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Purpose & Assignment: Health & Wealth


The seven spirits of God: STRENGTH

We are still studying about strength, one of the seven spirits of God from the book of Revelation chapter 5. I want us to understand that the Lamb of God was slain on the cross such that we could get these seven spirits, and everything we need is in this Lamb of God (Jesus Christ). Our sins were rolled on Him as God was also looking at Him.

The solution to your problem is in Jesus because He is the center of your life and everything rotates on Him. Revelation 5:12 reads, saying with a loud voice:  “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain To receive power and riches and wisdom, And strength and honor and glory and blessing!”. Verse 13 says, And every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying: “Blessing and honor and glory and power [Be] to Him who sits on the throne, And to the Lamb, forever and ever!”. 

Is silver, gold, stones, corona virus creatures? They all agreed for the first time and said, “Blessing and honor and glory and power [Be] to Him who sits on the throne, And to the Lamb, forever and ever!”

When Jesus managed to break the seal, He released these seven spirits of God. Revelation 5:6 reads, And I looked, and behold, in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as though it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent out into all the earth.” These spirits came to earth because the blood of the lamb was shed at the cross.

This blood is far better than the seven spirits of God. It casts out cancer, illnesses and it rebukes demons. Child of God, wherever the Lamb of God is, angels and blessings will respond. John the Baptist, the man who brought baptism in the whole world, said “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” [John 1:29].

The earth gave back four spirits to God. Blessing, honor, glory and power, and the other three that is, riches, wisdom and strength stayed. We know what brings riches, wisdom and strength. Strength comes because of purpose and assignment. Purpose and Assignment reveal to us two things; health and wealth. Purpose is health and assignment is wealth.  

Once God gives you health, you need to understand that your purpose is determined by His presence, and thus it’s divine health. “For I [am] the LORD that healeth thee” [Exodus 15:26]. He sent his word, and healed them” [Psalms 107:20]. “But he [was] wounded for our transgressions, [he was] bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace [was] upon him; and with his stripes we are healed” [Isaiah 53:5].

God is the healer. You cannot lift up Jesus when you’re sick, and in the 49 crusades we did across the country, I realized that people were really sick physically, financially, spiritually. The church of Christ was also sick but God healed many. Then 77 days of glory came, still many people have been healed. Health is by the presence of God. Healing is divine and God is our healer. When you get to Jesus, you get health and that is your purpose. The purpose of your life is so divine that it can only be revealed by the Divine. Purpose is your calling!

Assignment will bring you wealth. The scripture says, “But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for [it is] he that giveth thee power to get wealth…” [Deuteronomy 8:18].

Wealth is a creature which you cannot inherit. What you inherit is called a legacy. Therefore, my assignment now is to feed the hungry. When you tithe, we turn your tithe into food because Malachi 3:9[a] says “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, That there may be ‘food’ in My house”.  There is also the testing part where He says, [b] “And try Me now in this, “Says the LORD of hosts,” If I will not open for you the windows of heaven And pour out for you [such] blessing That [there will] not [be room] enough [to receive it.]”.

When you bring your tithe in the house of the Lord and we turn it into food to feed the hungry, we prove the word of God. People have to be fed physically, spiritually and mentally. Mentally, Proverbs 23:7 says, as a man thinks in his heart, so [is] he, and Romans 12:2 states, “do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what [is] that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

The more closely you get to God, you get power which is both spiritual and mental, and it can easily change the physical. When the spirit of God came upon David, he remembered that he had to bring back the Ark of the Covenant which he had kept at Obed-Edom’s house. Once his spirit connected with his mind, the physical body had to dance even though he was a king [2 Samuel 6:14].

It’s our thinking that has made us to be what we are today because Power manifests both spiritually and mentally. That’s why Philippians 2:5 tells us that “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” Poverty is a mindset and it has been attributed to our thinking. Wealth is a creature, you can bring it into your home and display it there. That’s why some of the wealth will stay for a while in your life and then disappear yet the other will stay for a long time, and this is where the mind of investment comes in.

