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WISDOM: Seed Part 2


#Seed Genesis 47:13-21(part2)

God is going to give us wisdom and knowledge on how to make things happen, and in the book of Revelation chapter 5, we talk about the seven spirits of God that Christ died for and released on earth; power, riches, wisdom, strength, honour, glory and blessing [Revelation 5:12]. The bible says, “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed [is] every one that hangeth on a tree” [Galatians 3:13].

We have also heard that God takes us from glory to glory, that is from power to riches, from riches to wisdom and so forth. Power comes after the Holy Ghost has come upon you [Acts 1:8]; Riches come from wealth and obedience (obedience to the authority in the word of God and government) and Wisdom comes through seeking the Lord with you sacrifice (seed). Solomon sacrificed 1000 bullocks to get wisdom and James 1:5 tells us that “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God…”

Today, the world is lacking wisdom on how to handle COVID-19; economies are very elusive, everybody is bleeding and people are hungry with no food. Without wisdom we cannot get out of this pandemic. Nations can borrow money but money can fail as it was in Egypt [Genesis 47:15]. Joseph was a very wise man when we look at the way he handled Potiphar’s wife, the prisoners and Pharaoh. The world today needs wise people to get them out of trouble.

Africa now needs a new force of thinkers and wise people who will govern its people to never get back to slavery. When God wants to transform a nation, He doesn’t look at its armies, institutions or political parties but He looks at “His people who are called by His name” [2 Chronicles 7:14].

For God to give you wisdom, you must be in authority. Solomon got wisdom after a crown was already on his head [authority]. We need wisdom and the authority in the word of God that this COVID-19 should be stopped. It cannot be stopped by medicine alone because the medics have never seen such a thing like this that shuts down the entire globe. When the centurion came to Jesus seeking the healing of his servant, he said to him, “I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me,” therefore just speak a word and my servant will be healed [Matthew 8:8-13]. There’s authority in the word of God, and Psalms 107:20 says, “He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered [them] from their destruction”; Jesus in Matthew 28:18 said, “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.”

Solomon’s vision was “God’s people” and when he asked for wisdom, he said “give to Your servant an understanding heart to judge ‘Your people’” [1 Kings 3:9]. Wisdom can reject anybody; it rejected David and even Solomon’s brothers. The reason why Solomon got wisdom was that he was in the promises of God and always next to his father, David. If we become obedient to the authority in the word of God and government, we shall survive this pandemic and we shall come out with visions. I decree and declare that you’re not coming out of this lock down the same way you entered it.

Potiphar bought something very special for Egypt which was wisdom [Joseph], and the bible says, when there was a severe famine in the land of Canaan and Egypt, people came to Joseph asking for food; he bought the all land of Egypt for Pharaoh and transferred people from villages to cities. Africans came to Joseph asking for seed after they had lost everything; Don’t mortgage your house because the seed is about to deliver you. Joseph’s dream interpretation had 7 years of plenty and 7 years of famine [Genesis 47:20]. When God told us to do 77 Days of glory revival for 7 years, He said, “I will transfer all the wealth of the heathens to you.”

The vision you have must hit the target. The Egyptians had the word but they turned it political, attacked Pharaoh for appointing a foreigner and accused Joseph of attempted rape yet Pharaoh chose him by wisdom because he understood he had the dream. Do you have a dream for yourself and your family? Then know it that the days of slavery ended and this is the time when God is getting Africans out of slavery.

Pharaoh understood it that because Joseph was the interpreter of his dream, he appointed him and authorized him to plant. But why didn’t his ministers do exactly as he had told Joseph? What you need to understand is that Pharaohs are investors; they invested in Abraham and now Joseph. Whatever they invested in Abraham, they got it back in form of a slave (Abraham was the father of Isaac, Isaac was the father of Jacob who gave birth to Joseph).

