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The Power of Negotiation||Gen 24:10-53


The Seven Spirits Of God||STRENGTH

The Lamb of God was slain before the foundations of the earth and was sacrificed in the place of Isaac according to Genesis 22:12-13. This is the very lamb that released the seven spirits of God on earth after he had been slain and rose from the dead according to Revelation 5:6 &12. Though we are in this world, we are not of this world, because God orders the earth and not the world.

He said, “Whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven” [Matthew 18:18], because the earth obeys Him. Beloved, the world may not want Your God but the earth obeys Him, and that is why you need the oil; you need a vision because without vision people perish [Proverbs 29:18], and you also need the seven spirits of God; power, riches, wisdom, strength, honour, glory and blessing.

Do you know why Africa is the way it is today? We stopped living by the seven spirits of God and resorted to worshiping idols. Africans were linguists and that’s how the Pharaohs were able to talk to Abraham and Joseph; Africa grew food that fed the entire world; they had troops; they knew how to read and write; they knew how to design but one wonders what happened to Africa?

We are coming back to the God of Abraham, and to the seven spirits which Revelation 5 talks about. Once we wake up and take hold of these seven spirits, we will be able to innovate, create and develop our own stuff because no one [be it America, Europe or China] has a monopoly over them, and it’s an act of faith to have them.

The bible talks about a man called Eliezer who was sent by Abraham to go and look for his son (Isaac) a wife to marry; Abraham was an Epitome of blessings. What people call being favored and loved, I declare that it will be part of you. Eliezer got what he had and gave it to Rebekah yet he wasn’t the one going to marry her. I declare, people are about to bless you because they are on an assignment towards you, and things will happen not because of bad intentions but because of God’s assignment [Genesis 24:22]. Once you are connected to greatness, you also become great. Eliezer, a servant of Abraham was richer than the entire family of Laban.

Eliezer prayed by the well for the God of Abraham to give him good speed, and the bible says, before he had done praying, behold Rebekah came out [Genesis 24:15]. Young men, your wives are not in bars but at the well of the Holy Spirit.

I decree and declare: there is no more delay; the days of delays are over. I prophesy: you’re gonna get a deal and get out of that place; there is no more procrastination. Eliezer was on a mission for his master and he decided not to rest until his errand was settled, and he said, ‘I am finishing the deal and then go back’. The days of delaying in the capital city are over. Africa, we are too procrastinating and slow; we delay processing passports, constructing roads, banks delay to release money, courts delay to process cases, and this spirit gives room for people to compromise everything.

When you are dealing with the God of the seven spirits, there is always good speed to everything. For example, Jesus was arrested at midnight, crucified at midday, at 3pm the curtain of the temple was torn, three days he rose from the grave and in forty days he had gone back to the Father. The bible says, and Eliezer prayed for good speed.

Your prayer doesn’t have to be so long; when Daniel’s prayer was delayed for 21 days, it wasn’t the angel of good news that came but Michael the arch angel is the one who came and took over that principality of Persia. This demon that delays our breakthroughs, we come against it. There are traditional demons that have been hindering your progress and delaying your marriage, today we come against it.

5th May 2020 is our Global day of Prayer, therefore, join us from wherever you will be at 6pm East African Time (local time here in Uganda) via channel 44 Television and the Robert Kayanja Ministries Media Platforms. You can also Whatsapp us on +256756971535 to let us know that you will be part of this Global prayer day with your family.

If you want to watch a rebroadcast of this service, you can click on this link: , and to SOW your SEED to the Robert Kayanja Ministries, click at the DONATE button and your seed will be received.

Don’t miss our Power packed Every Friday Miracle Overnight broadcast LIVE on Channel 44 Television.

Robert kayanja Ministries, Missions Department

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The Seven Spirits of God


The Secret Of Nation||Genesis 24:29-40

God is in Uganda. Among the 79 victims of COVID-19, we have no deaths. We should be grateful to Him and know that His hand is upon us. He has fought locusts with rain but also remember, we asked Him for the rain. Lake Victoria is now full and that is a proof which is undeniable that He is in this nation of Uganda, and let us believe Him for great things. In prior posts, We talked about the secret that has made nations like Egypt, England, the United States, Japan, South Korea and even China to be great, and we realized that they associated with this God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

We discovered that Jesus released the seven spirits of God on earth according to Revelation 5:6 &12 that is, power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory and blessing. We understood that Jesus gives you the power; “as many as believed on him, he gave them power to become the sons of God” [John 1:12]; Acts 1:8 states, “you shall receive power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you”. Power creates wealth according to Deuteronomy 8:18. You are also given power to fight, in other words you are a weapon of war; “whatever you bind on earth is bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth is loosed in heaven” [Matthew 18:18], and you to become the temple of the Holy Ghost [1 Corinthians 6:19]. And a Christian, you must operate at five levels of power; the son of God, the Holy Spirit, wealth, weapon and temple.

After power you come to the position of riches. They cause you to dominate and control. Riches control power. Jesus as powerful and anointed as he was, someone else controlled the riches. Joseph of Arimathea had the riches. From riches then comes wisdom. Solomon had wisdom but he was also rich, and wisdom comes with knowledge and understanding, and all your getting, get understanding [Proverbs 4:7]. Wisdom will separate you from everybody, and that’s why England was very wise. The bible says, “The reward of humility and the reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord is riches and honor and life” [Proverbs 22:4 AMPC]. If My people who are called by My name shall ‘humble’ themselves then riches will come to them.

When you associate with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, you will have those seven spirits of God. When Abraham asked Eliezer to go and find for Isaac a wife, the family of Laban became blessed from the gifts of Abraham even when Laban had other gods but he recognized the God of Abraham. Beloved, when Eliezer connected to Abraham, he became rich.

Once you connect to this God, your life cannot remain the same. He is not a mean God! I prophesy, your status is about to change. Eliezer was from Damascus but once he followed Abraham, his life never remained the same. And you that follow Jesus, keep following him because your life is about to change. Apostle Paul said, “Follow me as I follow Christ” [1 Corinthians 11:1 MEV]. Eliezer said, I won’t eat until my errand is settled [Genesis 24:33]. Africa lacks the power of negotiation, and this spirit [of negotiation] started with Abraham when he negotiated with God after He told him to leave his father’s house saying He would bless him and make him a great nation [Genesis 12].

Eliezer introduced himself to Laban as a servant of Abraham who has the seven spirits of God, and the last time Laban heard about that name, it was Abram not Abraham. People don’t have to know my name. Isaiah 61:6 says, “But you shall be named the priests of the LORD, They shall call you the servants of our God. You shall eat the riches of the Gentiles, and in their glory you shall boast.” There’s something about becoming a servant of God; you doctor, Member of Parliament and husband, I want to recruit you as a servant of God. Eliezer began to testify about Abraham, a man who is great with flocks and herds, silver and gold, has male and female servants, camels and donkeys and at his old age, they bore a son called Isaac who is the heir of Abraham. May someone testify about you.  

When you have associated with the God of Abraham, you must claim these things in Genesis 24:35-36. Abraham was nothing by the time he met God in Genesis 12, and twelve chapters later, what God had promised him had come to pass. After he met God, he built an altar [Genesis 13:14], took Holy Communion and gave his tithe [Genesis 14:18-20]. You need those three things to be successful. You must also have confidence and know how to negotiate, and once you associate with the great, you too will become great; once you associate with the God of Abraham, you will become a great nation.

Thank you for being part of the online revival services, and if you want to watch the rebroadcast of this service, you can use this link:

To Sow your SEED to the Robert Kayanja Ministries, just click on the DONATE button and your seed will be received.

Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department