People who understand their assignment[s] know how to close deals but if they don’t know their purpose, they will spend all the money they get aimlessly. This is where strength is needed because it affects both your purpose and assignment, and it will give you health and wealth. The bible says, “But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew [their] strength” [Isaiah 40:31].

Remember to be part of our E-Sunday service at 9am [EAT], and don’t forget next week on Friday [May 22, 2020]. We bring you a worship experience right there in the comfort of your home with Todd Dulaney “Victory Belongs to Jesus”. Tune in to Channel 44 Television and the Robert Kayanja Ministries digital media platforms and you will be blessed.


To Give towards the Robert Kayanja Ministries, just click on the DONATE button and your SEED will be received by the ministry. To watch the Rebroadcast of the overnight, click on this link and you shall be bless;

Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department


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Purpose: Arrangement


The seven spirits of God: STRENGTH

The book of Daniel talks about purpose and assignment. Daniel 11:32 reads, And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do [exploits]”. Doing exploits reveals strength, and strength is the fourth spirit of God that was released on earth [Revelation 5:12].

Strength is in Jesus Christ who is the hope of our glory. Today, the world economies are no longer strong though they might be strong militarily. Some time ago I taught about how you need health to create wealth and that wealth can be maintained with health. Strength will give you health, and exploits will bring you wealth.

Strength gives you long satisfied life which is prosperity. Therefore the strength of the Lord will take you where your solution is not found.

The solution to your problem[s] is not found in grace or at the cross but it is found in the Lamb of God that was slain at the cross. If you don’t want the prosperity gospel then you must leave Jesus alone because you cannot get to him and stay poor or your mother-in-law remains sick.

Our strength is from the Lord, that’s why we are coming out of this COVID-19 lock down strong. Isaiah 35:1 says, “The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose”.

If your name is Rose then you must claim this scripture for yourself. I speak to every person by the name ‘ROSE’ that you shall not die where you were planted, you shall be alive again. Rose, declare, I’m gonna live and not die in this lock down.

Your life is a purpose that’s why you need other people with purpose to hung out with them. You’re gonna blossom but you must join an arrangement. The Holy Spirit has given us this COVID-19 lock down as an arrangement to read the bible and to also have rest.

You shall blossom like Mount Carmel because God is identifying Himself with you. I declare, you are joining the Rose of Sharon. Get this: you gain value once you’re put in an arrangement because when you’re alone, you don’t appease.

Your purpose cannot be fulfilled alone, that’s why you are part of the 42 million Ugandans. Your purpose gains value when you help others. The rose flower is beautiful but once you put it with other flowers in an arrangement, it gains more value.

The purpose why we are here is because we were put in this arrangement such that we can blossom. I decree and declare, you’re not gonna die in that situation or condition because there’s a purpose why you are here.

Beloved, allow God to put you in an arrangement. He has already put us in an arrangement of the 77 days of glory and every day we are here praying and now we are distributing food. God has put you in such an arrangement so that He may build you to be a leaning machine.

He has put us in this arrangement that bars are closed and the church is now in our homes. Some of you used to speak negative words about yourselves but because of such arrangement. Your mouth is now covered with a mask that you can no longer speak such words.

Get ready, the whole world is waiting for the full manifestation of the sons of God. You’re a child of God, you’re gonna blossom and you’re gonna sing a new song. The devil thought you were gonna die but am here to tell you that you’re coming out of this lock down alive and better.

You and I have a purpose, and our purposes are real. They are gonna change our families and we are about to see the glory of God. I declare, you will have your own land, food, language and the world is about to worship your God.

When God called Abraham, they were just husband and wife but He put them in an arrangement. He took them to Egypt, gave them the land of Canaan. They gave birth to Isaac who gave birth to Jacob, and through their lineage, Jesus came forth. All this was an arrangement. Our purpose is to destroy the works of the enemy.

He said, verse 2, “It shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice even with joy and singing: the glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it, the excellency of Carmel and Sharon, they shall see the glory of the LORD, [and] the excellency of our God.”

