Wisdom|Colossians 2:1-3
People of God, have we really discovered what corona virus is, and where it came from? What is it revealing to mankind? As human beings, are we going to sit down without fighting back, and what is our response? Of recent, I listened to a statement which was made by Ms. Melinda Gates, where she was comparing the vulnerable in the United States, as those without computers and bandwidth, to those in Africa as those without food. It’s time for Africa to feed our fellow Africans so that it might not be talked of us. People of God, we must respond, that is why God has given us the five weapons; the word of God, praise, worship, obedience and offering.
We have been studying about the seven spirits of God that the Lamb of God released on earth; power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory and blessings [Revelation 5:12]. These spirits are living and attainable, and they come through obedience. The bible says, you shall receive power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you [Acts 1:8], and it also tells us to remember the Lord our God, for it is He who gives us power to create wealth [Deuteronomy 8:18]. Solomon operated in only one spirit which was wisdom, and it brought him riches.
Moses had power and we saw how he dealt with it in Egypt; Elijah had the glory of God which manifested in fire; Samson had supernatural strength; King David, Daniel and Jabez had honor, and Abraham operated in the blessing; the man lived longer. Child of God, once you have WISDOM, riches and power will follow. The bible talks about Joseph of Arimathaea being a rich man [Matthew 27:57].
We need the wisdom of God because it is a principal thing [Proverbs 4:7]. The bible says, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom [Proverbs 9:10]. Solomon in all his wisdom understood the beginning of wisdom, but what is the progression and end of wisdom? Colossians 2:2 reads, “that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, and [attaining] to all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the knowledge of the mystery of God, both of the Father and of Christ.”
People want to be encouraged physically but God wants to encourage us in HEART and be united in LOVE, that is why we shall feed the hungry. Strength in the heart and united in LOVE. We have not yet seen the heartbeat of this Nation; it is not politics but FOR GOD AND MY GOD. We must have a heartbeat like Jesus, when God loved the world, He gave His only son [John 3:16], and for God and My country. Listen: the scripture says, “That they may have FULL riches, complete understanding, Mysteries of God and Christ himself”; Solomon never had these.
The disciples came to Jesus and asked him why he spoke to the people in parables? He said, “To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been granted” [Matthew 13:11 NASB]; my partners, it has been granted to us and we are gonna know it. Why did he talk about the mysteries of God? Listen: Jesus attached the mysteries of God to sowing because when he first went to the temple and a book was given to him, he said the Spirit of the Lord is upon me, and he never talked about the mysteries [Isaiah 61:1].
When Jesus asked his disciples who they say he was, Peter responded that “You are the Christ”, and Jesus said to him, “the Father has revealed this to you” [Matthew 16:15-17]. Peter had a revelation of who Jesus was. And my question is, how can you have this Christ and leave in lack? Yes you love Him but there’s more to loving Jesus. Child of God, I need mysteries because I’m tired of operating like any other person does.
The bible says, Jesus went out of the house and sat by the sea but when the multitudes gathered around him, he got into a boat and began to preach about the principal of sowing. The sower sowed three times and got nothing, but he also sowed in good soil and he got 100, 60 and 30 fold. Jesus talked to the people about seed, time and harvest. That sower got three harvests; 100%, 60% and 30% yet he also lost in three soils [Matthew 13:1-11]. Child of God, in this time of lock down, sow your time and love in your family; sow in love because that seed will deliver and prosper you [Zechariah 8:12].
Zechariah in the prophetic knew that one day there would be a lock down and it’s your seed to prosper you. The seeds that you sow today will prosper when there’s no business. As I conclude: Feeding the hungry and helping our own people is a good soil to sow our seeds, that is why God has given us the Isaiah 58 fast. Sowing, the word of God and wisdom are all mysteries. Wisdom builds and establishes.
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