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The Seven Spirits of God – WISDOM


Wisdom|Colossians 2:1-3

People of God, have we really discovered what corona virus is, and where it came from? What is it revealing to mankind? As human beings, are we going to sit down without fighting back, and what is our response? Of recent, I listened to a statement which was made by Ms. Melinda Gates, where she was comparing the vulnerable in the United States, as those without computers and bandwidth, to those in Africa as those without food. It’s time for Africa to feed our fellow Africans so that it might not be talked of us. People of God, we must respond, that is why God has given us the five weapons; the word of God, praise, worship, obedience and offering.

We have been studying about the seven spirits of God that the Lamb of God released on earth; power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory and blessings [Revelation 5:12]. These spirits are living and attainable, and they come through obedience. The bible says, you shall receive power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you [Acts 1:8], and it also tells us to remember the Lord our God, for it is He who gives us power to create wealth [Deuteronomy 8:18]. Solomon operated in only one spirit which was wisdom, and it brought him riches.

Moses had power and we saw how he dealt with it in Egypt; Elijah had the glory of God which manifested in fire; Samson had supernatural strength; King David, Daniel and Jabez had honor, and Abraham operated in the blessing; the man lived longer. Child of God, once you have WISDOM, riches and power will follow. The bible talks about Joseph of Arimathaea being a rich man [Matthew 27:57].

We need the wisdom of God because it is a principal thing [Proverbs 4:7]. The bible says, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom [Proverbs 9:10]. Solomon in all his wisdom understood the beginning of wisdom, but what is the progression and end of wisdom? Colossians 2:2 reads, “that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, and [attaining] to all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the knowledge of the mystery of God, both of the Father and of Christ.”

People want to be encouraged physically but God wants to encourage us in HEART and be united in LOVE, that is why we shall feed the hungry. Strength in the heart and united in LOVE. We have not yet seen the heartbeat of this Nation; it is not politics but FOR GOD AND MY GOD. We must have a heartbeat like Jesus, when God loved the world, He gave His only son [John 3:16], and for God and My country. Listen: the scripture says, “That they may have FULL riches, complete understanding, Mysteries of God and Christ himself”; Solomon never had these.

The disciples came to Jesus and asked him why he spoke to the people in parables? He said, “To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been granted” [Matthew 13:11 NASB]; my partners, it has been granted to us and we are gonna know it. Why did he talk about the mysteries of God? Listen: Jesus attached the mysteries of God to sowing because when he first went to the temple and a book was given to him, he said the Spirit of the Lord is upon me, and he never talked about the mysteries [Isaiah 61:1].

When Jesus asked his disciples who they say he was, Peter responded that “You are the Christ”, and Jesus said to him, “the Father has revealed this to you” [Matthew 16:15-17]. Peter had a revelation of who Jesus was. And my question is, how can you have this Christ and leave in lack? Yes you love Him but there’s more to loving Jesus. Child of God, I need mysteries because I’m tired of operating like any other person does.

The bible says, Jesus went out of the house and sat by the sea but when the multitudes gathered around him, he got into a boat and began to preach about the principal of sowing. The sower sowed three times and got nothing, but he also sowed in good soil and he got 100, 60 and 30 fold. Jesus talked to the people about seed, time and harvest. That sower got three harvests; 100%, 60% and 30% yet he also lost in three soils [Matthew 13:1-11]. Child of God, in this time of lock down, sow your time and love in your family; sow in love because that seed will deliver and prosper you [Zechariah 8:12].

Zechariah in the prophetic knew that one day there would be a lock down and it’s your seed to prosper you. The seeds that you sow today will prosper when there’s no business. As I conclude: Feeding the hungry and helping our own people is a good soil to sow our seeds, that is why God has given us the Isaiah 58 fast. Sowing, the word of God and wisdom are all mysteries. Wisdom builds and establishes.

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The seven spirits of God – Wisdom



Saints, we are talking about the seven spirits of God in Revelation 5. However, in the midst of what is happening today, many people have turned out to be prophets giving all sorts of prophecies that this is the end and that people should change their behaviors. So, it seems like behavior change is the answer to what is going on. Behavioral change will give you reputation and the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is about behavioral change. The bible says, “He who observes the wind will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap” [Ecclesiastes 11:4].

Therefore, the first thing in behavioral change is, do not shake hands because you can shake hands with someone who has corona virus. Another behavioral change we must learn is SAVING. I remember during the 77 Days of Glory services, God told us to SAVE and He gave us a formula; 10% is the tithe, then save either 60% (if you’re single) or 30% (if you have a family) and use the rest.

Jesus came to SAVE that which was lost [Luke 19:10]. Let me say that you’re earning 100,000/= then you pay off your tithe of 10,000/=. Now you balance is 90,000/=, you save 30,000/= each month and at the end of the year, you will have saved 360,000/= it’s not too much but if you could save it for 10 years, you will have a lot of money.

