a very great household; so that this man was the greatest of all the men of the east” [Job 1:3]. People are gonna look to you and wonder what kind of man you are, because we cannot associate with the Creator and we end up being void.

One of the things that is gonna bless you is to know purpose; “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth but the earth was without form, and void” [Genesis 1:1-2]; nothing associates with God or God associates can remain void. The devil may knock you down but once you are connected and associated with the Creator, when He speaks it happens and comes to pass.

You can’t associate with this God Almighty and you stay empty headed, handed and pocketed, you cannot! The earth had to come back to its fulness because where God is; in His presence there’s fulness of joy [Psalms 16:11]. Get ready child of God, we are not associated with religion, mankind or demons but we are associated with Jehovah Almighty, the maker of heaven and earth, the One who raises the dead, the One who has the power and the life, the One who is a miracle worker and something good is about to happen to you.

It’s time for you to associate with God, and that’s what Job 22:21 says, “Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee.” Acquaint means come closer to Him even though He is not your friend as He was to Abraham; make Him your friend, get closer to Him and be at peace that good will come to you.

Speak it into your house; good is coming to me and that is the purpose for your life. Verse 23 says, “If thou return to the Almighty:” 2 Chronicles 7:14 states, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn…;” Many of us return to religious but it’s time to return to God. Verse 23 continues, “…thou shalt be built up, thou shalt put away iniquity far from thy tabernacles.” God is building you, He will use the seven spirits to build you up; you will be powerful, wise, strong, honorable, glorious and blessed. God is breaking this and putting in this because He is building you.

Verse 26 says, “For then shalt thou have thy delight in the Almighty, and shalt lift up thy face unto God.” Some of you have not been appeasing to God because you were not associated to Him; get this, you cannot be with God, associate with Him and remain the same. I declare, people are about to look at you and glorify God. Today I read about Job and I glorify God.

Verse 28 reads, “Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.” Child of God, in your purpose, you’re allowed to taste; you will taste of His goodness, wonders and joy. And the moment you taste, you cannot let go. Remember, you began as an acquaintance with God (coming to church once in a while, reading the bible in a while), you are now so divine that you’re using His power and strength to make things to happen. Verse 29 says, “When [men] are cast down, then thou shalt say, [There is] lifting up; and he shall save the humble person.” Today, you’re receiving one of the seven spirits of God called STRENGTH. There is lifting in your life in the name of Jesus; you shall not go down but God shall save you.

As Job was the greatest among the men of the East, so shall you be the greatest among men in your family. May God shade His love on you, and I ask you to give Him a chance to work in you such that His purposes may be revealed in your life. What are His purposes for you? Let God work His purposes in you; you are the clay; He gets you out of the clay and turns you into a vessel.

Friends allow me to end here and I believe this message about purpose has blessed you. Don’t miss our E-Miracle Overnight every Friday starting at 9PM [EAT].

To watch a rebroadcast of this service, clink on this link, and to SOW your SEED into the Robert Kayanja Ministries, click on the DONATE icon and follow the options. The Lord will richly bless you!

Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department


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Disconnect from the earthly affairs Part 2


In this text, Pr. Benny continues his teaching on how to disconnect ourselves from the earthly affairs. For the joy that was set before Jesus, he endured the cross despising the shame. Imagine despising the shame and not paying attention to what was going on in his body; he disconnected from the pain and the shame; for the scripture says, consider him; look unto him, lest ye faint in your minds [Hebrews 12:3].

Consider him for he endured such hostilities of sinners and while he was on the cross, they were attacking him, speaking against him. If you are the son of God, come off that cross, and with such things, he completely ignored what was going on around him because he saw the joy.

Can you imagine sweet people, the mental attacks on such a person hanging on the cross. His body completely torn apart, his face marred that it could not be recognized like that of a human being. His flesh hanging on his own bones, his bones exposed, with every breathe he felt pain for six hours. Imagine the agony of Calvary and the bible says, he despised all of that, he despised all the shame. He endured the torments of Calvary for the joy that was set before him.