Wisdom doesn’t plant 20 crops but it only majors in one that will give you a variety of stuff like flour and oil. They came to Joseph and asked for seed because it carries the prophecy of tomorrow and it’s what changes the climate. And Joseph told them to divide their land into five parts; giving a fifth to Pharaoh and a four-fifth for their seed [to sow], food, household [people who depended on them] and the children. That is wisdom on how we should manage our finances, and its biblical economics. The bible says, a wise man lives an inheritance for his children’s children, and wisdom has built her house, she has hewn out her seven pillars which are the seven spirits of God that Jesus sent on earth [Proverbs 9:1].

Thank you for having joined us online for our Sunday Service and I believe this message has blessed you. For those who would like to watch the rebroadcast, just click on this link:

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Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department

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Genesis 47:13- 31 [NIV]

It’s very important to understand the power of the seed. The book of Genesis chapter 47 reveals to us that everything was wasted due to the severe famine in both Egypt and the land of Canaan. People ate all the food and they even brought their livestock to Joseph in exchange for food. Child of God, what is gonna get you out of famine and destruction is the SEED. When famine steps into the land, it’s like this corona virus which has affected the different areas of our lives; Health (life), our relationships (social distance) and economy. I want you to understand this: that corona virus came from hell, it’s shutting down everything, and it has not only affected Uganda but the entire globe. Many people and economies are going to come out of this with huge debts.

What you’re going through today has never happened but you are gonna come out of it with a testimony. Pharaoh had 10 pestilence but he survived; I declare you’re gonna survival this COVID-19. When you look at the situation that was in Egypt, you realize that people came to Joseph after their land, capital and everything had gone, and they surrendered their lives to him asking for seed [Genesis 47:19]. The solution is “you will live and not die.” Joseph bought all the land in Egypt for Pharaoh and the entire Egypt became for Pharaoh. Once you partner with someone, you become rich. Joseph partnered with Pharaoh to feed the world and they built cities. Beloved, you must partner with the Josephs of today.

Joseph told the people that they were finished and the only way to restore their dignity and land back was through the seed. He told them to give a fifth to Pharaoh which was wisdom. The land was worthless just like their bodies because Pharaoh had bought them not by money but by seed. Money can fail. Let’s say, you have Pharaoh’s land divided into five portions; so Joseph told them to give Pharaoh a fifth which is 20% (one portion) and remain with forth-fifths which is 80%, because the real transfer of wealth was in the seed which Pharaoh had.

Pharaoh cannot till the land, he needs people to till it for him. Child of God, get the seed because it will flip the coin. In other words, divide your seed in four. Don’t give all the seed to Pharaoh because if you do, you will always be his slave and never free. You must keep seed for the field, food for yourself, household and your children [Genesis 47:24]. Joseph’s wisdom was so great that it gave Pharaoh 20% and the slaves 80%; that is what they call transfer of wealth. The seed has the prophecy of tomorrow and it hastens it; you get food for yourself and household, you get money and seed for the future.

Beloved, determine in your heart that your children will never become slaves again, and the problem with Africa is that we don’t want to be transparent. When we start businesses, we become greedy and we don’t see that the person on the ground needs assistance. Joseph told the people that if they do what he had instructed them to do, they would never come back to him asking for food, and they understood his language. The bible says, Joseph moved people from villages to cities in order to create more fields for farming, and that was also wisdom [Genesis 47:21].

Someone out there, you’re gonna move from the village to the city and the village will become your garden because of your seed. I declare, you are gonna know how to make money, your seed is taking you to another level and may God add to you and prosper you. I prophesy, your situation is being reversed and you are about to work for 20% and earn 80%.

in conclusion, Zechariah 8:12 states, “For the seed [shall be] prosperous; the vine shall give her fruit, and the ground shall give her increase, and the heavens shall give their dew; and I will cause the remnant of this people to possess all these [things].”  I decree and declare, someone’s business is gonna be revived and the anointing is taking you to a level you have never been before, and your seed is gonna change your world.

Thank you for your giving towards the Bucket Project. May the good Lord richly bless and prosper you. You can also download my book, seed, soil and seasons from this ministry website and read it in this period of lock down. Don’t miss to be part of our every 9 am Sunday service.

You can DONATE NOW to Robert Kayanja Ministries using this link »GIVE NOW « and God will richly bless you.

Robert Kayanja Ministries – Missions Department