The world is about to see the excellency and the glory of our God.The excellency of our God is what destroyed Baal and his prophets at Mount Carmel. When they prayed for fire and didn’t come forth [1 Kings 17:20-40].

Beloved, how excellent is our God. The world is about to see the manifestation of the sons of God, and you’re the son of God.

To Give towards the Robert Kayanja Ministries, just click on the DONATE button and your SEED will be received by the ministry. To watch the Rebroadcast of the overnight, click on this link and you shall be bless;

Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department


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The seven spirits of God: STRENGTH || Job 22:21-29

It’s very important to understand your purpose and assignment in such a time as this. Our purpose and assignment (as a ministry) in this time is to strengthen the body of Christ and to let people know that the devil won’t win and he is on the run, that’s why we are creating both the presence of God and alters in our homes. Purpose is for a life time, the day you were born, and the bible clearly says, “God knew you before you were born” [Jeremiah 1:5].

Assignment is a mission. God will never give you a mission until you’re prepared. The purpose of God in the life of Job, Job was a holy man that is purpose; he was upright, feared God and shunned evil and because of that, this man was rich [Job 1:2].

Most religious people think that when you serve God, you become a begger but am here to tell you that I am a believer. The scripture says, “and these signs shall follow those that believe” [Mark 16:17]; when you are a believer, signs shall follow you.

Indicators will follow you. Signs are indicators; “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” Healing of the land is an indicator that God’s people are turning away from their wicked ways, they are praying.

There are signs that follow your condition; the bible tells us about Job, the man was holy, which is the first thing it talks about. Job 1:1 reads, “There was a man in the land of Uz,” he wasn’t the only man in Uz but he was the only one of his kind. “…whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil.” Verse 2, “And there were born unto him seven sons and three daughters.”

Now they are telling you the benefits of his character/ nature, the benefit of what he had become in God. Beloved, time has come for people to know of who you’re in God and why you are prosperous, intelligent, clever, and rich, why your children are successful, why you’re blessed, strong and why you have the glory of God. “His substance also was seven thousand sheep”, number seven was already in his life, and if not seven, three. “…and three thousand camels, and five hundred yoke of oxen, and five hundred she asses, and a very great household; so that this man was the greatest of all the men of the east” [Job 1:3]. People are gonna look to you and wonder what kind of man you are, because we cannot associate with the Creator and we end up being void.

One of the things that is gonna bless you is to know purpose; “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth but the earth was without form, and void” [Genesis 1:1-2]; nothing associates with God or God associates can remain void. The devil may knock you down but once you are connected and associated with the Creator, when He speaks it happens and comes to pass.

You can’t associate with this God Almighty and you stay empty headed, handed and pocketed, you cannot! The earth had to come back to its fulness because where God is; in His presence there’s fulness of joy [Psalms 16:11]. Get ready child of God, we are not associated with religion, mankind or demons but we are associated with Jehovah Almighty, the maker of heaven and earth, the One who raises the dead, the One who has the power and the life, the One who is a miracle worker and something good is about to happen to you.

It’s time for you to associate with God, and that’s what Job 22:21 says, “Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee.” Acquaint means come closer to Him even though He is not your friend as He was to Abraham; make Him your friend, get closer to Him and be at peace that good will come to you.

Speak it into your house; good is coming to me and that is the purpose for your life. Verse 23 says, “If thou return to the Almighty:” 2 Chronicles 7:14 states, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn…;” Many of us return to religious but it’s time to return to God. Verse 23 continues, “…thou shalt be built up, thou shalt put away iniquity far from thy tabernacles.” God is building you, He will use the seven spirits to build you up; you will be powerful, wise, strong, honorable, glorious and blessed. God is breaking this and putting in this because He is building you.

Verse 26 says, “For then shalt thou have thy delight in the Almighty, and shalt lift up thy face unto God.” Some of you have not been appeasing to God because you were not associated to Him; get this, you cannot be with God, associate with Him and remain the same. I declare, people are about to look at you and glorify God. Today I read about Job and I glorify God.