I wanna show you something unbelievable in Psalms 22. We have read this psalm but there’s something I think we have not paid attention to. Jesus saw the joy and this psalm begins with, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? why art thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring? 

The word roaring means groaning. Verse 2 says, O my God, I cry in the day time, but thou hearest not; and in the night season, and am not silent. He makes an amazing statement here in verse 3, But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel. Do you know why he said that? It’s so powerful when you realize what he said in that verse; why would he say, ‘thou art holy?’

From the most powerful presentation “The Holiness of God” written by an old father of the church called Chinook. “God’s holiness is manifested at the cross wondrously and yet more solemnly does the atonement display God’s infinite holiness and abhorrence of sin.” I am going make you a statement and I want you to hear me. God does not forgive sin, He forgives the sinner. Sin had to be destroyed and judged at the cross.

“How hateful must sin be to God for Him to punish it at its utmost, when it was imputed to His son? It says, not all vows of judgment shall be put out upon the wicked world nor the flaming furnace of a sinner’s conscience nor the irreversible sentence pronounced against the rebellious demons nor the grounds of the dump creatures. Such is the great demonstration of God’s hatred to sin of the wrath He loosed on His son.”

All His wrath was put on His son at that moment when Jesus cried, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”. When he took it upon himself and became sin for us, God’s wrath was completely placed on him. He took the wrath of God for us and sin was judged in his body. What a perfect fulfillment in psalms when the Lord said and repeated in Hebrews, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me [Hebrews 10:15].

Those animals would not satisfy the wrath of God which is holiness, and that’s why he cried, it says this; “never did divine holiness appear more beautiful and lovely…”. This himself acknowledged in Psalms 22 when God had turned his smiling face from him which forced a tremble cry “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”, And then he begins to adore the perfection of holiness as he says in verse 3, But thou art holy,” in other words, I am glad to take Your wrath because You are Holy.

I am glad to be the sacrifice because You are Holy. Sin has to be judged and I am gladly giving my body to be that instrument of judgment, to be judged. But what kept him, what is the key is here, even after he says; I am a worm, and no man; a reproach of men, and despised of the people [Palms 22:6], and with such details, he begins to describe the amazing moments at the cross, [verse12-19]

Many bulls have compassed me: strong bulls of Bashan have beset me round; They gaped upon me with their mouths, as a ravening and a roaring lion;

I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint;

My strength is dried up like a potsherd; dogs have compassed me, meaning the Gentiles and the roman soldiers,

they pierced my hands and my feet; I may tell all my bones: they look and stare upon me; They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture.

How amazing that the Holy Spirit gave David the details about the cross, but look at what verse 22 says, in the midst of his pain he cried and said, I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee. Verse 25, My praise shall be of thee in the great congregation: He saw the church, and I love what it says in verse 20, Deliver my soul from the sword; my darling from the power of the dog. 

The darling is the church and the book of Hebrews says, ‘my precious life’ and his precious life is the church. Jesus saw the church and said, I am gonna declare to You. I am gonna tell the church about who You are, Lord.

I am gonna reveal your name to the church, and this is how he was able to stay joyful and despised the shame of Calvary, and not be affected mentally by the enemies all around Him. Hebrews 12:3 says, For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds. It’s time we disconnect our mind from earthly matters.

Thank you for having been part of the Global Prayer Hour with Pr. Benny Hinn. I believe this message has blessed you. Don’t miss our E-Miracle overnight this Friday at 9pm [EAT], it’s gonna be powerful.

To watch a rebroadcast of this service, Just clink on this link and you will be blessed.

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Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department

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Purpose, Assignment & Time Part 2



#The Seven Spirits of God, John 4:4-33

The scripture says, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” [Ecclesiastes 3:1]; You must understand that purpose is for a time and assignment for a season. Assignment[s] can be one or more, and resources come to those with assignments. Most people in this world don’t know what they want and as a result, they find themselves in wrong places because they don’t know their assignments.