Beloved, God will always give you an opportunity to create wealth, and that’s why He has given us His seven spirits; power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory and blessing, and today, I want us to concentrate on WISDOM. Wisdom constitutes knowledge and understanding, and helps in capacity building.

Why do you think the President of Uganda is asking for cars? He would have asked for medicine or local herbs but he chose that course of action because he is build capacity. This is what I am also asking myself; the Holy Spirit has been with us for nearly four years since we began this revival, what capacity do we have? Have we built the capacity? If God directs you on how to manage your income, it is because He wants you to building capacity.

Jesus met Simon Peter and told him, from today you will be a fisher of men [Matthew 4:19], and thereafter, He told him again to take care of His sheep [John 21:15-17]. We are the sheep of His pasture, and He’s our shepherd, and we are also the temple of the Holy Spirit. Child of God, once you are at a fish level, you are a mean Christian; your capacity can only feed one person.

The fish that swallowed Jonah had no capacity to swallow another man, and yet if you are at the sheep level, you have the capacity to feed and save a family, that’s why Joshua said, as for me and my house we shall serve the Lord [Joshua 24:15]; at this level, your wool is good and it can cover others but you also attract foxes. Those at the temple level must die to self-that’s why Apostle Paul tells us to die to the things of this world [Romans 8:13]. In the temple that’s where the different spiritual gifts operate from.

Do you have the capacity? Just a little lock down you see the greed of people, their capacity is as little as fish. People with no capacity cannot have vision nor can they save a nation. That is why we need people with capacity who are no longer swimming like a fish or crying like a sheep. Glory be to God that in season and out of season, we are preaching the gospel because we built the capacity. We are now coming into the temple and we are gonna help people. I don’t want people with corona virus in my area but I need those who are social distancing themselves and washing their hands because they are the temple. The bible says, “if anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person,” and you are the temple of the Holy Ghost [1 Corinthians 3:17 NIV].

As I conclude: wisdom is the ability to create capacity, and I advise you people to invite Jesus Christ into your lives because he is the giver of capacity and wisdom. Corona virus has attacked us at every corner; weddings are being attended by only 10 people, and funerals as well, even when you die from another country your body cannot be brought back to your country or relatives. Tough times will always come but only tough people with the capacity will go through them.

This is the time for us to pray more, to repent and to treat people with respect; don’t treat people as they have treated you, treat them well. Jesus will say, when I was in prison, you never came to see me; He will ask you about the little children that were dying of hunger during the COVID-19 lock down. I know we can turn this situation around, but let us build the capacity.

Thank you for being part of our revival services, and for your giving to the Lord. You can NOW sow your seed on the link below;

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PARTNERSHIP, Isaiah 53:6-13


Beloved, I want to share with you on the power of partnership but before I do, I want to first address this question which has circulating that COVID-19 is from God and that God is involved, my response is NO. This COVID-19 was created by man who wants to be smarter than God and as a result, man is now destroying himself. God is only involved to stop COVID-19 and cure it. God doesn’t work like man; when He sent a plague, every Egyptian household and animals got it [Exodus 12:29].

God gives us choices; He tells us to choose between life and death, and He goes ahead to direct us on the kind of choice to make; He says, choose life that you may live [Deuteronomy 30:19]. He also says, Come to Me, all [you] who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest [Matthew 11:28]. Beloved, God talks to us but our problem is that we stop responding; we are not consistent yet consistence is what destroys the devil.

We need to stay in a relationship with God and develop partnership with Him. God needs to know what is happening to you; you could ask how? He is everywhere and knows everything about me?

God doesn’t know everything about you; once you leave His presence [parameters], whatever that happens to you, God is ignorant about it. When Adam left his position [the presence of God], whatever that happened to him, God didn’t know. Isaac wanted to go to Egypt because of famine and God told him never to leave [his presence] and the bible states, Isaac sowed in that land, and received in the same year a hundredfold [Genesis 26:12].

It’s time for Africans to develop their respective countries; YES, they [Africans] can go to Egypt [western countries] to acquire wisdom because Egypt acknowledges special gifts but after acquiring those skills and knowledge, they should bring them back to develop Africa. It’s time for Africa to acknowledge fellow Africans with special gift because this has been our biggest problem from Madagascar in the south to Cairo in the North. Africa has been saved by God and it’s the only continent with more believers and preachers of the gospel.

The bible tells us that the sons of Issachar knew the times and seasons [1 Chronicles 12:32], and it’s very important we understand the times we are in, that God has permitted us to preach the gospel through Isaiah 58 by reaching out to the needy and break the cords of wickedness [Isaiah 58:6]. People have been oppressed because of circumstances, and Uganda is the only nation that I know which is free, but if people don’t have essentials they can become wicked.

This is a season when we have to develop a heart of sharing and a culture of giving and this will make us great and powerful [Isaiah 58:7]. Child of God, this COVID-19 is gonna pass away and the world shall return to normal.