Verse 28 reads, “Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.” Child of God, in your purpose, you’re allowed to taste; you will taste of His goodness, wonders and joy. And the moment you taste, you cannot let go. Remember, you began as an acquaintance with God (coming to church once in a while, reading the bible in a while), you are now so divine that you’re using His power and strength to make things to happen. Verse 29 says, “When [men] are cast down, then thou shalt say, [There is] lifting up; and he shall save the humble person.” Today, you’re receiving one of the seven spirits of God called STRENGTH. There is lifting in your life in the name of Jesus; you shall not go down but God shall save you.

As Job was the greatest among the men of the East, so shall you be the greatest among men in your family. May God shade His love on you, and I ask you to give Him a chance to work in you such that His purposes may be revealed in your life. What are His purposes for you? Let God work His purposes in you; you are the clay; He gets you out of the clay and turns you into a vessel.

Friends allow me to end here and I believe this message about purpose has blessed you. Don’t miss our E-Miracle Overnight every Friday starting at 9PM [EAT].

To watch a rebroadcast of this service, clink on this link, and to SOW your SEED into the Robert Kayanja Ministries, click on the DONATE icon and follow the options. The Lord will richly bless you!

Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department


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Disconnect from the earthly affairs Part 2


In this text, Pr. Benny continues his teaching on how to disconnect ourselves from the earthly affairs. For the joy that was set before Jesus, he endured the cross despising the shame. Imagine despising the shame and not paying attention to what was going on in his body; he disconnected from the pain and the shame; for the scripture says, consider him; look unto him, lest ye faint in your minds [Hebrews 12:3].

Consider him for he endured such hostilities of sinners and while he was on the cross, they were attacking him, speaking against him. If you are the son of God, come off that cross, and with such things, he completely ignored what was going on around him because he saw the joy.

Can you imagine sweet people, the mental attacks on such a person hanging on the cross. His body completely torn apart, his face marred that it could not be recognized like that of a human being. His flesh hanging on his own bones, his bones exposed, with every breathe he felt pain for six hours. Imagine the agony of Calvary and the bible says, he despised all of that, he despised all the shame. He endured the torments of Calvary for the joy that was set before him.

I wanna show you something unbelievable in Psalms 22. We have read this psalm but there’s something I think we have not paid attention to. Jesus saw the joy and this psalm begins with, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? why art thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring? 

The word roaring means groaning. Verse 2 says, O my God, I cry in the day time, but thou hearest not; and in the night season, and am not silent. He makes an amazing statement here in verse 3, But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel. Do you know why he said that? It’s so powerful when you realize what he said in that verse; why would he say, ‘thou art holy?’

From the most powerful presentation “The Holiness of God” written by an old father of the church called Chinook. “God’s holiness is manifested at the cross wondrously and yet more solemnly does the atonement display God’s infinite holiness and abhorrence of sin.” I am going make you a statement and I want you to hear me. God does not forgive sin, He forgives the sinner. Sin had to be destroyed and judged at the cross.

“How hateful must sin be to God for Him to punish it at its utmost, when it was imputed to His son? It says, not all vows of judgment shall be put out upon the wicked world nor the flaming furnace of a sinner’s conscience nor the irreversible sentence pronounced against the rebellious demons nor the grounds of the dump creatures. Such is the great demonstration of God’s hatred to sin of the wrath He loosed on His son.”

All His wrath was put on His son at that moment when Jesus cried, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”. When he took it upon himself and became sin for us, God’s wrath was completely placed on him. He took the wrath of God for us and sin was judged in his body. What a perfect fulfillment in psalms when the Lord said and repeated in Hebrews, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me [Hebrews 10:15].

Those animals would not satisfy the wrath of God which is holiness, and that’s why he cried, it says this; “never did divine holiness appear more beautiful and lovely…”. This himself acknowledged in Psalms 22 when God had turned his smiling face from him which forced a tremble cry “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”, And then he begins to adore the perfection of holiness as he says in verse 3, But thou art holy,” in other words, I am glad to take Your wrath because You are Holy.