Purpose is for the greater good, and Romans 8:28 says, “We know that all things work together for GOOD to those who love God, to those who are the called according to [His] purpose.” Purpose is the foundation for assignments. When we look at Moses, things were really good for him from the moment he was picked from the sea and raised by Pharaoh’s daughter but the moment he killed an Egyptian, he freed from his assignment, and we see God telling him to go back to Egypt. Listen to this: the law was brought by Moses and Christ brought grace. Grace takes what is of God and gives it to you, and the book of Galatians chapter 3 reminds me of something very important that when Christ died, the blessing of Abraham came to us (the Gentiles).

 The book of John chapter 4 reveals to us a well which was built on purpose and why Jesus needed to go to that well. You must discover what your purpose in life is? Jacob located a place in Canaan where he built a well for his animals to drink water which in the days of Jesus was called Samaria. This Samarian woman was on purpose at the well and when Jesus asked her for water to drink, she gave him the history of that well. She had a purpose in life which was destroyed by the Samaritan men who later called her a prostitute yet she had a great revelation about the well. Child of God, we must build things for tomorrow and not for today, and it’s time to go and discover the well of Jacob. Jesus needed to go to that well just like heaven needs you and where needs are, that’s where heaven goes.

Heaven doesn’t supply wants but it supplies needs [Philippians 4:19]. Jesus chose in the whole of Samaria to go and sit at the well because he needed to; for that purpose he was born and it was his assignment to meet that woman whose purpose had been destroyed by the six men she had. His assignment was for the entire city of Samaria to come to him, that’s why when he asked her for water, she couldn’t give him because the kind of water she used to give to the people was prostitution yet the water Jesus was giving was living water and whoever drinks of it can never thirsty again [John 4:13-15].

Someone your life has been in a mess but am here to tell you that the flow of the living water is coming to you and your life shall not remain the same. The bible says, the woman said, once the Messiah comes, he will tell us all things [John 4:25]. Her purpose was to be a preacher and she got a new assignment of bringing an entire city of Samaria to Jesus [John 4:30]. You must understand your purpose and seize it. Jesus is looking for a person who can take on the assignment because they have discovered their purpose, and King David said, “I have been young, and [now] am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his descendants begging bread” [Psalms 37:25] Understand the purpose why you are here? Jesus’ purpose was to destroy the works of the evil one.

What is your purpose to be alive? Assignments come in seasons, and I pray that you seize to be a son of Issachar. Jesus knew that Samaritan woman plus her reputation and when he asked her to call the husband, she said, “I have no husband” [John 4:16-18]. The moment she said that, Jesus downloaded her and they worked together to change Samaria, and by the time his disciples came with food, he told them, he have already eaten [John 4:30-33].

Beloved, Jesus stayed three days in Samaria and three days in hell. May God stay until your situation changes; may He stay until you’re blessed. We don’t know that Samaritan woman’s name yet every preacher has preached about her; you think Jesus doesn’t need your money, he needs it, and in this period of Ramadan, we must feed the Muslims even though you don’t understand what they fast, and that is our assignment.

To watch a rebroadcast of this service, click on this link:

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Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department

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Purpose, Assignment & Time


#The seven spirits of God

Am so excited to share God’s word with you on Purpose, Assignment and Time. But before we go into this study, I want to first take you through the seven spirits of God which I have been teaching about every evening during the 77Days of Glory Revival services. When Jesus was slain, he released the seven spirits of God on earth according to Revelation 5:6 & 12; whatever God releases, the devil also releases but I want you to understand that what the devil releases are demons. There are certain nations that have taken these seven spirits of God; looking at manufacturing, England, Europe, America, China took it and monopolized it [for you to manufacture anything, you must have their copyrights] yet it has to help the whole of humanity. 

The book of Revelation chapter 5 encourages us that when Jesus died, he not only shed his blood for our salvation but to have access to the seven spirits of God. Salvation is a spirit and King David said, “Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me [with thy] free spirit” [Psalms 51:12]; and in the first glory of salvation, he gave us power; power to become children of God [John 1:12]; power to create wealth [Deuteronomy 8:18] because our Father is a creator. Just one spirit of God, salvation is power and don’t underestimate it.