After Jesus had resurrected from the dead, he spent 40 days here on earth, and he went to see Peter who had gone back to fishing [Peter had backslid], and Jesus reminded him of his calling that he was to be a fisher of men not a fisherman [Matthew 4:19]. And the bible tells us Peter and John went to the temple at the ninth hour to pray and there was a certain man who was crippled for 38 years who sat at the beautiful gate of the temple asking for alms, and when Peter and John met him, Peter told him “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you” [Acts 3:6].

The beggar wanted money yet Peter wanted a platform to preach the gospel in Jerusalem and so, they entered into partnership.

Peter asked the beggar if he had ever entered the temple and he said NO; because the Leviticus laws never permitted a person of his condition to enter the temple, and when they entered the temple, people recognized the beggar because they knew him and not Peter or John.  And when Peter got the platform to preach, he said, you denied the Holy One and the Just, you killed the Prince of life, whom God raised from the dead, of which we are witnesses [Acts 3:14-15]; the very temple where they plotted to kill Jesus now Peter stood to proclaim the gospel.

This is time to cast our nets wide and preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ on all platforms. This is time for partnership. COVID-19 didn’t come to kill you but to make you become a partner with us. We have to let the world know that Jesus is Lord. We must prepare the way of the Lord as stated in Isaiah 40:3. This is a war on foot that you and I can help the needy. The seeds you sow today are making a great difference in people’s lives; those kids who were got off the streets of Kampala will never desire to go back there again and rebellion is leaving them.

Remember to be part of our daily Revival Services broadcast Live on Channel44 Television and the Ministry media platforms from 9pm, and for Morning Glory, Monday to Friday at 5am.

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Beloved, I am so excited to share God’s word with you titled Partnership in reference to the book of Acts chapter 3 where we see two characters of people, the missionaries and the beggar. These missionaries were mandated by our Lord Jesus Christ to start their ministry in Jerusalem after the Holy Ghost had come upon them in the upper room before spreading to other parts of the earth [Acts 1:8]. Unfortunately they had all departed Jerusalem and gone to the various regions.

However, they remembered that their first assignment was Jerusalem which was then impossible because the Roman soldiers were guarding the roads in Jerusalem. So they decided to go and meet in the temple at the ninth hour, such that when the Holy Ghost comes upon them, they can prophecy. When they reached the temple, they found it packed to capacity. And the bible says, there was a certain beggar who sat at the gate Beautiful asking for alms, and when he asked Peter and John for alms; Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you” [Acts 3:1-6].

Beloved, partners give out what they have! And this is what happened, the man rose and began to walk; all eyes were on Peter, John and the beggar, and when Peter began to preach, people’s ears were listening to him. That man’s miracle through partnership helped Peter and John to preach the gospel in Jerusalem, and the bible states, “many of those who heard the word believed; and the number of the men came to be about FIVE THOUSAND” [Acts 4:4].

The news spread and it was all over in all people’s homes. Child of God, your partnership with us through the Bucket Project is causing us to catch more fish, to spread our nets for evangelism and by the time our truck arrives, multitudes would have surrendered their lives to Christ.

Partners work together; that man stood in the temple where he had never stood before because the book of Leviticus had stated who had to enter into the temple and those who couldn’t enter the temple. Simon Peter, a man who was uneducated stood in the temple and quoted Joel 2:28 [“And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams” [Acts 2:17]]; that is what partnership with God does.

We can partner together for the Glory of God. You could ask yourself what happened to me, things aren’t going well; your dream looks like its crippled like that crippled man, people are waking away from you like that man saw them walk away from him, but am here to declare that you’re coming out of this COVID-19 lock-down a different person; I prophecy, you’re not gonna die in this situation. Child of God, your partnership could save a certain young girl out there from sleeping with a man who could be infected with HIV/ AIDS.

Jesus will say, when I was hungry, you gave Me food; when I was thirsty, you gave Me drink; and you will ask Him: Lord, when did I see You hungry or thirsty and did minister to You? And hear what He will say to you, “inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these, you did it to Me” [Matthew 25:42-45].

Brethren, your partnership will break yokes [of immorality, poverty], and God has recommended us to take the Isaiah 58 fast. Am so grateful to KCCA for having removed those kids from the streets; they have now been provided with mattresses and other stuffs and from these 21 days of lock-down, those kids are gonna be transformed.

This is a time when the church and civil societies have to partner with government. This is time for national transformation; time when farmers have to till the land and grow more food. Child of God, your partnership is gonna make you recognized. I decree and declare that healing is coming to you; healing in your finances, business, children and family.

I declare, Righteousness is gonna go before you and everyone will know that you’re a child of God. As I conclude; I pray that you will become a partner today as we stand on Isaiah 58, and then His love and mercy shall continue to endure forever and even become new in our lives. Its my prayer that the Lord will give me partners, men and women who are sold out for His Glory.

Thank you my partners for your giving towards the Bucket Project, and remember that even from a distance we can still stand together!

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