I am glad to be the sacrifice because You are Holy. Sin has to be judged and I am gladly giving my body to be that instrument of judgment, to be judged. But what kept him, what is the key is here, even after he says; I am a worm, and no man; a reproach of men, and despised of the people [Palms 22:6], and with such details, he begins to describe the amazing moments at the cross, [verse12-19]

Many bulls have compassed me: strong bulls of Bashan have beset me round; They gaped upon me with their mouths, as a ravening and a roaring lion;

I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint;

My strength is dried up like a potsherd; dogs have compassed me, meaning the Gentiles and the roman soldiers,

they pierced my hands and my feet; I may tell all my bones: they look and stare upon me; They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture.

How amazing that the Holy Spirit gave David the details about the cross, but look at what verse 22 says, in the midst of his pain he cried and said, I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee. Verse 25, My praise shall be of thee in the great congregation: He saw the church, and I love what it says in verse 20, Deliver my soul from the sword; my darling from the power of the dog. 

The darling is the church and the book of Hebrews says, ‘my precious life’ and his precious life is the church. Jesus saw the church and said, I am gonna declare to You. I am gonna tell the church about who You are, Lord.

I am gonna reveal your name to the church, and this is how he was able to stay joyful and despised the shame of Calvary, and not be affected mentally by the enemies all around Him. Hebrews 12:3 says, For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds. It’s time we disconnect our mind from earthly matters.

Thank you for having been part of the Global Prayer Hour with Pr. Benny Hinn. I believe this message has blessed you. Don’t miss our E-Miracle overnight this Friday at 9pm [EAT], it’s gonna be powerful.

To watch a rebroadcast of this service, Just clink on this link and you will be blessed.

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Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department

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Assignment & Purpose – Miracle Overnight


Seven spirits of God were released when Jesus was slain. These spirits couldn’t come one by one but they came at once and they are yours, and you can operate in all the seven [Revelation 5:12]. One of the seven spirits of God called STRENGTH reveals to us assignment and purpose, and this is what God talks about purpose; Job 42:2 reads, “I know that You can do everything, And that no purpose [of Yours] can be withheld from You.” Job knew God and that His purpose could not be stopped. I decree and declare, no matter who is bewitching you, the purposes of God cannot be altered in your life, and everything is gonna work out. Jeremiah 32:19 says, “[You are] great in counsel and mighty in work, for Your eyes [are] open to all the ways of the sons of men, to give everyone according to his ways and according to the fruit of his doings.” The purpose of God requires a mission and it’s great He’s a God of purpose; He looks east to west for a man who can stand in the gap to preach the gospel to the world.

The church was given an assignment but Jesus had to first come and die for us all such that he takes back the keys of the kingdom from the devil. The church is not the purpose but the purpose was Jesus to come, and that’s why he said, “on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” [Matthew 16:18]. Jeremiah 29:11 states, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope”. 

If God was to think about you, He has an assignment and that assignment is to give you peace. You can’t have peace without a war or until someone has paid a price. When the angel told Mary, ‘peace be with you’, heaven invaded the earth, the devil was caught unaware through the birth of Jesus, and an old woman (Elizabeth) who had never given birth was told to produce a forerunner of Jesus. When the devil knew about the birth of Jesus, there was no peace in that area and all the babies were slaughtered yet the angel had declared peace on earth.

The thoughts of God are to give us peace and therefore, we declare war on the devil’s war. I command corona virus and poverty are leaving Africa; we are not beggars. Oh my God, the thoughts of God are to give us a future and that means death has been eliminated. His thoughts are better than where you are today. Get ready child of God and start to rejoice because the thoughts of God cannot be changed. I prophesy, God is about to bless you. Listen: after this corona virus, you have a future, and I declare, you’re coming out of this lock down better. Do you know the reason why Africa has not been ravaged by corona virus? It’s because Africa has an assignment from God. We are on a new level of assignment [1 Samuel 8:12]. Numbers 4:49 reads, “According to the commandment of the LORD they were numbered by the hand of Moses, each according to his service and according to his task; thus were they numbered by him, as the LORD commanded Moses”. 