There’s power in the blood of Jesus, in His name, in the Word of God and in Faith; that power is gonna break the chains of bondage, poverty and witchcraft. And after you have become a child of God, you have the power to create wealth then wisdom comes in and strength follows. The bible says they that know their God shall be strong, and do exploits [Daniel 11:32]; STRENGTH. Under strength that’s where you find purpose and assignment. There’s a purpose why you were born, and if someone says you don’t have a purpose, tell them, Jesus died so that I could have life and have it more abundantly [John 10:10].

Once you yield to your purpose, you get strength. Purpose is given to all humans as well as assignment which is given for a mission. There’s a purpose upon each and everyone’s life regardless where you were born.  You don’t gain much from your purpose but your family, friends and nation does. Purpose is for the greater good, and Romans 8:28 tells us, “And we know that all things work together for GOOD to those who love God, to those who are the called according to [His] purpose.” Purpose is for the ‘called’ but Assignment is for the ‘chosen.’

Assignment is for the BEST; it is given to the one thought to be the best. Assignments come in seasons; they bring strength; they don’t require money yet with purpose, you work on a budget. Assignments require new equipment and gadgets; you are even licensed to use the devil’s money and that’s why Jesus told us to make friends for ourselves with the unrighteous mammon [Luke 16:9], which means to befriend those who have money and in so doing they will bring their money to help those in need.

The bible says in Ecclesiastes 3:1 that, “To everything [there is] a season, A time for every purpose under heaven:” and verse 2 states, “A time to be born, and a time to die; A time to plant, and a time to pluck [what is] planted;” all these are purposes but they reveal mission. Purpose and time work together that’s why the sons of Issachar were men who had understanding of times [1 Chronicles 12:32]; purpose is for time and assignment for season.

King David had a purpose but he downplayed his assignment when Israel had gone to war; he instead stayed at home and slept with Uriah’s wife and later had Uriah killed. When you miss your assignment, you miss the best. In this time of lock down during Corona Virus when there’s no food, this is our assignment as a church. The reward is in your purpose and promotion is in your assignment. Philip was the first disciple to see Jesus yet he never received the keys to the kingdom, because when he was sent, he only told Nathanael that he had seen Jesus yet his assignment was to tell everybody [John 1:45].

When Jesus found Peter, he asked him to use his boat and Peter gave it. Jesus knew Peter’s purpose that he was a fisherman but he gave him an assignment to push his boat into the lake. Once you obey the assignment, you get new tools; Jesus told him to cast out his nets to the deep, no one fishes at midday, and then Jesus asked him to follow him, and he told him from today, you will be a fisher of men [Matthew 4:19]; Peter was given a new purpose (Fisher of men) and many assignments, and between Philip and him, he was given numerous assignments than Philip.

Purpose is the foundation for assignments. Never settle for good. Strength is what reveals assignments, and where is your strength? No one should ever minimize you because of your strength. We are in this season of lockdown, turn it into an assignment by using the five weapons that God has given us. Promises, Praise, Worship, Obedience and Offering. Beloved, where is your strength? Jesus through Apostle Paul said, “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” [1 Corinthians 15:55]; where is your strength, death? And when Jesus was carrying the cross, he asked death where its strength was? His purpose was to die for us but he need someone who had an assignment to carry his cross because he had lost a lot of blood at the whipping post and had not eaten anything.

Simon of Cyrene, a black man was forced to carry that cross, in other words, that black man was the first one to take the blood of Jesus yet the Jews had said, let his blood be upon us. The assignment pushed us [Africans] into the game that’s why revival is in Africa; we are survivors, colonialism couldn’t kill us, wars, religion, malice and envy couldn’t kill us, Ebola and aids couldn’t kill us, and now this corona virus will not kill us. In the movie, the main character doesn’t die and we are not gonna die; we are on an assignment, this is a season to be promoted. Father, I pray for these people’s assignments to be revealed.

Thank you for having attended our ONLINE Sunday Service, and if you want to watch the rebroadcast of this service, just click on this link;

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Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department

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The Seven Spirits of God


The Secret Of Nation||Genesis 24:29-40

God is in Uganda. Among the 79 victims of COVID-19, we have no deaths. We should be grateful to Him and know that His hand is upon us. He has fought locusts with rain but also remember, we asked Him for the rain. Lake Victoria is now full and that is a proof which is undeniable that He is in this nation of Uganda, and let us believe Him for great things. In prior posts, We talked about the secret that has made nations like Egypt, England, the United States, Japan, South Korea and even China to be great, and we realized that they associated with this God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

We discovered that Jesus released the seven spirits of God on earth according to Revelation 5:6 &12 that is, power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory and blessing. We understood that Jesus gives you the power; “as many as believed on him, he gave them power to become the sons of God” [John 1:12]; Acts 1:8 states, “you shall receive power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you”. Power creates wealth according to Deuteronomy 8:18. You are also given power to fight, in other words you are a weapon of war; “whatever you bind on earth is bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth is loosed in heaven” [Matthew 18:18], and you to become the temple of the Holy Ghost [1 Corinthians 6:19]. And a Christian, you must operate at five levels of power; the son of God, the Holy Spirit, wealth, weapon and temple.

After power you come to the position of riches. They cause you to dominate and control. Riches control power. Jesus as powerful and anointed as he was, someone else controlled the riches. Joseph of Arimathea had the riches. From riches then comes wisdom. Solomon had wisdom but he was also rich, and wisdom comes with knowledge and understanding, and all your getting, get understanding [Proverbs 4:7]. Wisdom will separate you from everybody, and that’s why England was very wise. The bible says, “The reward of humility and the reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord is riches and honor and life” [Proverbs 22:4 AMPC]. If My people who are called by My name shall ‘humble’ themselves then riches will come to them.

When you associate with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, you will have those seven spirits of God. When Abraham asked Eliezer to go and find for Isaac a wife, the family of Laban became blessed from the gifts of Abraham even when Laban had other gods but he recognized the God of Abraham. Beloved, when Eliezer connected to Abraham, he became rich.

Once you connect to this God, your life cannot remain the same. He is not a mean God! I prophesy, your status is about to change. Eliezer was from Damascus but once he followed Abraham, his life never remained the same. And you that follow Jesus, keep following him because your life is about to change. Apostle Paul said, “Follow me as I follow Christ” [1 Corinthians 11:1 MEV]. Eliezer said, I won’t eat until my errand is settled [Genesis 24:33]. Africa lacks the power of negotiation, and this spirit [of negotiation] started with Abraham when he negotiated with God after He told him to leave his father’s house saying He would bless him and make him a great nation [Genesis 12].

Eliezer introduced himself to Laban as a servant of Abraham who has the seven spirits of God, and the last time Laban heard about that name, it was Abram not Abraham. People don’t have to know my name. Isaiah 61:6 says, “But you shall be named the priests of the LORD, They shall call you the servants of our God. You shall eat the riches of the Gentiles, and in their glory you shall boast.” There’s something about becoming a servant of God; you doctor, Member of Parliament and husband, I want to recruit you as a servant of God. Eliezer began to testify about Abraham, a man who is great with flocks and herds, silver and gold, has male and female servants, camels and donkeys and at his old age, they bore a son called Isaac who is the heir of Abraham. May someone testify about you.  

When you have associated with the God of Abraham, you must claim these things in Genesis 24:35-36. Abraham was nothing by the time he met God in Genesis 12, and twelve chapters later, what God had promised him had come to pass. After he met God, he built an altar [Genesis 13:14], took Holy Communion and gave his tithe [Genesis 14:18-20]. You need those three things to be successful. You must also have confidence and know how to negotiate, and once you associate with the great, you too will become great; once you associate with the God of Abraham, you will become a great nation.