Do you know that numbering people brought David trouble yet in the above scripture we see Moses numbering them and nothing happened to him? The difference is this, Moses was a meek man who was dealing with a Purpose well as David was a man after God’s own heart who was dealing with Assignment. Moses’ purpose was to deliver the Hebrews, bring them to a place where they would worship God such that He would write His commandments on their hearts and make them His own people and be their ruler. Moses’ purpose was for all the twelve tribes that later became a nation ruled by God. The purpose of the Hebrews was to be God’s people but their assignment was to bring forth the Messiah who would reconcile man back to God. Once you’re on God’s purpose and assignment, provision is guaranteed. I declare, Get ready for divine provision.

It’s time we bring all we have to God because that’s where our strength is. When you get closer to God, He will help you to get a purpose, and once you get a purpose you have a future and where the future is, there’s assignment. An assignment will help you to use the intelligence which is the highest form of common sense that Adam had before the fall. The book of John chapter 4 reveals this high level of common sense when Jesus was dealing with the Samaritan woman that the moment she talked about Jacob, something stirred up the inside of him that he had a deeper conversation about the living water, something he had never had with either his disciples or Nicodemus. This is because assignment touches other people’s needs [John 4:7-39]. 

Child of God, no matter what you have done, tonight is your night to have a conversation with Jehovah. You don’t have to be super spiritual to feed the hungry or to preach the gospel via internet; these men of Samaria changed because of that woman’s testimony; maybe the purpose of this corona virus is that your husband stays at home and your assignment as a wife is to lead him to Christ via channel 44 television. Our purpose of being here is that we can uplift you but your assignment is to continue glorifying God as Jesus would do if he was here.

Don’t miss our Sunday services at 9 am on Channel44 and Streamed on our Robert Kayanja Ministries Youtube and Facebook Channels. Be part of our second ‘Global Prayer Hour’ on Monday, 11th May 2020 at 9 pm. Pr. BennyHinn will be joining us and miracles are gonna happen on that day.

To Give towards the Robert Kayanja Ministries, just click on the DONATE button and your SEED will be received by the ministry. To watch the Rebroadcast of the overnight, click on this link and you shall be bless;

Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department

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Assignment – Part 3



We must seek the Lord while He can still be found, but our problem is that we knock at the door when He has already gone or we wait to call upon Him when He is very far. Isaiah 55:6 says, “Seek the LORD while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near.” There are certain things that only God can do. He has protected Uganda and Africa from those huge deaths of covid-19 which were predicted on us. Psalms 91:10 reads, “No evil shall befall you, Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;” and remember, His promises are Yes and Amen. 

I declare, the Lord will protect and preserve you, and His face shall shine upon you. Deuteronomy 31:8 reads, “And the LORD, He [is] the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.” We must thank God for what we are hearing in Uganda (in regard to Covid-19), and I want you to trust in Him.

Uganda is our house, Africa is our village and the world is our mission. When we talk about our assignment and what God has called us to do, that’s when we receive the divine strength. May God give you the strength and all the tools you need to accomplish your assignment. By serving the Lord, you save yourself from hell and by accomplishing your task (assignment) you position yourself in heaven, that’s why Africa must position herself. 

It’s very important that nobody is left behind that we may understand our assignment. Nehemiah 13:30 reads, “Thus I cleansed them of everything pagan. I also assigned duties to the priests and the Levites, each to his service.” You need to discover your assignment, and there are people who have been assigned to speak into your life like Pr. Jessica and I. It’s my prayer that God will assign you a new assignment, strength and position.

This is what word of God says in the book of Jude if we don’t keep our assignments; “And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling—these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day” [Jude 1:6 NIV]. And if we remain in our positions as husbands, wives and children during this lock down, God will reserve us.

On the map of the whole world, Africa is in the middle of all the continents and God has preserved her. We have not been hit severely with this COVID-19 as other continents. The people who used to sit in darkness have now seen great light, and it’s time for Africa to contribute to our own domain and development.