Thank you for being part of the online revival services, and if you want to watch the rebroadcast of this service, you can use this link:

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Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department

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The Secret of Nations

We must understand the times and seasons we are living in just like the sons of Issachar. We must read the times and the headlines and that is why we need wisdom. Our subject of study is still in the book of Revelation 5:12 where we see the seven spirits of God that were released by Christ after his resurrection, and today I want our study to concentrate on “the secret of nations” in reference to those seven spirits; power, riches, wisdom, strength, glory, honor and blessing.

These seven spirits are the ones which made countries like England, the United States and even China great, but I want us to first understand that the book of Revelation was written by John in revelations on the Island of Patmos where he had been imprisoned between 1AD and 10AD, and the Spirit of the Lord instructed him to write to the seven churches in Asia everything that he saw, and among the things John saw were the seven spirits which were released on earth [Revelation 5:6].

Wherever the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ has been preached, nations have been hooked with one of these spirits and hence they got particular skills that led to their development. We first of all see Egypt when she blessed Abraham and later Joseph that she became a superpower, fed the whole world and grew food without combined harvesters. Whosoever works with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob gets a certain spirit. Nations have become powerful because they have tested the word of God, and once you hook to the word of God, a new spirit comes upon you.

Saul, the son of Kish was looking for donkeys but the moment he came in contact with the word of God, he became the king of Israel. Child of God, when you look at power [as a spirit], England is powerful; their language is spoken everywhere even though God said in Genesis 11:7 that He will mix-up their language.

You need the Lamb of God to connect to the seven spirits of God, not ‘religion’. England is a very powerful nation that it formulated its own currency which is the strongest in the whole world today; their monarch is the most powerful. And what made them powerful was the publication of the bible; they translated it from Roman to Latin to English and it was financed by King James VI, no wonder the house of Windsor still rules England. Child of God, once you connect to God, His anointing comes upon you, remember it’s the anointing that breaks the yoke, you will be powerful in riches.

Another spirit England has is Wisdom. Rome was the one that introduced democracy, “the government of the people for the people by the people” but England took it to another level and wrote it down for all its colonies yet Rome never had a written democracy. England has wisdom, knowledge and understanding, in that wherever they have been, they have established their systems; Executive, Legislature and Judiciary. The British accepted the seven spirits of God and those spirits are still on earth. All Kings and Emperors like that of Japan and Saudi Arabia look at England; what a legacy!

The African language (Egyptian and Ethiopian) is older than English but no one speaks it because English as a language is a spirit. The bible says they spoke in other tongues when the Holy Ghost came upon them [Acts 2:4]. Once you have one of these seven spirits of God, something will be added to you and if you don’t have any of them, even what you have shall be taken away from you.

When you don’t have the mysteries of God which are the seven spirits, whatever you have shall be taken away from you [Matthew 13:11-12]. Over 100 years ago, the spirit of revival came upon Uganda and the born-again were honored. When you are hooked up with the spirit of revival and honoring God, your language will be spoken by others, your language can become strong once you’re hooked up with the spirit of God. The Hebrew people are small but you can’t understand theology until you turn to their language. Child of God, England went to China and opened up schools there and their schools still exist up to today, and China is now learning English because English is anointed.

Singapore, is 50 years old and its as strong as Hong Kong and Netherlands, and their official language is English, what a legacy England built. Africa’s legacy is witchcraft. It’s time for Africa to tap into the seven spirits of God and it’s my prayer that those seven spirits will come upon Uganda. Those spirits don’t come from man but from God. Lord, I pray that those seven spirits will bombard Africa as a nuclear bomb from the president to the peasant.

I pray that when you are in a time of scarcity and starvation, you see the glory of God [Exodus 16:10]. Proverbs 22:4, “By humility [and] the fear of the LORD [are] riches, and honour, and life.” To all pastors and ministers of the gospel, Isaiah 61:6 is yours. Proverbs 13:22 says, “A good [man] leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children:” Proverbs 10:22 states, “The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with It.” May God give you wisdom, knowledge and understanding!

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Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department