Don’t miss our Miracle Overnight every Friday, right in the comfort of your home starting at 9pm [EAT] live on channel and our Robert Kayanja social media platforms. Miracles, Signs and Wonders are gonna explode into your house and each hour will be an hour of MIRACLES! Watch Dream Interpretation in our services on Channel44! To watch a rebroadcast of this service, click;

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Robert kayanja Ministries – Missions Department

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Purpose and Assignment in reference to the seven spirits of God in Revelation chapter 5. We discovered that under strength that’s where you find purpose and assignment. According to the dictionary, purpose is a reason well as assignment is a task. The purpose why we grow food is that we should not be hungry but the task of growing food is the assignment. The task is on you and many people give reasons to hide in purpose yet the task is missing. The task is what separates men from boys.

Many people don’t want to task themselves because it calls for a personal involvement. When you accept a task, you have taken on an assignment and it must work. When Nehemiah was rebuilding the wall, he told the people, God will be with us and help us to succeed; one hand should work at the construction and the other hold a weapon [Nehemiah 2:20; 4:17-18]. People who have accepted assignment, no matter the condition, they will accomplish it.

 Apostle Paul said in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Purpose and assignment work together. The bible says, “Those who wait on the LORD Shall renew [their] STRENGTH; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint” [Isaiah 40:31]

The aid that comes from the United Nations, IMF and EU is good but it has denied us our assignment. Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that all things work together for GOOD to those who love God, to those who are the called according to [His] purpose.” Where is your purpose? We need to wake up and understand our purpose because our assignment is bigger. King David in Psalms 121:1-2 said, “I will lift up my eyes to the hills— from whence comes my help? My help [comes] from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth.”

Help is strength. God is looking for men to assign tasks. Our assignment is to plan for the future and to preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Those victims of corona virus need to be preached to but the only person they see is a doctor whose mouth is also covered with a mask and can’t speak to them. Our assignment as Africans is to build our countries, and it’s my prayer that God will raise a new force of Africans and Ugandans to do that task. The bible says, “They who know their God shall be strong and do exploits” [Daniel 11:32]; 

It’s time to arise and think more, It’s time for the church to start producing sanitizers. It’s time to grow more food and buy machinery. I know you have good reasons of not giving your money to the government with fear that people will steal it but we have an assignment today and we must start planning. Soon the world will come to an end and we shall be rapture to meet Jesus. What will be your reasons, will you say you were busy reading newspapers? There’s an assignment that God is giving to each one of us. It’s time to humble ourselves. Mister, this is not time to beat your wife, you must humble yourself; this is time to listen to what you missed in any of the 77 days of glory services. I know of a certain man who survived ten pestilences and that was Pharaoh; they survived and that’s why Egypt still exists today.

God is appointing us for His assignment, some to be captains over thousands and others to be captains over fifties; some of you are gonna find yourselves in harvesting souls while others, you’re gonna be in research. Are you ready for the assignment? [1 Samuel 8:12] This whole bible is full of assignments, and Numbers 4:49 [AMPC] states, “According to the command of the Lord through Moses, they were assigned each to his work of serving and carrying. Thus they were numbered by him, as the Lord had commanded Moses.”

We have been assigned to proclaim the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and to minister love to those hurting in Uganda and Africa at large. It’s time to come back to God and He has given us the Isaiah 58 assignment. If that single mother out there doesn’t get food, she might resort to prostitution and that’s a heavy burden besides raising kids. We cannot allow our Brethren to come out of this lock down damaged and this is where the church comes in [Isaiah 58:6-12].

Lord, I know my purpose and it’s full of reasons, I give reasons why I shouldn’t tithe because I’m not working but today, I’m accepting my assignment which you have given us in Isaiah 58. Make me a commander of 500 or thousands and let me be one of the sons of Issachar.

It’s a great pleasure to have shared God’s word with you on Assignment under the series the seven spirits of God from Revelation 5 and I know, you have been able to understand your purpose and the assignment that God has given you. Don’t miss this Friday’s Miracle Overnight; Miracles, Signs and Wonders are gonna explode into your homes. Each hour will be an hour of MIRACLES! And if you want to watch a rebroadcast of this service, click on this link;

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